Philosophy Essays
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Philosophy Essays & Related Services
What Is Effective Communication Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Communication basically affects how you live your life and how are you going to interact with the people around you. With a good communication skill, you will have positive and powerful perspective re...
What Is Empirical Knowledge Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Posteriori knowledge, or empirical knowledge is propositional knowledge obtained by experience or sensorial information. Posteriori knowledge is a contrast to priori knowledge, which is knowledge that...
What Is Ethical Hacking?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2017
Nowadays any kind of information for every single person in the world is held in database somewhere in the world. Every company and organization works with, stores and uses personal information of som...
What Is Ethics And Its Types
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Apr 2017
Ethics are principles of professionals conduct. Ethics is broader than what is stated by law, customs and public opinion. For example, accepting gifts from father in law might be socially acceptable b...
What Is Happiness And How Do We Gain It Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
According to literary scholar, Frederick Keonig, “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and apprecia...
What Is Knowledge According To Plato Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Plato had a strong belief that what we know in this life is recollected knowledge that was obtained in a former life, and that our soul has all the knowledge in this world, and we learn new things by ...
What is Knowledge? Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Jul 2017
What is truth? What is knowledge? These seemingly simple questions lie at the heart of philosophy’s oldest debates. They have generated numerous theories, revealed issues of perception, cognitio...
What Is Mathematics Pedagogy?
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd May 2017
A necessary premise to the question What is mathematics pedagogy. is Why do we teach mathematics. If basic number skills are obviously needed in every days life, can we say the same about geometry? Ma...
What Is Meant By Technological Determinism Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The term “technological determinism” is believed to have been coined by American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen. Taken on its own, determinism is the doctrine that all events o...
What Is Necessary To Be A Hero?
Example essay. Last modified: 5th May 2017
How would the world be, without those people who are always doing something to help others. They are called heroes. Heroes are individuals who demonstrate bravery and altruism for superior and virtuou...
What Is Personality Merchandising Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
A celebrity is a person who has a prominent profile and commands some degree of public fascination and influence in day-to-day media. The term is often synonymous with wealth, implied with great popul...
What Is Plagiarism And The Ethics Of It Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Plagiarism comes from the Latin word “plagio”. It is translated as “to steal”. It is better to formulate a definition of plagiarism from the verb “plagiarize”. To p...
What Is Primary Subject Of Justice For Rawls Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The basic structure ‘is the way in which the main political and social institutions of society fit together into one system of social cooperation, and the way they assign basic rights and duties...
What Is Quasi Realism How Plausible Is It Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Quasi-realism is an anti-realist non-cognitive meta-ethical theory because it argues that no moral statements are fundamentally descriptive; they don’t describe a moral reality. Rather moral sta...
What Is Real Love Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Some say that love is the most powerful and magical force. But it is also the most formidable thing in the universe, and that there would be nowhere else it could discover and display its beauty and w...
What is Reality? Philosophy Essays
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd Jul 2017
In this essay we look at the theories of Plato, Descartes and Locke and their views on what reality is, we look at what perception means to reality, and how everyone’s view on reality is differe...
What Is Syariah Law By Meaning Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The term Sharia itself derives from the verb sharaa, which according to Abdul Mannan Omars Dictionary of the Holy Quran connects to the idea of spiritual law and “system ofdivine law; way of bel...
What Is The Gettier Problem?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2017
The Tripartite Theory of Knowledge, a theory which goes back as far as Plato, states that in order for one to possess knowledge, one must have justified true belief. In other words, if you carry a bel...
What Is The Hammuarabi Code And Its Analysis Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Are you willingness to give your eye to someone if you cause that one losing his eye? For present day, if you commit that criminal act, you would be punished to be in the prison or otherwise, as accep...
What Is The Hard Problem Of Consciousness Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of experience – explaining how our brains merge the connection between physical sensations and experience, how and why it is these physical syste...
What Is The Importance Of Knowledge For Socrates Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Knowledge is a subject with many interesting characteristics. For instance, it is handed down from one generation to the next and in this way can survive for thousands of years. This handing on can ha...
What is the Most Credible Justification of Punishment?
Example essay. Last modified: 11th May 2017
What is the Most Credible Justification of Punishment? Punishment has been a part of the human society ever since the beginning of civilization. Throughout the history, wrong doings or wrong acts have...
What is the Nature of External Reality?
Example essay. Last modified: 6th Jun 2017
Worldview is the way a person views the world. Worldview is not just a story or a presumption of life. It is a reality. Worldview is not an assumption of the world. It is a simple, basic belief of...
What Is The Purpose Of Human Life Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
What is the purpose of life? It is to become happy. Whatever country or society people live in, they all have the same deep desire: to become happy. Yet, there are few ideals as difficult to grasp as ...
What Is The Right Thing To Do?
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd May 2017
If someone, in an attempt to exercise his right of self defense coerces anyone else into defending him then that would mean that the defender himself is a criminal invader of the rights of someone els...
What Is the Significance of the Synthetic a Priori Judgement?
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Sep 2019
What is the significance of the synthetic a priori judgement? That the question of the synthetic a priori judgement is an important one is made clear in the B Intr...
What Is The Sources Of Skepticism Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
It is maintained that epistemological skepticism is different in theme and scope. There are two types of skepticism: knowledge skepticism and justification skepticism (Moser et al, 1998). While unlimi...
What Is The Ultimate Basis Of Religious Belief Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In the article, Are Men ever directly aware of God, James considered ‘mystical states of consciousness’ as the centre and root of personal religious experiences which encompasses spectrum ...
What Is Whistle Blowing Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Whistle-blowing is a disclosure by organization members of illegal, immoral or unethical practices under the control of their employer, to persons or organizations that may affect action. Immoral prac...
What Is Your Position On The Death Penalty Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Does the death penalty serve as a deterrent to crime? Naturally, supporters of the death penalty believe that capital punishment acts as the best deterrent possible for decreasing instances of crime. ...
What It Means To Live Well Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In this essay, I will outline Aristotle’s argument for this position, and will offer a critical analysis of this view. As well, I will offer my own reasons for agreeing with Aristotle that happi...
What Life Means To Me Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In Jack Londons To Build a Fire, it quickly becomes clear that nature will be the antagonist of the story. London writes of a man whose seemingly easy journey is made much more difficult due to the un...
What Makes Life Meaningful Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. These are the words of Albert Camus about the meaning ...
What Makes Me The Individual I Am Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
It is a pretty logical explanation to suggest that humans have two potent elements that make them human: mental and brain states. Young suggested that mental states are the mind and brain states are t...
What Makes Us Different From Other Animals Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In a world that has come so far ahead in evolutionary terms, what is it that makes us, human kind, so different from other animals. It has been said that chimps are our nearest evolutionary cousins, r...
What Makes Us Happy?
Example essay. Last modified: 4th May 2017
During many centuries people were looking for happiness. But the question “What makes us happy?” still needs the answer. There is no recipe of happiness. It is very individual concept, tho...
What Makes You Happy Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Happiness is being content with what you have in your life. It comes down to two different types of contentment. The first type is a materialistic happiness that comes from objects such as food, money...
What Really Is Actor Network Theory Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In the 1990s there was a war going on in science, or maybe a few wars – the so called Science Wars. From one side there were the “postmodernists” (better known as post-structuralists...
What Should the Aims of the Governent Be? Ethical Arguments
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
“Should the aim of government be to maximize the ‘greatest happiness of the greatest number?” Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher in the 17th century, first introduced the phras...
What The Socratic Method Is
Example essay. Last modified: 11th May 2017
First, we must understand what the Socratic Method is, and how it applies to the notion that the unexamined life is not worth living. The Socratic Method is a process of questioning in which Socrates ...
What Was The Protestant Work Ethic Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Robert Jackall in Moral Mazes: Bureaucracy and Managerial Work defines Protestant work ethic as “a set of beliefs that counseled “secular asceticism”-the methodical, rational subject...
When Good People Do Bad Things At Work Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The document discusses the situation where the good people do bad things at work. But all the corporate misdeeds are not done by the bad peoples only. In reality, a large number of unethical acts in b...
When Power Falls Into The Wrong Hands In Macbeth Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Power is as the ability to do something or act in a particular way. Power is the capacity to influence the behaviour of others, the emotions or the course of events, as defined in the Oxford dictionar...
Whether Ethical Leaders Are Born Or Made Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In this essay we will extend to the debate which is going on for years that Ethical leaders are born or made, starting initially with the understand of what is an ethical leader & who is an ethic...
Whether History Is An Art Or A Science Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In answering the question of whether history is an art or a science, the very nature of the subject is at stake. Interpretations of what discipline history belongs to change over time, leading to a co...
Which Ethical Theory is Most Commonly Used in Modern Business?
Example essay. Last modified: 8th Feb 2020
This Essay has been written with the task of answering the following question “Which ethical theory do you think is most commonly used in modern business”? It will offer a balanced...
Whistle Blowing In The Business Ethics Context Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Whistle blowing is the fact of raising a concern about a wrongdoing occurring in an organization. It is also the act of filling actions against federal contractors claiming fraud against the governmen...
Whistleblowing Ethics and Policies
Example essay. Last modified: 30th Jun 2017
Whistleblowing occurs when an employee discloses information. However, according to Armstrong, 90 of whistleblowers suffer from dismissal or demotions, 27 faced legal actions, 26 were referred to medi...
Who You Are And Your Values Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Before you can be honest and open with others, you must first be so with yourself. Who are you? What are your values? What do you stand for? Who do you rely on? Do you rely on yourself and your cunnin...
Whose Life Is It Anyway Passive Euthanasia Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
This paper will discuss the moral permissibility and acceptability of passive euthanasia. The aim of the paper is to argue for the thesis that passive euthanasia is morally acceptable under certain co...
Why Aristotle Sees Moral Virtue
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd May 2017
Aristotle claims “we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts”. (p120). How does he establish this, and what does it tell us about virtu...
Why Bad Things Happen To Good People Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
It is difficult to comprehend why some good people suffer badly in life. At times, sincere and hardworking people are not able to move ahead in life due to various unfavorable conditions. Despite best...
Why Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In this paper I will demonstrate why capital punishment should be abolished. Capital punishment have left many lives in devastation While Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of o...
Why Divorce Is A Good Thing
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Apr 2017
We owe all the wonderful aspects of modern marriage to one thing: divorce. You will hear just the opposite, of course. Religious fundamentalists and politicians will tell you that divorce is crumbling...
Why do I really need knowledge?
Example essay. Last modified: 1st May 2017
The whole point of knowledge is to produce both meaning & purpose in our personal lives. Imagine a world where the only reason to learn was to gain meaning and purpose in your life? I...
Why do we Need Law in Society
Example essay. Last modified: 10th Aug 2021
Law is essential in the society. Law is there to guide the society towards happiness without bloodshed and in peace and harmony. Law helps us to restrain ourselves in times of great thirst for more money or power...
Why Is Dharma Considered The Most Important Principle Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Hinduism provides us with many insightful examples of Dharma (and how humans form part of a Divine Plan), and why it is so dharma is so important. The one that stands out is that of Rama in the Ramaya...
Why is Freedom Important?
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Sep 2021
Freedom of thought, opinion, creativity and faith are fundamental human rights which are found in the constitutions of numerous acts of international significance. Freedom in this context is not physical, but a spiritual creation, belief, thought and free manifestation....
Why People Perceive Things Differently Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
There was one day mom bought a couple of iguanas to be kept as pet. They were cute and adorable to me. I have seen their cousins in the wild at the Discovery Channel. When my sister came down the stai...
Why Religion Is Important To A Society Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Our moral convictions precede us as we find ourselves lamenting a loss or potential loss of something important. How we define what is and is not important is solely dependent upon how choose to gran...
Why Should I Be Moral Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The question of morality proves to be a complex interrogatory. Should I be moral? If I should be, then why? Why is morality important to society? An assumption can be made that morals derive from ...
Why Should People Obey The State Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
It has been and argument in political science about the why and to which extend do we have to obey the state. This has created a lot of division among political scientist and even has lead to an evolu...
Why Should We Be Moral?
Example essay. Last modified: 18th May 2020
Introduction Morality refers to the most vital code of conduct set and recognized by a society and accepted by the people of that society. It also entails a structure of behavior regardi...
Why Theres No Universally Accepted Theory Of Accounting Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
There are several reasons there is no one universally accepted theory of accounting. The reasons are of two sorts. The first is philosophical. The second is practical. This essay discusses each of...
Why Would You Study Philosophy Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Several weeks ago, before the start of the 2013 winter semester my roommate asked me why I would take a philosophy class. My answer was a very typical response for a college student, credit hours. Lat...
William James Versus David Hume Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
William James (1842-1910) was one of America’s most notable philosophers, however, his work went beyond the boundaries of philosophy (Schick & Vaughn 2009). Born in New York City to a theo...
Without Evil There Would Be No Good
Example essay. Last modified: 7th Sep 2021
There are no good or evil people in the world. People however do make choices that are good or evil. A person therefore makes a choice to engage in activities that are considered good or evil. The choices people make are usually dependent on the psychological conditioning they are exposed to....
Womens Rights Are Human Rights Speech Analysis Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
On 5 September 1995, Hillary Clinton, former first Lady of the United States, was invited by the Women & Health Security Colloquium, which was sponsored by the World Health Organization, to atten...
Works Of J Robert Oppenheimer Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Thought of as one of the most genius minds of his time, J. Robert Oppenheimer was an influential figure in 20th century physics, nuclear energy, and political controversy. Before directing the most fa...
World Wide Issue Of Suicide
Example essay. Last modified: 3rd May 2017
Suicide is a world-wide issue. Suicide is commonly referred to a permanent solution to a temporary problem. A person may choose to end his/her life for many different reasons. The person may feel unha...
Wrights Distinction Between Judgement Independent Judgement Dependent Properties Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Crispin Wright’s (1988) theory of judgement dependence, also known as ‘best opinion’ account of moral property will form the basis of my essay. His concept can be explained in terms ...
Writing On The Philosophy Of Immanuel Kant Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was born in Konigsberg, East Prussia. It is said of him that “his failures are more important than most men’s successes.” Kant has contributed his literary ...
Yin and Yang - The Theory of Opposite Forces
Example essay. Last modified: 5th Jan 2018
You may have heard of yin and yang and wondered what exactly they mean and how the theory explains how they work. Yin and yang are basically the meaning of opposite factors. There are two basic concep...
You Don T Know Jack Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
The film I chose to watch was You Dont Know Jack. This film is the story of Dr. Jack Kavorkian, and his contevesial work performing physician assited suicide. He repotedly assisted 130 people in end...
Your Mind And Body Are Clearly Distinct Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
During his meditations, Descartes starts by doubting everything unless it can be indubitably known to be true. After much questioning and scepticism, Descartes comes to the conclusion: “I am, I ...
Youve Got To Be Cruel To Be Kind Philosophy Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
In the Prince, Machiavelli explores the world of governments and rulers and comes up with revolutionary ideas for a prince to acquire the leading position in the government and maintain his authority ...
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