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Dissertation Topics With Titles
(i) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics for Forensic Examinations
Relevance of study
Biometrics are currently a growing area of authentication technology. They can be described as “the statistical analysis of unique identifiers of a human based on physical or behavioural traits” (Riaz et al., 2018, p. 120) Biometrics also have great significance in the area of real-life criminal and forensic applications (Choraś, 2010). The current applications of biometrics include face, iris and retina identification as well as emerging modalities for the identification of humans which include biomedical signals such as electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram (Teodoro et al., 2017). The potential for these technologies therefore is a relevant and growing area of research in the field of forensic examination which seeks to identify the perpetrators of criminal conduct.
Focus of dissertation
The dissertation will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of current and emerging biometric technologies in the field of forensic examinations. Its main focus will be on the technologies themselves, focusing on a number of existing technologies as well as emerging technologies. It will attempt to understand the requirements of their application within forensic examinations and will make recommendations for future uses.
Indicative sources/references
Choraś, M., 2010. The lip as a biometric. Pattern Analysis and Applications 13, 105–112.
Riaz, N., Riaz, A., Khan, S.A., 2018. Biometric template security: an overview. Sensor Review 38, 120–127.
Teodoro, F.G.S., Peres, S.M., Lima, C.A.M., 2017. Feature selection for biometric recognition based on electrocardiogram signals, in: 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). pp. 2911–2920.
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Find out more(ii) Do hyper converged infrastructures present a challenge to the growth of the public cloud?
Relevance of study
Data storage capacity, costs and management capability are relevant factors to be considered by businesses in times where market places can be increasingly competitive. Hyper-converged cloud infrastructures are considered advantageous over traditional public cloud in that they enable enterprises to quickly scale up their storage capacity, server and network resources while maintaining the security advantages of private cloud infrastructures (Murray, 2016). Hyper-converged infrastructure is a culmination and conglomeration of several trends that provide specific advantages to modern businesses and organisations (Raj and Raman, 2018). The main objective of hyper-converged architecture is to simplify data centre management and thus lower total cost of ownership to enable it to remain competitive for firms wishing to benefit from its ability to overcome the regulatory and security challenges of the public cloud (Bradbury, 2016).
Focus of dissertation
This dissertation would focus on the advantages and disadvantages of hyper-converged architectures as challenges to the growth of public cloud. It would aim to take a balanced view of the two forms of IT architectures in order to establish recommendations regarding the values of each technology to the modern firm.
Indicative sources/references
Bradbury, D., 2016. Going hyperconverged? Don’t forget to burst into the cloud [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 8.30.18).
Murray, A., 2016. Beyond the Hype of Hyperconvergence [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 8.30.18).
Raj, P., Raman, A., 2018. Software-Defined Cloud Centers: Operational and Management Technologies and Tools. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
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Find out more(iii) Discuss current applications of telemedicine with reference to continued growth in this field.
The Relevance of the Topic
The importance of this research is to consider the advantages that technology can bring to the field of medicine, particularly within remote areas or in order that patients can gain access to healthcare at their convenience. Telemedicine has also enabled healthcare to be delivered in a more cost effective manner, which may provide benefits in the current climate where funding for healthcare is coming under ever increasing threats (Bashshur et al., 2013). Challenges to healthcare in the 21st century are considered to be to: lower the cost of healthcare, provide more appropriate health services, and to reduce inequalities in a populations health (Kidd, 2013).
The Focus of the Dissertation
The focus of the dissertation will be on the emerging technologies in the field of telemedicine such as the ‘Body Area Network’ (Movassaghi et al., 2014), the provision of health-related services via mobile device (M-Health) (Peiris et al., 2018) and wearables and Smart Home technology (Rodrigues et al., 2018). Current and next generation technologies will be reviewed for their future potential to facilitate in the area of healthcare and in the ability to address the demands of healthcare in the 21st century.
Indicative Sources
Bashshur, R.L., Shannon, G., Krupinski, E.A., Grigsby, J., 2013. Sustaining and Realizing the Promise of Telemedicine. Telemed J E Health 19, 339–345.
Kidd, M., 2013. Challenges for Healthcare in the 21st Century: How Family Medicine Can Help. J Family Med Prim Care 2, 211–214.
Movassaghi, S., Abolhasan, M., Lipman, J., Smith, D., Jamalipour, A., 2014. Wireless Body Area Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials 16, 1658–1686.
Peiris, D., Miranda, J.J., Mohr, D.C., 2018. Going beyond killer apps: building a better mHealth evidence base. BMJ Global Health 3, e000676.
Rodrigues, J.J.P.C., Segundo, D.B.D.R., Junqueira, H.A., Sabino, M.H., Prince, R.M., Al-Muhtadi, J., Albuquerque, V.H.C.D., 2018. Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Health Things. IEEE Access 6, 13129–13141.
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