DTLA Lesson Plan: Multi-Culturalism and Diversity in the 20th Century
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✅ Wordcount: 2784 words | ✅ Published: 8th Feb 2020 |
Lesson Title/Focus: A Different Pond: Multi-Culturalism and Diversity in the 20th Century
- Grade Level: Second Grade
- Book & Annotation: A Different Pond, by Bao Phi and Thi Bui, tells the story of a young boy who goes fishing with his father, in the early hours of the morning. The two fish until they have enough food for the evening. Throughout their time together, the father tells the young boy of life in Vietnam before immigrating to the United States. The book concludes as the family gathers around the table to eat the fish.
This book is suitable for early fluent readers. The vocabulary is simple and incorporates poetic elements of simile and imagery. Each page contains a limited amount of text and varied sentence structure. This book could be used to teach students the importance of heritage, work ethic, family, and social studies units in the 20th century.The illustrator incorporates elements of light and contrast throughout the book. Such techniques are emphasized through blackout silhouettes which guide the reader’s eye to the important areas of the scene. There are also elements of repetition as reoccurring backgrounds and color pallets are included on most pages.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.5: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.7: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1: Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
- Learning Target:
- I can identify major themes in the book.
- I can demonstrate my understanding of the book by providing evidence from the text.
- I can recognize the plot of the story.
- Plan for moving students to read aloud area:
In order to be efficient in time management, I plan to front-load expectations to provide students with the most forewarning as possible.
- 7 minutes before lesson (assume students are working independently or in groups): “Boys and girls, we will be switching gears shortly to our read-aloud lesson. You have 5 minutes to finish your final touches on your assignment.”
- 2 minutes before lesson: “Boys and girls, it is time for our 2-Minute-Touchdown drill. When the timer on the screen counts down to 0, I expect your desks clean, and everyone sitting down in their spot on the reading rug with their reader’s notebook and a pencil. Ready? Go.” I will display a 2 minute timer on the overhead projector.
- 0 minutes before lesson: All students should be sitting on their designated areas on the reading rug, with their reader’s notebook and pencil in hand.
- Seating arrangement:
The double horseshoe (see graph below).
- Differentiation:
a) Student A is an English Language Learner. Before the reading, I will write any new vocabulary on the whiteboard, or on a flashcard. I will define each new vocabulary term so Student A is given the opportunity to understand the full scope of the book. During the reading, I will pause between each sentence or phase, in order for Student A to absorb the material. I will point to the corresponding illustrations, as I read the text. In addition, I may encourage students to read along, during a second read through, as I point to the words. After the reading, I will check for comprehension and understanding, by using the CROWD questions.
b) Student B is slightly visually impaired. Before the reading, I will assign Student B a seat, within the inner horseshoe, closest to me. I will confirm, with Student B, whether or not they are close enough. Depending on the severity of Student B’s visual impairment, I may utilize an overhead projector to magnify the illustrations and text of the book. Otherwise, I will incorporate a large print version of the book (if available). During the reading, I will track the text with my finger. I will verbally describe each illustration (and ask other students to do the same). After the reading, I will check for comprehension and understanding, by using the CROWD questions.
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c) Student C has difficulty sitting still for long periods at a time. I may position the reading to be directly after P.E. or recess to allow Student C an energy release. If I am unable to do so, I will lead the class in an energy release activity (micro-exercises, stretches, etc.). During the reading, I will provide Student C and other students related coloring pages. After the reading, I will check for comprehension and understanding, by using the CROWD questions.
8. 3 Step Instructional Plan:
Step 1: Introducing the Book and Predicting
a. Hook
- “Have any of you or a family member moved from another country (distancing question)? Can you imagine what it would be like to move far away with very little, and to try to make a new life for yourself (distancing question)?”
– Possible student answers: “Yes, I had to learn a new language when I moved!” or “My family had to learn about the new traditions and customs.”
b. Overview of the book
- “Let’s read the title together. A Different _____ (completion question)?”
- Students answer: “Pond.”
- “Before we read the book, let’s take a look at the front cover. What time of day is it? What is the weather like? How can you tell? (Open-ended question).”
- Student answers: “Night, chilly, the dark sky, the boy and his father are wearing coats.”
c. Foreshadowing
- “If the title is “A Different Pond,” and the cover is illustrating the night, chilly outdoors, etc., then can you predict what the book is going to be about?”
- Student answers: “Spending time outside with each other,” or “doing something mysterious.”
- “This book is about the author’s experience as the little boy on the cover. That means the author is basing this book off of his own childhood with his father, after moving to a new country. So, as we read this story, think about how the author felt as a child. Also, consider how you would feel if, or did feel when, your family moved to an entirely different country.”
- “Knowing the author’s background, what do you predict a main theme of the story will be? (Open-ended question).”
- Student answers: “Family, culture, love, or hope.”
Step 2: Listening, Thinking, and Predicting
a. Pages 1-2
- “What time of day is it (Wh-question)? What text and picture clues help you find that information (Open-ended question)?”
- Student answer: “Night.” or “It is dark outside, everyone is still sleeping, the boy is wiping his eyes, the street lights are on outside.”
- “Let’s think about what we just read. What could you tell about the author’s life by looking around his home (Recall question)?”
- Student answers: “He sleeps in the same bed as his parents, there is one light bulb on the ceiling (they may not have much money).”
b. Pages 5-6
- “What here tells us that this is not the father and son’s first fishing trip (Wh-question)? How can you tell (Open-ended question?”
- Student answer: “The father and bait man know each other.” “The son already knows when the store is open.”
- “Why didn’t the father wait until his son woke up to go fishing (Recall question)?”
- Student answer: “He is starting a second job and has to go to work soon.”
- “Do you think the son and father are fishing for food or fun (Open-ended question)?”
- Student answer: “Probably for food since they don’t have a lot of money and the father is working a second job.”
Pages 16-18
- “Let’s dive a little deeper into the story. What can you infer about the father’s brother (Wh-question)?”
- Student answer: “He died during the war.”
- “What do you think the boy and the father is feeling (Wh-question)?
- Student answer: “The father is remembering about his brother.” “The boy wants to learn more.”
- “Have any of your family members shared stores about growing up in a different country (Distancing question)?”
- Student answers will vary
Step 3: Supporting with Evidence
- “Which pictures show the main points of the plot (Recall question)?”
– Student answer: “It starts when the father drives the son in the car to go fishing (p. 3). I can tell by the picture of the boy looking out of the car window. The climax happens when the boy catches a fish (p. 20). I can tell by the picture of the boy holding the fish in his hands. The resolution happens when the boy goes to sleep happy (last page). I can tell by the picture that illustrates his dream.”
- “After listening to the entire story, what does the title represent now (Wh-question and recall question)?”
– Student answer: “It talks about two ponds. The one that they fish at now and the one the father fished at as a boy.”
- “What do you think the main theme of the book is now (Open-ended question)? Were any the same as before? Have any changed?”
– Student answer: “Family, cultural differences, hope, love, struggle, not giving up.”
9. Assessment and Success Criteria:
- Writing Assessment: “Think about the author, Bao Phi’s, childhood. Make a list of his struggles and eases of his life. Write a opinion (1-2 paragraphs) on whether or not Phi had a happy childhood. Support your opinion with evidence from the text. Think about the major themes of the book to support your opinion.”
- Illustration Assessment: “Design a rollercoaster that describes the plot of the story (beginning, climax, resolution.”
- Creative Assessment: “The author is also a poet. Write a poem describing the different ponds in the book. Compare the pond to another body of water (stream, river, ocean, lake, etc.) that you have visited.”
CROWD Questions
Question Type |
Step 1-Introducing and Predicting |
Step 2-Listening, Thinking, Predicting |
Step 3 |
Completion |
I |
Recall |
II |
II |
Open-Ended |
I |
Wh- Questions |
I |
Distancing |
II |
I |
- Phi, B., & Bui, T. (2017). A different pond. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
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