Finally the research is focused on objectives:
Identify the communication channels and pros and cons with Sony Corporation?
Identify Requirement of Sony Corporation related in communication and importunacy
Evaluate Employee requirement of relating communication in Sony Corporation
Investigate and identify the strategies how existing communication channel is improved?
Sony Corporation
Communication channels
QS? (Figure 1.0 Showing Research topic and related investigate component)
Research Scope-(Boundaries of Research in which you will do your work)
In the project scope should be based on the Goals and the objective of the research
Main goal is find the way of improving communication channel according to the Employee requirement and Sony company requirement.
Based on it we have to scope out the project as fallows,
Identify the Communication channels can be used
This scope is covering type of communication channels, organization structure and communication structures, Security of channels, Cost of can spend in the communication, Expected level of the improvement
Identify the requirement of the Employees
Information share on the Employees, Sony Corporation structure and Employee communication requirement, Expected security levels, Expected levels of communications, Identify the language differentiation and level of their understanding on common language, Identify employee type, communication and information types
Identify the Company requirement to do the operation
Company stature, type of information on sharing, company standards, security levels, company culture local and international, business process and its improvement
Finally conclusion of based on research result on the way of improving according to identify above requirement
Introduction to Literature Review
The literature review in this research plays a number of roles and number of functions.
Provide a theoretical background of the study
This phase describes the theories and the methods of the review in the research. This research is mainly focuses on two methods. One is the Survey methodology as based on the collecting of information from employee in the Different business units in different countries. And the other methods are the experimental method which is used to analyze the performance of the channel (Ethridge, 2004)
What is already defined and which parts have to be start on the beginning
Already done part in the channels performance measuring part .this supports to the service provider’s side .When taking in to consideration of two countries we have to decide on the given facts and the particular situation.
To enable your context anal on the research this also will help to improve :
Based on the existing system the research is analyzed, like Sony Corporation existing communication mechanism and its performance wise. In the comparison of this based on the Requirement and issues as faced in the communication wise versa in the employees.
Knowledge based on the research area
Knowledge should be an important factor in the research within the communicating channels and its technical matters should be done in the One of the selected service provider’s company professionals. And the data collections are doing in the team of already allocated in the research team.
Improve the methodology
In the technology, it is an important factor of the research. This should be a considerable in the research output, It because the improvement request is focusing on the technology improvement as well.
Contextualize the findings.
Finding contextualizing it shall perform in statistical manner, and then finally in to the research paper. This is important.
Being need to clarify the research problem, Based on the functions implementing the function of the literature review. It is based on the following aspects:
Theory of corporate Communication
International Communication Channels
Internal Communication Channels
Efficiency and effective of Various Communication Channels
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of Communication Channel
(Source: Study the Research methodology, [online], Available from:
[Accessed on 29th December 2010])
2.2 Review of Relevant Theories and Literature
2.2.1Communication Channels
Communication channel can be divided in to two different categories those are,
Physical channel
Mechanical channel
Physical Media
The meaning of physical channel is, the person who is talking can be seen and can be heard by others. It is consisting of hearing, seeing, body languages, feelings and etc. This channel can be two way channel or multiple channels. Example for the channel in company (Boone, 2000)
Large employee meetings
Departmental Meetings
Management meetings
Viral communication
Mechanical Channel
Mechanical channel can be described as written or electronic channels. This type of channel can be used to delivering the large picture with deeper information. And also mechanical channels are very fast comparatively physical channel. Example for the mechanical channel (Boone, 2000)
Letters news letters
Private letters
Notice Board letters
Newspaper and magazines
Social Network
2.2.2 Communication Process and channels in Sony Corporation
Sony is always encouraging their employees to present their opinions, so they consider proper communication process between management and employees as a company value. With their recent modification of structure, they used employee participation with their opinions. Sony always communicates closely with employees to verify to their ideas for structural reforms. Sony need proper communication channels, because their operating in various country in worldwide and they have to respect various culture and attitudes.
Sony is giving high priority to communication between management and individual employees, company CEO is visiting Sony sites all over the world and communicates directly with employees. Senior management of Sony Group communicates with employees using various communication channels as examples posting massage on Sony web site, using email and etc. its facilitate to sharing information among the Sony Group.
Sony in China is actively involve with promote communication with their employees and they have good relationship with management and labors. Various communication channels are used to maintain effective communication process among the employees and management, holding meetings using company internets, distribution employee questionnaires, and Distributing internal newsletters, to ensure the information is distributed among the all level of employees.
(Source: Corporate Social Responsibility, [online], Available from:
[Accessed on 29th December 2010])
Research Methods
Two methodologies are being used in this research, selecting a communication channel and its pros and cons using Experimental methods. And the other point is the Identifying of the Employees’ requirement and company requirement using server research methodology, Based on the scope as above mention implement the research methodology. In this research main strategy is distribution pre pared questionnaires among the employees and evaluation that results and other option is critically review of literature review.
Implement in select the communication channel using experimental methods focus on,
Prepare the communication plan based on organization structure and communication structure
Select an media
Setup security level of information
Analyses the cost
Efficiency and reliability
User friendliness
Identify the Employee requirement focus on the server methodology. This survey getting to investigate as,
Type of sharing information (Employee type and information type)
Expected security level
Manageability of the channel like user friendliness
Level of language fluency
Identify the company Requirement of focus on the survey research methodology. This survey is going to investigate as,
Expected security level of information
Identify company structure and culture
Business process and communication channels relationships
Can investing of improving the Cost
This Research methodology going to investing in three dimensions way in the getting Final output of research topic. (Figure 1.0 shows its three components. Based on this we are going to investigate direction using above research methodology.)
(Figure 3.1 show a apply research methodology and outcome)
Communication channel
Employee requirement
Company requirement
Analysis on research Expected outcome based on surveys and experimental methods output of the research data,
Reliability and performance
Summary of Statistics (Give the way need to be improving in to communication channel)
Research Approach
Used to Experimental methods to evaluate a communication channel. Ex: Sample analysis: (Doing some testing based on contrition: information capacity 100MB, Distance London to New York (1000 km)
Performance/ speed
Satellite Phone
Skype and community chat
Member portal/Blog
Ex: Employee requirement survey Sample analysis take 100 employees as samples.
Type of shearing information /capacity
Expected Security
User friendliness
Technology familiarity
Language familiarity
Satellite Phone
Skype and community chat
Member portal/Blog
Ex: sample analysis of company requirement survey data collection
Condition of this analysis:
Company stature and compatibility: Considering the company structure is Hierarchical
All the communication improvement should be below budget on 3000 Dollars based on analysis the cost level.
Expected Security
Company structure & supportability
Business Process & Channel compatibility
Can investing cost for improvement
Satellite Phone
Skype and community chat
Member portal/Blog
Research Strategy
Mainly we use to technical monument based on the Limited capacity and transfer time based. And all the data taken based on the sample measuring capacity wise. There are four main steps can be identified in this research method and those are:
Select the channel as above mention
Select the persons to ask queries
Prepare the questions
Critical review key point of literature review
Sampling Techniques
As define methods based data should be taken in to the analysis part. This should be taken as based on 5considerztion of improving way.
Reliability and performance
Compatibility(Company and business process)
Used to chart to statistical analysis
Example: (Figure: 3.2 Linear analysis showing more variations points in to the Channels with measuring Dimensions)
Types and Sources of Data
Regarding to collect the survey data on the project can be collect using the organization employee. But the Technical Experimental data in going to be in cost effective in some testing environment .according to this need to be considering the way of reduce the cost of collecting data.
Ex: Test in the implementing in satellite communication channel implementation in two countries. This should be not going to experiment based on relevant service provider information then analysis the channel according to research conditions.
Employee survey Data.
Records of service providers
Background reading details of service providers
Data Collection Tools
Here we use Experimental research methodology and survey methodology, According to this methodology. Here are the data analysis methods.
Data preparation: this phase cover the preparation on the data according to the research query and tasks. Need to be apply as below
Data cleaning
Data stretching
Outlier treatment
Missing data capturing
Exploratory analysis: preparation data should be analysis in this method.
Scatter plots
Variable transformation
Decision trees used to analysis
Data modeling: Prepare the model data to fitting the some research parts.
Model fitting
Model Validation: if prepare model should be validate using this methodology phase.
In sample analysis
Out of sample criteria analysis
Prediction and simulation: using as above models and analysis method of data predict the Quantitatively the prediction and simulate it using
Data forecasting
And define scenarios to be
Optimization: Quantitative analysis need to be maintaining the optimization of sample data. And analysis research data
Linear programming
Geometric programming
Data type:
Survey input data
New Requirement data additionally have to be implementation
Technical Experimental details
Data analysis methods
All the research data analysis is based on Qualitative and quantitative wise. And also the final out put is based on the statistical analysis and the comparison of the data that is collected.
Techniques of Data Analysis
Mainly as our research considerable factor wise we will analyze the Pros and cons of the used communication channels and the point should be improved in each channel.
Presentation of Data
The data is presented manually on paper and the electronic version being word document. Thus Inclusion of all the final statistical result is based on the research data analysis using the experimental methods. Presentation is mainly focused on the output as a result of the research, Can be included in to the Diagram and visual aspects to get an idea.
Research limitations
1. Less time availability
2. Sony Corporation is a Multinational company, so it is spread worldwide and it narrow down the scope for the research purposely is very difficult with financial and logistical constrains
3. Difficulty of gathering accurate Primary data from employees
4. Difficulty of collecting enough secondary data related to Sony Corporation communication channels
5. Sample size not enough to generalize the results
6. The Parameterized mechanism will be used to evaluate the result. It will be limit to find exact figure, as an example if usability is average we are giving to 50 to 60% but its exact values is will be differ.
7. Company is not allowed to give some information to outside, and they have some limitation to conduct survey and its required special authority.
Ethical implications of this Research
Ethical issues should be considered in the investigation /Survey on the employees’ requirements. Because some employees do not like t some channels of communication .since they do not give any proper information to us. When taking the international arena in to consideration we should take two employees from two different countries, and then we should compare and contrast their likeness, Attitude and familiarity of technology and Language level. These facts should be taken in to the consideration and be used for evaluation and the channels to be used.
Research Schedule
This plan should be in the initial stage of plan that the starting date which depends on after the budget is allocated. But all the research activities should finish within a span of 3 months. Thus finishes the final evaluation on all the research data.
(Figure 3.2: Project plan)
As we understand now, this research based on evaluation of the improvement of the employee’s communication. The organization should be improved the necessary channels in order to the methods of communication. This report has recognized some ranges that should be deliberated in order to improve this aspect. The background and the Introduction for this topic is there upon the aim are identified. The uniqueness of the channel is which is identified as the aim. The assumptions or hypothesis which evaluates the research topic support to identify the objectives of research, there are two methodologies can use to find the channels that organization and its employees willing to use. Finally this report discussed ethical issues. The facts that this research has revealed, that the final decision on preferences of employees, their attitudes and usage and how they familiar with methods of using channel of communication.