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Profile of Individual Learner: Teaching and Learning

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Teaching
Wordcount: 3086 words Published: 8th Feb 2020

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The aim of this report is to build a profile of my learner, considering his strengths, interests, knowledge, and preferred method of learning. Learning is something that comes from experience and it helps the individual to understand and change himself according to best practices. Similarly, the authors like Youell (2018) and Ballantine et al. (2017) have agreed that learning is the acquisition of ways to do things or activities. The learning is also a constant process. In this report, an understanding of the lectures and comprehensions provided by my teacher have been discussed.

Moreover, this report would define my individual learning and progression throughout one-year assessment and improvement. The report contains the Michael Porter’s theory for deliberating strategy and Mintzberg’s theory for emergent strategy in line with the study of two authors such as Mintzberg (2017) and Ballantine et al. (2017), who discussed these theories. The objective for selecting the current learner was the observation that without support and intervention the learner could have difficulty with English learning in future. Further, it can decrease the confidence of learners in future.

According to Porter, and Heppelmann, (2014), Michael Porter’s theory for deliberating strategy and Mintzberg’s theory for emergent strategy are important and should be taught to every student in the world. The theories of two scholars such as Michael Porter and Henry Mintzberg are followed all around the world for 25 years. The two doctrines hold a real impact for a long time over the learners. The main reason for their success has big relevant thoughts and ideas, and because of the clear and concise writing skills. Meanwhile, Mintzberg (2017) claimed that every student could take benefit from the two theories. Both these have been extremely influential in the strategy of education, which was recognized by many researchers and scholars including Boud et al. (2013) and Oxford (2016). This study can compare these two views, one for taking Porter to a more deliberate approach of strategy whereas the second one Mintzberg for emphasizing emergent strategy (Mintzberg, 2017). 

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Background of Learner

My learner is a ks2 student at 3rd year of primary school. He is very intelligent for his age, his major strength is maths and he is very good at resolving mathematical problems. However, the main issue he faces or I would point as his weakness is speaking English. As English is his second language. He faced so many difficulties in learning English and he did not speak even a single word of English before coming to this school. Then, I came to know his weakness, and I have worked with him for resolving his English speaking issue.

Diagnostic Assessment

As English was not my student’s first language, it was quite obvious that training was required in order to improve his English. Furthermore, he did not speak English prior to arriving at this school. However, I still undertook a diagnostic assessment ascertaining this language barrier. Braine (2013) and Oxford (2016) noted that language barriers are quite problematic in learning environments, as students are too afraid to point out their deficiency and lack of comprehension due to embarrassment, which thus impacts their learning. Similar, the authors of two studies Abrar et al. (2018) and Hyland (2016) were of the view that English being the second language reserves the challenges for students in learning.

Therefore, my diagnostic assessment was a simple one where I took the young learner aside and tried to talk with him in simple English. While he could pronounce the alphabets currently, he had trouble joining words to form sentences. While this technique was a little unorthodox, it helped me assess his deficiency level in the language. The diagnostic assessment revealed how weak the young learner was in English speaking and its comprehension. However, his mathematics was excellent as he could easily solve most questions that many other students in his grade could not do. The diagnostic helped me understand that this critical language barrier had to be removed otherwise the leaner would not be able to show progression in his studies.


The research conducted by Halliday and Hasan (2014) confirmed that students learn languages in school quickly if the same language is the main medium of conversation between students and teachers. Thus, I asked the other students to try to talk with him in simple English, allowing the young learner to constantly practice his speaking skills. The particular lessons I devised for him were how to string two words together such as “I am”, “he is” and “they are”. Then we looked it up on the internet to see what would mean in his native language. This allowed the student to understand the translation technique. Hence, he was able to convert words from his native language to English. This is what my lesson looked like for the year.

Furthermore, I made the lesson easier specifically for the leaner so that he would be able to connect the simple words in order to form sentences. In the course of one year, I taught him verbs and adjectives and how to string different nouns and pronouns. My intervention included regular meeting his parents, where we discussed the particular areas he was lacking. In addition, we planned to work on that next area. Upon the request of the parents, I start offering him extension classes as well to help him better understand and utilize linguistic skills. This extra effort helped the learner over the course of one year to start speaking English and show considerable improvement. I aimed to be a diligent teacher as Pennington (2014) noted that a diligent and steadfast teacher always enables his students to overcome their deficiencies and enhance their skills.

Learner Assessment

A formative assessment was chosen to assess the competency of the learner as Bullock (2010) suggests that a formative assessment allows students to assume more self-awareness and achieve the necessary goals. Similarly, a summative assessment allows for the analysis of what the student learned during this time. I also opted for the feedback assessment. But my choice was the formative assessment because it is provided on regular basis, rather than on the basis of completion of any module or coursework. I involved other teachers to analyze the student’s English skills and based on their feedback, I got an impartial idea of where the student currently stands in term of his English skills.

The instructor feedback method supported and suggested by Hyland (2016) was particularly helpful in analyzing the relative improvement of the student. The last assessment was a comparative test. I provided the learner with the same test I had taken from him when he first arrived. He was able to solve most of the simple English questions correctly. This gave me a qualitative idea of the learner’s current skills.

Follow-Up Lesson

The follow-up lesson that was created after the assessment of the enhanced skills of the learner was made up of comparatively difficult English words. I wanted the young learner to push his limits as Duncan and Buskirk-Cohen (2011) relays that any teacher that can challenge the student to extend his limits and improve his skills is an effective teacher. Thus, the next lesson consisted of paragraphs, which the student had to read and answer the questions.

This lesson of comprehension and composition allowed the learner not only to utilize the skills, he had obtained in the lesson prior, but also enabled him to learn a different method of utilizing his new-found English skills. Besides, I also started talking to him in English and gradually he started replying to me in full sentences rather than broken ones. This was both a method to help him learn and practice while at the same time keep on assessing and evaluating his skills.

Judgment about Learning and Progression

From my one-year tenure as a training teacher, particularly one who helped a student develop one of the most important languages in the world, I can safely say that his progression in learning the language proceeded very well. He was already very competent in the subject of math’s, and now with his rapid learning of English, he was able to slowly mitigate and eliminate his own critical weakness that was constantly holding him back. The learning of the learner was as schedules and went according to plan, which was a major success to me. As I had achieved the goals that I had set for myself a year prior to help the learner learn English. Furthermore, learning to speak English also gave him newfound confidence. Previously, he was shy and did not talk much but with his speaking skills, he started talking a lot and to multiple different people. This enabled the development of his self-confidence and progressing his personal growth as a young individual.

Critical Reflection

Reflection on Personal Practice

Throughout the process, my practice was organized and planned well for which the learner can take benefit from it. I chose my strategy organized because I wanted to go for a creative strategy to help the student for learning from my teachings. I showed attention to detail and applied the activities of assessment quite well with some room for the student to improve. I successfully enabled to the student that he is responsible, able and valuable for his own learning. I knew that when the student would progress and how it can help him in the future.

Reflection on Improvement

I know that I should teach my student with a more mindful and purposeful approach and should keep getting feedback from my student to better understanding about my teaching way. According to Moon, (2013), teacher praise is much more effective when he or she is contingent, credible, infrequent, genuine and specific to the goal of the study. I believe that my learning has created an impact on the learner.

Reflection on the Impact

Considering my teachings, I believe that I have helped student for making certain improvement in speaking English. I assisted my learner for resolving his issue and encouraged him to identify his issue for which he was not able to speak English. I have worked with him for one year. I explained the steps of how he has improved over 1 year the assessment, through my teachings, he improved over the year, and that defines a great impact of my teachings.

Reflection on Values

A major relationship exists between practice and values. In this regard, Tsvankin, (2012) states the professional relationships exist between teaching actions and values. I require reflecting and understanding, where I am within the states and create appropriate adjustments in my teaching. Whilst providing reflection on the values gives teachers the professional identity and a sense of purpose. As per my teaching experience for 1 year over this learner, I think I have focused on trust and respect, my learners’ security and self-esteem.

Reflection on personal learning

There are multiple things, which I learnt over this experience of teaching. The major thing which I have learnt that this type of practice is important for creating a focused and holistic environment in teaching and very much effective for teaching and learning. Moreover, I have learnt that assessing and knowing the learner is important. In addition, the last thing which I have learnt that the continual assessment of learner is significant to their learning. All these learning experiences would help me to increase my teaching methods (Tsvankin, 2012).


The report has built a profile of a learner, considering his strengths, interests, and preferred method of learning. Further, my understanding of teachings that I acquired from my teacher has been reflected. Moreover, this report has defined my learning and progression of an individual learner throughout my assessment and improvement of one year. The report has also discussed the Michael Porter’s theory for deliberating strategy and Mintzberg’s theory for emergent strategy. It is concluded that assessment for learning is important towards the effective practice of teaching and progression of learning. Teaching, assessment and learning strategies must be part of the practice of the classroom for a better learning environment. It is also concluded that learning is not a one-way process. Hence, it involves the interaction and cooperation as well as between the learners and teachers.


  • Abrar, M., Mukminin, A., Habibi, A., Asyrafi, F., Makmur, M. and Marzulina, L., 2018. “If our English isn’ta language, what is it?” Indonesian EFL Student Teachers’ Challenges Speaking English. The Qualitative Report, 23(1), pp.129-145.
  • Ballantine, J.H., Hammack, F.M. and Stuber, J., 2017. The sociology of education: A systematic analysis. Routledge.
  • Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D., 2013. Reflection: Turning experience into learning. Routledge.
  • Braine, G., 2013. Non-native educators in English language teaching. Routledge.
  • Bullock, D., 2010. Learner self-assessment: An investigation into teachers’ beliefs. ELT journal, 65(2), pp.114-125.
  • Duncan, T. and Buskirk-Cohen, A.A., 2011. Exploring Learner-Centered Assessment: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach. International journal of teaching and learning in higher education, 23(2), pp.246-259.
  • Halliday, M.A.K. and Hasan, R., 2014. Cohesion in english. Routledge.
  • Hyland, F., 2016. Challenges faced by second language doctoral student writers in Hong Kong and their writing strategies. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 39(2), pp.158-180.
  • Mintzberg, H., 2017. Developing theory about the development of theory. In Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Moon, J.A., 2013. Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge.
  • Oxford, R.L., 2016. Teaching and researching language learning strategies: Self-regulation in context. Routledge.
  • Pennington, M.C., 2014. Phonology in English language teaching: An international approach. Routledge.
  • Porter, M.E. and Heppelmann, J.E., 2014. How smart, connected products are transforming competition. Harvard business review, 92(11), pp.64-88.
  • Youell, B., 2018. The learning relationship: Psychoanalytic thinking in education. Routledge.


Appendix 1: learner profile


Gender: Male

Age: 7 years

Year: Year 3

Development: Average development within normal ranges

Disabilities: Nil

Health: Good

Motor Skills: Good motor skills and coordination

Cultural and Societal:

Moderate wealth

English as second language

Emotional and Social:

  • Very positive attitude
  • Happy disposition
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Positive self esteem
  • Peer status: has close friends and gets on with everyone


  1. Thinking: thinks outside the box
  2. Reading: good reading skills
  3. Attention/ focus: focused , sometimes a little distracted
  4. Language development: very good language development oral and written
  5. Sequencing proficiency and sequencing: pretty good

Grouping Preferences:

Works well in all: individual, pairs and group


Visual/ Spatial ( Muijs and Reynolds , 2011 pp 17)


Interpersonal intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence

Production Style:

Predominantly writer, performer, artist

Learning Style:

Abstract thinker


Mixed kinesthetic, tactual and auditory


Asks for help when not understanding

Excellent effort and work ethos



Main strengths:

Learner A is reflective learner

Is an extrovert learner and wants to talk through issues

Is motivated and engaged



Mature writing style

Math’s abilities very high

Barriers to learning:

Reduced English speaking and low confidence for English speaking


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