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The Care of People in a Residential Setting

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Social Work
Wordcount: 3160 words Published: 21st Apr 2017

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SOCIAL WORK: Contribute to care of people in a residential setting

TASK 1: Explanation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its application in the social services

The Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement signed between the Maori and the Crown in the year 1840. It has four principles that are being applied in the social services of today, and these are: partnership, protection, participation and permission. These principles are applied when social workers work together with the whanau and the client in the decision-making with regards to the kind of care the client needs. It is also applied when client’s cultural rights are kept safe and allowing them to practice their traditions if pleased.

These principles are applied in contributing to the care of people in a residential setting based on these following examples:

1. PROTECTION – A Maori resident who wants to keep his traditions such as removing shoes upon entering his room must be observed by the staff to show their respect of his cultural rights.

2. PARTNERSHIP – Social worker, client and whanau could organize a hui to discuss about the best alternative education courses to arrange for a Maori child who has been admitted at a CYFs residential home due to criminal offense.

3. PARTICIPATION – Client and social worker may have a regular weekly meeting to discuss about the effectiveness of being admitted in a residential home for the client. Client can work together with the social worker to develop a plan on how the activities and programs in the facility could be helpful to him.

TASK 2: Manage admission to residential care


Hoani Waititi Marae


Age Group

Summary of reason for admission to residential care



R.W. is a 15 year old Maori female who has been arrested and admitted to CYFS residential care due to failure to abide by her set curfew time. R.W. was first sent to youth court due to robbery. She was sentenced to 3 months community service, required to attend Maori alternative education and was set a curfew until 7pm. However, on their latest visit to court, her grandma raised an issue to the judge that R.W. has been coming home past her curfew time in more than a few times, and when asked where she has been, she just walks straight to her room and not answer the question. She was given a police warning, but on her third offense, the police came and picked her up and set her to the residential home.

(Task 2) Placement Diary – (Student to Complete)

Student Name

Hannah Marie N. Manlangit


Hoani Waititi Marae

Meetings and Communication (related to admission process)


Notes/key points of information provided to the residents

16 Sept 2014

Nature of the alternative care placement where the client will be admitted to.

17 Sept 2014

List of recreational activities and alternative education that will be provided to the client once admitted in the residential care.

Summary of information gained to determine individual placement needs in the residence

  • Cultural and spiritual practices – Client is a Maori and has close relations with her whanau

which should be considered in her residential home. She should be able to have an open

communication with her whanau when needed.

  • Health and dietary requirements – Client needs to do karakia before meals as part of her


  • Support people:
    • Friends and family – Open communication with whanau and friends.
    • Government and community agencies – Client’s social worker should still be involved in the assessment process during her stay in the residential home.
  • High risk assessment – harm, failure to abide by set rules or run away etc.
  • Hobbies, activities – Client loves music and enjoys playing the piano. This can be integrated in

Her care plan and alternative education.

Notes/key points of how you managed admission in accordance with your workplace standards/ requirements

Our placement’s standards and procedures primarily focus on considering the client’s safety and well-being. Firstly, informed consent is gained before the admission process is conducted. The resident is informed of all expectations and a meeting is organized so that both parties are agreeable that the placement is appropriate.

Once a definite plan has been made and the client has agreed to be admitted in the placement, residential rules and procedures are laid down to her before she starts his stay in the facility. She is also informed of the residence programmes and resources that could help her in getting back on the right track. Resident rights and responsibilities are also discussed, as well as grievances procedures, should she not abide by the policies and procedures of the facility.

Client is also assessed before admission to allow the residential facility to obtain important and relevant information from the client sufficient for the purpose of determining individual placement and needs within the residence.

Other notes/reflections on the admission process

  • Admission procedures are completed in accordance with service provider standards.
  • Agencies will have different procedures when admitting a new resident.
  • The way one agency admits a resident may be very different from another agency. They may have

different protocols and procedures.

TASK 3: Contribute to planning for residential care of the resident

(Task 3) Placement Diary – (Student to complete)

Student Name

Hannah Marie N. Manlangit


Hoani Waititi Marae

Contributions to planning for care of the resident


Notes/key points of any meetings or other communication, details of actions related to planning for the care of the resident

16 Sept 2014

Social worker arranges a whanau hui with the family members, the client, her support person and a representative of the residential care to discuss about their plan of action to support the client.

17 Sept 2014

All agreed upon plans during the meeting will be written down in a minute of the meeting and sent to all parties involved in the hui by email or by post.

What factors were relevant to the planning of residential care for the resident?

  • Objectives for admission to the residence
  • Integration of the individual into the residence
  • Outcomes of the admission assessment
  • Ethical practice
    • Keeping information confidential
    • Following legislation
    • Encouraging self-determination
    • Reviewing the plan
    • Followed SW profession’s code of ethics
    • Followed agency’s code of conduct
    • Observed cultural practice
  • Service provider standards
    • Follow Social Work profession’s code of ethics
    • Follow agency’s code of conduct
    • Observe cultural practices

What were the essential features of the resident’s residential care plan?

  • Matching of the resident’s needs with the services provided by the residence
  • Objectives of the plan
  • Resources that are available to achieve the objectives of the plan
  • A time frame that is consistent with the use of available resources
  • The roles and responsibilities of people in the plan
  • Methods of evaluating progress

Other notes/reflections on the admission process

Before an alternative placement happens, the appropriate parties may meet several times to discuss and share relevant information, issues and needs of the client for their safety and well-being.

  • Legislation
  • Gender
  • Residential Rules

TASK 4: Contribute to residential care of the resident

(Task 4) Placement Diary – (Student to complete)

Student Name

Hannah Marie N. Manlangit


Hoani Waititi Marae

Contributions to care of resident


Notes/key points of any meetings or other communication, details of actions related to care of the resident

16 Sept 2014

During the whanau hui, client’s interests and hobbies will be taken in consideration to help make the alternative care stay would be beneficial to the client.

17 Sept 2014

During the stay in the alternative care, client’s cultural rights will be practiced at all times.

Outline your role and the main responsibilities you have in the residential care plan

  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of the resident (and other residents) as their first consideration at all


  • The social worker has fulfilled all their allocated responsibilities in accordance with the social worker’s

role in the residential care plan.

What contact was arranged for the resident to have with their family/whanau?

Ongoing contact of the resident with their whanau throughout the period of residence is facilitated in

accordance with the plan.

  • Telephone
  • Mail
  • Visiting
  • Planned joint meetings with residential staff

What are the supervision and custodial care requirements of the resident?

Supervision and custodial care of the resident is carried out according to the plan and residential requirements:

  • Physical and behavioural boundaries
  • Legislative requirements
  • Health and safety management
  • Behavioural management

How does the residential care plan encourage self-determination of the resident, and discourage dependency on you, other social workers and the social service provider?

Part of the role of facilitation is to encourage self-determination of parties to the plan. This means encouraging all parties to the plan to fulfil their identified roles, and to take ownership of these roles. Dependency on the social worker or social service provider needs to be discouraged.

Encouraging self-determination:

  • Outlined agency’s objectives and appropriate legislation, backing up agencies mandate/kaupapa.
  • Informing client and whanau of the parameters and scope of the meeting, and allowed them to

define the best options.

  • Work collaboratively with the family to find a middle ground where agency mandate and whanauchoices aren’t aligning.

Discouraging dependency on social services:

  • Give space so the whanau can define their own possible solutions
  • Where possible the agency steps aside, so the family can step up.

Other notes (Reflect on the decision making process)

  • Social worker could give the client and whanau assistance in the best way she could but at the same time, give them options to allow them to make a decision on what they think would best suit the client’s needs.

TASK 5: Contribute to evaluation of the residential care plan

(Task 5) Placement Diary – (Student to complete)

Student Name

Hannah Marie N. Manlangit


Hoani Waititi Marae

Contributions to evaluation of residential care plan


Notes/key points related to the evaluation of the residential care plan

16 Sept 2014

Schedule a regular monitoring of the client’s progress in the residential care, for example, have the social worker visit her weekly.

17 Sept 2014

Make a care plan for the client and refer to the care plan and her progress in the residential care.

How did you assist parties to identify progress in achieving the objectives of the residential care plan?

  • Throughout the implementation (and at the conclusion) of the alternative care plan, progress against plan objectives needs to be determined, and documented.
  • Keeping an open communication with the client and asking her about how she feels about being in the residential facility. If she is happy with her stay and if she thinks if it has been helpful to her.
  • Encourage the whanau of the client to keep their support and assistance with the client and keeping the connection between them intact throughout the whole process.

How did you assist the parties to evaluate the safety and well-being of the resident and other residents?

  • The monitoring of progress also needs to specifically include monitoring of progress in terms of the safety and well being of the individual who is the subject of the placement.
  • Keeping in touch with the facility staff and asking for their observation on the progress and improvement of the client.
  • Discussing with the whanau of the client on how they think their connection with the client improved during the whole process of alternative care.

What further options (if any) were identified following a review of the resident’s care plan?

  • When implementation of the plan is complete, the plan needs to be reviewed. In some cases the

review will result in further options being identified. The review may also determine some different outcomes in terms of achievement of objectives and these also need to be recorded in the plan.

  • Plans can be reviewed as necessary: either weekly, monthly, every three months depending on

clients’ circumstances.

How did you keep all communications confidential?

  • Communications were kept confidential by ensuring that whanau huis are held in closed rooms with only the people who are closely involved in the case are present. I also ensured that all documents concerning the client are kept in a secured place that are only accessible to the social workers working in the client’s case and are not left lying around for people to see.

Outline the legislation that was relevant to this resident/situation, and how it impacted on your contribution to the resident’s care.

  • The most important legisltation applied in this process was the Privacy Act. The client’s personal information was kept safe by the residential care placement. As students, we were asked to sign a confidentiality form to ensure that we will be liable in case of information being exposed to parties not involved in the process.
  • Human Rights were kept in place throughout the whole process by ensuring that client’s cultural, physical, mental and spiritual rights were kept in consideration at all times. As a Maori, their tikanga were kept intact at all times and whanau involvement was highly encouraged.

Other notes (Reflect on the decision making process)

  • The relationship between client and social worker does not end once client is placed in a residential care. Monitoring of client progress once released from residential care is also vital and important to ensure that client does not go back to her old ways. Especially for young clients, social worker must assist the client on activities and hobbies that will help her divert her attention and not go back to her old ways and lead the straight path.

TASK 6: Application of social service theory

In this particular case, the social work theory on Working with Particular Client Groups was taken into consideration because we were dealing with a teenager. A client at this age has different needs and interests as compared to an adult client. Social worker must ensure to gain the attention and trust of the client to ensure her cooperation in the process. Gender is also taken into account, since the client is a girl, the social worker gave her residential care options that are friendly to her needs and in where she will feel safe and secure. Cultural rights were also taken note of. Client is a Maori thus, she was referred to a Maori organization to protect her tikanga and let her know more about her whakapapa. During her youth hearing the judge encouraged her to recite her pipiha to remind her of her whanangataunga and to practice their te reo which was very helpful to the client as it also encouraged her to get connected with her cultural roots.

Hannah Marie N. Manlangit13160103


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