APA Citation Generator (7th Edition)

Most nursing and healthcare courses require referencing to be performed in the APA (American Psychological Association) style of referencing. At NursingAnswers we have created a simple to use APA reference generator using the latest APA 7th edition style guide.

Generate APA Citations for your nursing or healthcare assignment

The APA Citation Generator below will automatically create and format your citations in the APA 7th Edition style of academic citation. Simply enter the details of the source you wish to cite and the generator will do the hard work for you, no registration is required!

To start referencing select the type of source you want to cite from the options below:

APA Referencing Help and Advice

The reference tools above are also a helpful learning tool for how to create your own references and if used in conjunction with our related referencing guides you should be up and creating your references and in-text citations in no time at all.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the APA Reference Generator please head over to our Facebook page and leave a comment.

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