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Communication objective and strategy of starbucks

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Marketing
Wordcount: 1134 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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In setting the communication objective of Starbucks are playing important that are advertising and other integration marketing communication tools. Which is applying to present the business to solve the problem or capitalising the business opportunity should be considered. Communication objective suppose to be clearly differentiated from the business and marketing objective. Communication objective of Starbucks is creating awareness, to transform the views, to build the brand image, to re-place a brand in the customers view, etc. It is essential to get the business objective to raise the business and the market objective is to maximize the market sales within the campaign time and to maximize the market share within the coming period.

Communication Strategy

Starbucks communication strategy applies through publicity, advertising, launch offers, using media, sales promotion, social sponsorship, public relation and expenditure. These are the important to get close to the customers. These are the source to pull customers to make a final decision to buy the product. These activities are followed by the Starbucks to build the existence in the market place. They have short term and long term strategy to win their mission and reach their vision.

Short term and medium term:

Advertising: Starbucks advertise by electric and print media.

Launch offers: Offer new product to introduce in the market

Publicity: They introduce their brand in the global market

Using media: using media to publish new thing to the people

Long term:

Sales promotion: Starbucks offers gold card to the loyal customers

Social sponsorship: They contribute in charity, recycling and reduce waste, save water and energy and others.

Public relation: They using customer data to make a good relation and also remind or inform about their recent offers or activities.

Expenditure: They expend domestically and also globally.

Income generation

Starbucks is the largest coffee chain restaurant in the world and own and no franchising store over 49 countries. In my suggestion, Starbucks can improve their income and also brand loyalty. We can review Starbucks present situation in all over the world. We need to identify external and internal factor to improve the income generation. We can analysis strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. Starbucks should utilize the strength, recover their weakness, take chance when they get opportunity and always prepare for any kind of threat.

To improve income generation, Starbucks should put emphasis on some of the factors:

Staff training and service quality: Starbucks can recruit and train that kind of employee who have good knowledge of communication skills, collaborate with colleague and customers. Employee should be motivated by themselves and also from management. Then they suppose to give service properly and also offer new thing, which company get profit from customers. High quality services are expected for their loyal customer. Better quality service and product bring new customer, which increase the income generation.

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Technological use: Starbucks can use customer self service, make more place for internet users in the stores and setup different test of coffee maker machine in different place. Like as in the airport, train station. And customer can visit Starbucks web site to know about them and also know about their products. They can order through the online which will be better for income generation.

Vouchers discount and offers: Starbucks should give vouchers discount who are regular customer, give some occasional, promotional offer for every customer. Starbucks can give some special offer for Starbucks cards to increase their customers and also give reward to the gold customers.

Improve product quality: The company need to know how staff serving coffee, foods and drinks. They need to concern about product manufacturing and expired date and also side effect of the products. Staffs have to be informing about to using every equipment, ingredients for coffee, tea, and others. Starbucks can support farmer and suppliers who produce the best quality product to supply to them. In Starbucks, barista should have good knowledge to maintain the products quality.

More expand: Expansion is important which is depending on the public. And it is also improving the income generation. Starbucks can increase their product items. Because some people like tea or they want to buy different food with coffee which are not available in the store. That’s why customer moves to other store to buy something. Starbucks need to save customers time to increase food item in the stores. People are demanding new store in the different location of other countries. And Starbucks can get lots of revenue from that place

Culture: Starbucks can use different cultural view in different place which can attract customer. People have different food habit in different countries. They can try to introduce something new which is expected to the people culture. Here customer is more attractive to buy which will bring more sales to improve income generation.

Brand loyalty

In today’s highly competitive market, improving consumers’ loyalty to brands permits marketers to maintain a comfortable, lasting and leading position in the industry. Brand Loyalty is the customer’s conscious or unconscious decision, expressed by his intention or behaviour, to buy a brand continually. It occurs because the customer believes that the brand offers the accurate product features, image and level of quality at a reasonable price. In order to build brand loyalty, advertisers must break customer habits, help them to gain new habits, and emphasize those habits by telling customers of the value of their purchase and inspire them to continue buying those products in the future.

Suggestions to improve Starbucks brand loyalty:

Starbucks can collect their customer’s feedback from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, My Starbucks ideas, Starbucks V2V.

Building greener stores. For example using eco-friendly equipment, less CO2 emission, power saving bulbs etc.

Contribution to the charity from customer’s purchases

Fair-trade business policy

Sponsoring different sort of social fair or ads, supporting social responsibility

Customer can suggest about the product and service quality

Providing latest technology to the customers like free Wi-Fi, power adapters etc.

Decorating stores according to the needs of customers, it is helpful to target certain customers and creating a brand loyalty for all.


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