Malaysia Dairy Industries: Background
✅ Paper Type: Free Essay | ✅ Subject: Marketing |
✅ Wordcount: 3421 words | ✅ Published: 16th May 2017 |
Malaysia Dairy Industries has engaged World of Changers to come up with a marketing plan to help reach its organizational goals at the same time reaching customer’s satisfaction to the fullest . This report consists of a mix of market research and analysis to identify any possible market opportunities through the PEST and SWOT analysis . A marketing program would be recommended together with an action plan on how task should be implemented to best assist the organization’s management team .
2.0 Malaysia Dairy Industries’s Background
Founded in 1963 as a joint venture between Singapore partners and the Australian Dairy Produce Board . Through the years , Malaysia Dairy Industries (MDI) has produce products from sweetened condensed milk , evaporated milk to pasteurized products . Today , Malaysia Dairy Industries (MDI) is a leading dairy and beverage company with total annual sales revenue of more than $250 million in Singapore and RM400 million in Malaysia .
Malaysia Dairy Industries (MDI)’s has a wide range of product consisting of Milk , Fruit Juice , Yoghurt , Desserts and Cultured Milk .
Malaysia Dairy Industries (MDI) has recently introduced their newest product MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk .
2.1 Selection of Product
MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk is a new concept to soya milk and has formulas to five different flavours to suit individual preferences . It is lactose-free , naturally cholesterol-free and high in calcium for those who are health conscious . Therefore , the selected product would be MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk .
(MDI , 2012)
2.2 Vision Statement
MDI aims to continually innovate and develop new products in response to changing consumer needs and forging ahead to enhance its market leadership position .
(MDI , 2012)
2.3 Mission Statement
MDI’s mission is to build MARIGOLD into a mega brand by promoting the tagline of “For Health. For Life” for all their products to enhance consumer’s quality of life .
(MDI, 2012)3.0 Marketing Objectives
This marketing plan looks at one of the many products that MDI has to offer , PowerBeans Soya Milk . In this report , the World of Changers will identify the target market , its needs and how to satisfy these needs by using the bases of segmentation , of which potential buyers / consumers will be grouped into Demographic , Geographic , Psychographic and Behavioural segmentation .
3.1 The 4 Marketing Segmentation Bases
3.1.1 Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioural Segmentation is the division of a population into groups of consumers based on consumer’s knowledge , attitudes , uses or responses to a certain product like where and how frequently they buy the product and what benefits they seek . This allows marketers to design more effective marketing strategies .
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MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk can easily be allocated at almost any available convenience stores and supermarkets . These days , supermarkets like Shop N Save and convenience stores like 7-11 are within walking distance from one’s house .
This way , household makers would be able to get the MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk whenever they’re shopping for groceries at supermarkets or individuals that needs to quench their thirst , they’ll be able to get them at the convenience stores.
3.1.2 Psychographic Segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation is the division of a population into groups of consumers based on the analysis of a consumer’s lifestyle of purchasing a product through the developments of their lifestyles and personality profiles .
As MDI aims to enhance its market leadership position and staying ahead of competition , MDI needs to promote and emphasize the healthy living and consumer’s quality of life through the consumption of MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk to attract new consumers and gain customer loyalty .
3.1.3 Demographic Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation is the division of a population into groups based on characteristics such as age , gender and occupation . This is good as it enables MDI to advertise differently , to reach out to different types of characteristics .
Here , the World Changers will briefly explain the characteristics that is grouped together .
∞ Age – From a survey , consumers that prefer MARIGOLD PowerBeans Soya Milk are people that falls into a range of 6 – 65 years old .
∞ Gender – Gender does not matter as MARIGOLD PowerBeans Soya Milk is suitable for anybody .
∞ Occupation – Occupation does not matter as its of low consumer involvement .
3.1.4 Geographic Segmentation
Geographic Segmentation is the segmenting of groups of people into geographic criteria such as nations , states , countries or cities . So MDI has produced two different types of Soya Milk to meet the different needs of consumers in different country like Singapore and Malaysia . MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk is formulated for the distribution in Singapore and MARIGOLD Fresh Soya Milk is formulated for the distribution in Malaysia .
Distribution in Singapore Distribution in Malaysia
3.2 Target Market
MDI has formulated five different flavours in hope of accommodating to all consumers from young children to old citizens as much as possible but organisations cannot satisfy all their consumers as much as they want to .
However , MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk Almond , Honeydew and Chocolate Malt flavours are three flavours young children would be most interested in and to attract them , MDI could design these three flavours with cartoon imprints on the outlook so that it catches the attention of any kids that passes it at the supermarkets .
Not missing out individuals that are relatively more health conscious , MARIGOLD PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk Hi-Calcium Reduced Sugar and Unsweetened would best suit them .The target market here would be the young children and the health conscious individual .
3.3 Positioning
MARIGOLD PowerBeans Soya Milk
Calories : 98
Total Fat : 2g
Sodium : 38g
Total Carbs : 13g
Dietary Fibre : 2g
Protein : 7g
Calories : 132
Total Fat : 8g
Sodium : 225g
Total Carbs : 8g
Sugar : 4g
Protein : 8g
Calories : 163
Total Fat : 5g
Sodium : 15g
Total Carbs : 20g
Sugar : 2g
Protein : 11g
Positioning involves competing directly with competitors in the same target market with similar product attributes and from the World of Changers contextual knowledge , MARIGOLD PowerBeans Soya Milk would be the ideal product .
4.0 Market Strategy Analysis
Soya milk is a beverage which many people would consume every day because there are many benefits from consuming it on a daily basis. Research have shown that drinking soya milk can reduce the risk of heart disease and decreases the likelihood of other medical conditions. Soya milk is a healthy alternative apart drinking cow’s milk. Unlike cow milk , soya milk has very little saturated fat and no cholesterol. It has the same protein found in cow milk. MDI provides a wide range of beverage products. They can be found over 50 countries in the world. MDI strives to actively respond to changing consumer needs and staying ahead of competitors . As there are many competitors in the market , Vitasoy and Nutrisoy being one of the few , we have to find ways to better satisfy customers than Vitasoy and Nutrisoy can considering our strengths , weaknesses and other environmental factors .
4.1 Main Competitors Analysis
Founded in 1940, Vitasoy has spread far beyond Hong Kong and the products are sold in over 40 countries around the world which includes Australia , Canada , China , Europe , USA , South East Asia and many more. It is also a listed company on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong with plants located in a few countries. Vitasoy not only sell soya milk , they also sell various food and beverages which includes tofu , tea , juices , wellness drinks , distilled water and diary milk products.
Nutrisoy was owned by Fraser And Neave Limited (F&N).
F&N established its dairy business in 1959 and started producing soya milk in 1968, F&N also provide wide range of products such as fresh milk , condense milk , milk powder , fruit juice , soy milk , tea , ice cream and yoghurt for Singapore and Malaysia markets as well as for export to several countries in the world. F&N is one of the leading key players in Singapore , Malaysia and Thailand dairy milk industry with more than 10 dairy brands in its portfolio .
From a survey done , a pie chart is to illustrate the demands for the different brands that offers Soya Milk . As we can see that the demand for Nutrisoy is rather close to Marigold’s PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk which means there’s is a tough competition between the two brands .
4.2 PEST Analysis
Singapore is the most politically stable country in Asia.
Singapore has a stable and orderly government which instilled assurance and confidence for Marigold.
Singapore imposes a high standard of hygiene requirement on food industry.
Singapore is rank the third wealthiest nation in the world .
It shows that people in the working society have good income and high purchasing power compared to many other countries .
Soya milk is affordable to many households and therefore , there’s a huge demand for soya milk .
Singapore is a multi-racial country and English is our common language . Companies are then able to fully interact with other associates around the world . With networking platforms like Twitter and Facebook , companies can easily promote existing or any new launches of products to consumers via daily advertising . This way , it allows consumers to easily get in contact with the company should there be any enquiries .
With such advanced technologies , companies are able to do more research and development , they’re able to produce healthier products and offer a wider range of product than before . With the help of machineries , it lessen costs of labour and produces more output .
Hence , less labour expenditure allows higher profit enabling the company the benefit of purchasing better equipment needed.
4.3 SWOT Analysis
-Wide range of soya milk
Marigold provides a wide variety of soya milk to satisfy different needs of different customers .
Including Hi-Calcium Unsweetened Soya Milk , Hi-Calcium Reduce Sugar Soya Milk , Almond , Honeydew and Chocolate flavours Soya Milk .
-Establishing good relationships with retailers
As there are many competitors competing in the local and foreign markets , it is vital to establish good relationships with retailers because this way , retailers would promote and act as intermediaries for Marigold’s products .
-Do not produce smaller packaging
Nutrisoy is one of the main competitor that produces soya bean milk with smaller servings of 250ml . Many Singaporeans would get it for breakfast since its easily found at convenience stores .
World of Changers highly recommend Marigold to offer smaller servings of their PowerBeans Fresh Soya Milk serve different customer needs .
-No awareness for a new product
Being new to the market as compared to Nutrisoy and Vitasoy , World of Changers urges MDI to raise product awareness through advertisements and promotions
MDI exports their products to over 50 countries in the world .
It has manufacturing facilities in both Singapore and Malaysia .
MDI in Singapore manufactures dairy and other beverages except UHT products , UHT products are produced in Malaysia .
They can take this opportunity to produce UHT products in Singapore as it doubles the stock and therefore able to export to other regions that they have not exported to .
-Rising cost of soya beans
Due to unforeseen weathers , crops are destroyed which lessens the supply of soya beans but high demands results in the cost of soya beans to be more expensive .
MDI have to be prepared for such unforeseen circumstances and have alternative route if this should happen .
-Faulty machineries
Machineries do turn faulty after a certain period of usage and its unpredictable .
Should this happen , production would come to a halt and this results in the delay of production . Retailers that ordered would not be able to get their goods in time and this results in a huge profit loss . To prevent such situation , MDI should always do a routine check on the machineries .
5.0 The 4P’s Of Marketing Mix Strategies
Achieving marketing objectives through proper analysis of the elements of marketing and the 4P’s .
5.1 Pricing Strategies
Price is the sum of money that is exchanged with a product . We would recommend MDI having more special offers and penetration pricing as they’re product prices has been classified as affordable . However , they can still improve on their sales by promoting more of bundled packages to sell the products . This will encourage customers to buy more varieties instead of focusing on individual products.
5.2 Product Strategies
Products are goods, services or ideas made to satisfy consumer’s needs and wants. Malaysia Dairy Industries(MDI) may improve their current drink products quality and packaging. This is done by choosing better and higher quality grades of soybeans and fruits for they’re drinks and also improving on their packaging to make their product more appealing to their customers. Marigold can also consider changing the size of their products to appeal to any age. For instance, size that is will be suitable for toddlers.
5.3 Place Strategies
Place is by getting the product to consumers. We believe that MDI should start expanding their brand and be looking into the European and western countries market as they have already done well in Asia. MDI has done a good job in terms of convenience as their products can be found everywhere. Hence, we believe that no necessary changes should be made till date.
5.4 Promotion Strategies
Promotion is the meaning of the communication between the seller and buyer. We recommend MDI to promote their production through sales promotions and advertising. Inventing loyalty programs such as memberships for loyal consumers to collect then finally redeeming points or getting the product at special membership rates. This will allow MDI to have more returning customers and to attract new customers at the very same time. At the same time , MDI can also promote about the nutritional values their product and how it helping with digestion.
Sales promotion
6.0 Recommendation
As People are more conscious about their health, we could advertise more on the nutritional fact and benefits of our product hence attracting people that are health conscious. In order to achieve this we suggest that MDI can advertise through television, radio, newspaper. We also created a set of promotion to help increase the sales of PowerBeans . Secondly, we suggest that MDI would repackage the Marigold PowerBeans to suit busy working adults as they are always on the go.
7.0 Action Plan
We would like to advertise on the Marigold PowerBeans. Advertisement had to be made in order to create the awareness of teenagers and working adult letting them know that there is a healthier choice of drink. We planned to advertise this product through newspapers like The Straits Time. However, through this way of advertisement, we are targeting the working adults and hope that we would get their attention as they are more prone in reading newspapers. In order to reach out to the teenagers, we can advertise through mass media like television and radios. Such approach ensures that our target audience is aware of our product.
7.1 Marketing Budget
Advertising Budget
Budget: $200,000
The Straits Time
Colour advertisement
$3800 + ($41.50 x 2 x 10) =$4630/day
30 Day = $4630 x 30
= $138,900
Total Cost: $138,900
Budget: $150,000
30 Seconds with no specifications
$1000 x 4 loadings per day =$4000
30 Days = $4000 x 30
= $120,000
Total Cost: $120,000
7.2 Timeline
1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
Activity Planned
Advertise on The Straits Time
Advertise on Television
Advertise on Radio
Pricing of Product
Unsweetened: $1.80
Reduced Sugar: $1.80
Ruduced Sugar (Almond): $1.90
Honeydew juice : $1.90
Chocolate Malt : $1.90
Unsweetened: $1.75
Reduced Sugar: $1.75
Ruduced Sugar (Almond): $1.80
Honeydew juice : $1.80
Chocolate Malt : $1.80
Unsweetened: $1.75
Reduced Sugar: $1.75
Ruduced Sugar (Almond): $1.80
Honeydew juice : $1.80
Chocolate Malt : $1.80
Sales Promotion Offered
Purchase of any 2 bottle at the price of $3
Purchase of 3 bottle free 1 bottle
Purchase of 2 bottle and receive a glass
Example of promotion:
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