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Child Nutrition Act Analysis

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Social Work
Wordcount: 1799 words Published: 15th Sep 2017

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Mamadee Kamara

The social policy that this writer chose to write about is the Child Nutrition Act (CAN)/school lunch program. The Child Nutrition Act is one of the most dynamic social policy program in United States social welfare history. The program designed to benefit millions of low-income families and their children across the nation, it helps children the ability to strive their full potential in getting a better accumulated education when they do not have to worry about getting their next meal. It also helps the small businesses owner like for farmer, for instance, to help them grow more products and expanding their distribution in the marketplace. According to the school nutrition association, consuming a healthy diet is critical for first child development and academic achievement, (Bergman et al., 2014).

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The Child Nutrition program has come from way before it has even existed here in the United States, the very first country that implemented the idea of feeding children at school was in Germany from Munich in 1790, followed by French and British in the 1880s. Ellen H. Richards, the first women who introduced school feeding to the United States as she started it off as a charity work in Boston Massachusetts was in 1894. On October 11, 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the bill of Child Nutrition Act. It enables hundreds of young unemployed men to be employed, feeds the underfed and hungry children across the country, and an outlet for the enormous surplus of agriculture commodities, Martin, J., & Oakley, C. (Eds.). (2008).

In 1966 Child Nutrition Act, the alternative program was created to help build the program stronger. The school breakfaster program (SBP), This was initially designed to help the low-income youth and their families in the poor areas where students had to travel a great distance to get to school, (Ross & L. Anderson, 2010). Eating a healthy nutrition food and supplement help individuals grow stronger, mentally, physical and psychological. For instance, most people that want to stay on the healthy life consistently control their eating right nutrition and supplement for them to stay focus. Post University athletics teams have a unique diet program designed for athletics. During the men soccer season, some rules and programs help athletics stay off eating junk foods and drinks that may have possible effect their abilities to stay fit. At school cafeteria in post-university, the chief would make sure they contain healthy nutrition menus weekly throughout the fall season because of the athletics. According to (Ross & L. Anderson, 2010), proper nutritional support is necessary. It allows the brain to function at its highest ability and enhance learning. Healthy dietary habits in early life help ensure normal physiological, and development. Another strength is that the policy helps children in general, to adopt healthy life nutrition, and prevent a disorder such as obesity.  As parents, one should incorporate healthy nutritional food and supplement as part of the children’s diet.

There are multiple issues with child nutrition act, for instance, society and parents may consider this policy as a bad reflection on them, when a person start to feel that the system is feeding his/her children, they view that as bad parenting. According to my research, society is easy to utter that kids experience issues in school because of poor parents neglecting their child’s early development needs. Therefore, most parents would have a second thought about child nutrition act program due to the society view, (“Framework Institution,” 2008). Furthermore, other potential issues in child nutrition bill policy are that the policy differentiates among youth in school system, needy and worthy children. The issue with that is, kids are easy to become ashamed of themselves when the peers stigmatize them. For instance, the school lunch program is designated to help low-income individuals, therefore if they begin to feel embarrassed eating school lunch, there will be no actual effects on the program.  The third potential problem is how much the government is too involved in the policy; this policy should be an open discussion between parents and the government sectors. At least the government should form a standard where it involved parents in determined what the kid’s needs. It is saying that, nor leaders in Congress or the formal 1st lady Michelle Obama should think that they know what it is that is good for the kids, they should consider involving parents because parents know what’s best for their children, (Tribune, 2014).

Policy/policy description is a composed advance of action that is required; it’s established to safeguard and decide the current and future decisions. Based on the reading, there are numerous advantages to having child nutrition policies; there is public funding for all institution meals and nutrition program. Part of the system descriptions is that it sketches a plan for schools, parents, officials, staff the quality nutrition care for the children’s. The policy helps teacher’s parents and institutions staff about the health and way of healthy lifestyle, preventing child obesity and low meal plans. This system also helps the poor and needy family in many capacities, such as children eating healthy food every day and not spending the little incomes of the family money, mentally and physically shape at school. The policy also educated mothers individually and groups on how to prevent nutrition difficulties in children life. Moreover, to qualify or continue to receive this system, the applicant must meet the minimal requirement. For example, for those that have household incomes below 130 percent of poverty guideline qualify for free meals, and those that are above 130 percent pay reduce price meal. Also, for those that receive public benefits such as food stamp, and temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) automatic qualify for child nutrition program, (“Model Policies for Creating a Healthy Nutrition,” n.d.).

The Child Nutrition Act policy goals are educated individual with primary health care system, develop different eating behaviors as well as to help parents and institutions the guideline of dietary. According to (Vermont, 2006), one of the primary goals of the child nutrition act is to have a satisfactory place, location, space for the kids to have a pleasant meal, and suitable time to enjoyed their meal and relax. Which remind me of my high school years, nowadays most schools in the nation incorporate physical education program (PEP) as part of the required or elective credit to encourage students to participate. After school activities had also been available for all students if they have any interested in staying after school, this was and is the way to improve healthy lifestyle for children around the globe.

The national school lunch program was formed and addressed by the U.S. Congress in 1946 through the national school lunch act. The program is the largest and the oldest of all child nutrition law, this program was measured of national security because, during the second war world, most soldiers were unfit for the job due to the lack of nutritional and healthy lifestyles. The program also helps U.S. economy and small businesses to stay in business, (S. Sims & Citrin, 1974). For, instance, the (USDA) U.S. Department of Agriculture increase nutrition commodities and other healthier foods. The WIC program helps smallest business to stay in business by receiving government funds. The NSLP is available to all public school as well as some private school; all these institutions benefits through this program. I believe that the child nutrition act program was formed with the proper intention, to help and benefits all people.


Bergman, A. A., England, T., Taylor, K. W., Watkins, T., Schepman, S., & Rushing, K. (2014). The Journal of Child Nutrition & Management. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from School Nutrition Association, https://schoolnutrition.org/uploadedFiles/5_News_and_Publications/4_The_Journal_of_Child_Nutrition_and_Management/Fall_2014/SchoolLunchBeforeandAfterImplementationHealthyHungerFreeKidsAct.pdf

Frame Work Institution. (2008, October). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from http://www.frameworksinstitute.org/assets/files/child_nutrition/catalogpotentialreframeschildnutrition.pdf

Martin, J., & Oakley, C. (Eds.). (2008). managing child nutrition programs: Leadership for excellence. (3nd ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.

Model Policies for Creating a Healthy Nutrition. Retrieved January 29, 2017, from http://health.mo.gov/living/wellness/nutrition/eatsmartguidelines/pdf/Model_Policies.pdf

Ross, A., & L. Anderson, D. (2010, July 28). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from https://www.nmu.edu/sites/DrupalEducation/files/UserFiles/Files/Pre-Drupal/SiteSections/Students/GradPapers/Projects/Ross_Amy_MP.pdf

S. Sims, L., & Citrin, J. (1974). Reinvesting School Lunch. Retrieved January 29, 2017, from https://gradschool.columbusstate.edu/cols/politicalscience/MPAC%207106%20School%20Lunch%20Case%20Study.pdf

Tribune, M. (2014, November 30). Getting the kids to eat healthier school meals. Retrieved January 23, 2017, from http://www.richardscareeracademy.org/ourpages/auto/2014/12/9/49765820/11_10_14_SchoolLunchArticle.pdf

Vermont, B. (2006, December 18). Retrieved January 29, 2017, from http://www.wssu.k12.vt.us/schools/BUHS%20E11%20Federal%20Child%20Nutrition%20Act%20Wellness%20Policy.pdf


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