APA 7th Edition TV Advert Citation Tool

Automatically create a citation for a TV Advert.

Scroll down to see examples

Create an APA TV Advert citation

* Required Fields

Enter the name of the advertiser

You must enter the name of the advertiser

Enter a short description of advert

You need to enter a description of the advertisement

Enter the name of the organisation or channel that broadcast the advertisement

You must enter either the organisation or channel that broadcast the TV advert

Enter the year the advert was produced in YYYY format.

No date was entered. APA requires n.p. be entered if the Year of production is not known. If you wish to use [no date] then scroll down and click on Create Citation again to create a citation without a production date. Alternatively enter the year of production in YYYY format.

Click the button below to generate your APA TV Programme citation. Don't worry, you can come back and edit the citation if you need to correct or add any information

Example APA Citations for Broadcast Communications

Example TV Advertisement Reference

Coca Cola. (2006). A group of women drink cans of Diet Coke as topless man cleans windows. [Television advertisement]. Channel 4.

Example In-Text Citation for a TV Advert

(Coca Cola, 2006)

Cite a different source type