The Role of Social Media in Employee Staffing
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✅ Wordcount: 2980 words | ✅ Published: 23rd Sep 2019 |
The Role of Social Media in Employee Staffing |
Table of Contents
- Introduction………………………………………………………………………………2
- What the Employee Learns Through Social Networks……………………………….….3
- Employee Learning…………………………………………………………………….3-4
- Recruitment……………………………………………………………………………….4
- Advantages of Social Media……………………………………………………………4-6
- Adaptation in Social Media………………………………………………………………6
- Disadvantage of Social Media…………………………………………………………….7
- Managers Using Social Networks in Search of Employees……………………………8-9
- General Information……………………………………………………………….….9-10
- Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….11
- References………………………………………………………………………………12
Nowadays social networks are a method of communication used worldwide. All social networks are focused on sharing that information is related to the user, be it personal, work, activities carried out, places where it is located, among others.
The acquisition of particular and labor references of each candidate is considered one of the recruiting processes. In addition, social networks are a tool in which experts in human resources help each other to collect the information needed for the recruitment of people.
The majority of companies in the world have seen the need to interfere in the issue of social networks, this being one more tool for the recruitment and selection area to search for the best candidates for their vacancies.
What the Employee Learns Through Social Networks
The use of social networks is universal both for entrepreneurs (CEO, Manager, etc.) and for workers. Contacts help employees locate jobs and employers find future employees. Social networks move valuable and credible information, which in turn spreads widely and quickly to both sides of the market. In this way, they constitute a means of cost-effective search to expand both the quantity and the quality of the information available to companies and workers on the labor market.
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The differences in social services, however minimal, grow largely through contagion and lead to drastic differences in the bosses. In particular, the general professional history of a group and its social organization are possible sources of persistent inequality in the labor market. The use of social networks to search for work promotes advantages for those who are excluded from the community, regardless of the mechanism of exclusion at stake. The effects of the internet and its social network require strategic participation. For this reason, optimal labor policies respond to two very different concerns. First, observe and identify the perfect groups to be the object of intervention, as this is a purely regulatory concern. Second, optimal policies require carrying out a selection of the groups for which this intervention operates; this is a dimension of political economy (Armengol, 2006).
Employee Learning
“Experts in human resources perceive that the use of social networks has been a good tool to strengthen the recruitment and selection process, because although they continue to use traditional media, such as job boards, newspapers, etc., social networks provide more facilities, such as time optimization, variety of profiles, effective search and accessibility, to them since they are used at no cost ” (Morales, 2016).
It is very important to emphasize that we must continue with the use of social networks for all recruitment and selection processes, as it was confirmed that it has been very beneficial for the development of them.
Likewise, the search for work for people and help in the promotion of the employer brand is favored, causing greater interest and attraction in people.
“Recruitment is the process of searching for candidates that professionals in Human Resources do through social networks. It is a reality; however, there are still many professionals, even young people, who do not have a profile on social networks or in the case of LinkedIn (the main social network of professionals) ” (Rubín, 2015).
According to Varela “Recruitment through the Internet means using it as a way to offer positions and provide information about the processes” (Varela). Online recruitment offers many advantages to companies as it makes them competitive in the market. This way of recruitment reaches future candidates who cannot access the other traditional media, which helps the recruitment and selection process.
Advantages of Social Media
Following the thinking of Varela, who shares with us 3 excellent ideas about the use of the internet in the process of searching for personnel:
• “It is a very useful tool for positions with less than five years of experience and technical level (especially interesting related to new technologies) being inadvisable for management positions since other means are employed, as well as for low qualification profiles. their difficulties and little habit of using the Internet. (Varela)
Not everyone is active in social networks. This influences more or less, depending on what will be put to cover since more qualified jobs are easier to cover; this is due to the profile of Internet users. It must be made clear that not all Internet users use it to look for work.
• “There is still a lot of work to be done to redefine the company’s processes in the human resources department as well as information systems in order to take advantage of all the opportunities that the Internet offers” (Varela).
It is clear that on the internet future employees visit the pages that are more “trending”
On the internet, people visit the pages that catch their attention. However, the ads in the newspapers not all people read them but when they are looking for a job they read them.
• “Some websites doesn’t have the necessary filters; therefore, anyone can press the button to apply to the published place and generates waste of time in the purification of the curriculum by the employer” (Varela).
Currently, the search for personnel is one of the most important aspects and of great value in the emotional environment. Companies and area managers want to select the right person in the shortest time possible and at the lowest cost. The means of recruitment are effective depending on how they are used. Currently social networks play an important role in the professional life of people as they are an additional source to find employment opportunities.
“Each of the sources of recruitment offers advantages of attraction of talent, according to the square. Each of the aforementioned is used according to the position; for example, for management or head office positions, databases and LinkedIn are used; and when they are operational, atypical positions, it is preferable to use Facebook as it is possible to reach the desired talent ” (Varela).
Adaptation in Social Media
LinkedIn and Facebook are the social media for recruiters to find candidates. Depending on the positions that have vacancies, select the most appropriate recruit from. In the case of LinkedIn for a managerial or head office positions and Facebook for specific and operational positions.
Meanwhile, LinkedIn is used for management positions, key job positions and strategic tasks of the organization. It is said that the most reliable network in some terms is LinkedIn, since it became a professional network that offers a clearer expectation of the candidate. Facebook can offer a panel of lifestyle, values, customs and interests of the candidate, which could also contribute to the personality style that companies require to fit their organizational culture.
There are many advantages of the correct use of social networks and among them is finding profiles of all levels and speeding recruitment processes. Also, supports the selection criteria as it gives a parameter to be able to select candidates before interviews.
Similarly, it helps keep the employer brand active and market-oriented, so that people seek to communicate in some way with the company, to want to be part of it. And finally, social networks are a good communication tool that allows you to have contact with a network of people in which information is shared in order to find what you are looking for.
Disadvantage of Social Media
(Magazine, 2016) “The number of false or exaggerated profiles that some people create for other types of interests, causing time to be lost in the verification of information for the process. If the company does not make a monetary investment, in the case of LinkedIn, it is not You can communicate to people that you want immediately, until you get the acceptance of the person.
But more than a disadvantage of the network, I could say it is a disadvantage of companies because it is a new talent attraction strategy, so I think you should train and learn more about Recruitment 2.0 ”
(Magazine, 2016) “Social media is another way recruiter verify applicants’ employment
history and ensure that they are still viable applicants, “said Evren Esen, SHRM’s director of survey programs. “Social media is here to stay, employers and employees are utilizing it in various ways throughout the job search process.”
Managers Using Social Networks in Search of Employees
(EFECOM, 2015) Social media are considered as a fundamental support to seek employment and recruit candidates. In addition, LinkedIn is recognized as the most valued of social networks in the search for employment and appreciated by workers to achieve employment, with 80% acceptance. And it is important to know that companies that do not have internet services have a big problem, worse than the “Achilles heel”.
On the other hand, there is a great importance in the importance of social networks in everything that has to do with human resources. Each company will find it easier to refer their contacts to a vacancy in their company through social networks. This helps to announce the message and expose the profiles of future prospects.
As many know, the human resources department is in charge of the recruitment processes and for them it is a complicated task since they are the only ones responsible for being able to hire the candidates that best fit the requested vacancies.
On the other hand, social networks collaborate in: commitment to collaborators, to be aware of the possible competition and act effectively to occur something.
According to (Espriella, 2016) “These help companies to engage with a broad audience, build and strengthen the brand, locate talented candidates, and improve the effectiveness of recruitment processes without increasing costs.”
For many people to know how to use social networks as a viable tool to attract personnel to the company, it also helps us to monitor, listen to public opinion, learn and collaborate with the company directly. Social networks offer us filters; however, it is very important to be impartial and not generate controversy, or controversial comments so as not to denigrate the image of the company.
A good employee must generate the best image of the company for which he works. the internet offers us many benefits that we need to know how to use and tools to reinforce the multiple tasks that must be fulfilled in the area from the HR department. For this reason, it is very important to be involved in social networks not only to know about jobs, but also to associate with the company and know if mission, vision, what type of culture they promote, etc.
General information
Every social media and its impact of 10 years ago has been what has turned the essential elements of communications into something vital in the company and employer connection.
In addition, the ease of sending a resume to many HR companies means that they must respond quickly to attract the best candidates, which is why Staffing Staff uses this tool as a source of recruitment.
As we all know, social media were created for intercession and socialization with friends. Today has created such a stir to be able to connect you with a CEO of Xo Y company that is great. Nowadays, the use of social media is more common because it is considered one of the economic, practical and agile tools. Actually, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. are excellent allies for companies but somehow it can become a double-edged sword, since people, employees expose their life without any limits. Depending on whether they publish something negative, it can affect the image of the company because you represent your company and can be used against you at the time of selection for a job.
Therefore, it is very important to think well before publishing something that will eventually affect you when the human resources office is recruited and observing the social media. Stop to think if what you are posting shows your positive side, remembering that everything that is published automatically loses its privacy of the information.
In short, the social media that most professionals use is LinkedIn since you market at a professional level and can write everything about you professionally.
Also, you can offer recommendations to other people about you, you can see groups related to the same work tastes and support. And its main advantage is that if there is a company that interests you for a position or you are interested in working with them, you can follow it and thus have constantly updated information. Therefore, as a future employee of a company or as a member of human resources you must be educated about everything that has to do with social media, benefits, etc.
Currently, the social media are an important support in the recruitment process. However, there are many profiles that have little information or that may be false, incomplete profiles, which creates certain delays in the recruitment process and their selection.
Social networks are very valuable in the 21st century for the process of finding and attracting talent since it offers us to find candidates for specific positions, which are complicated to cover, for example, specific positions to the company’s turn. These are helpful for the creation of databases and for the confirmation of information that in other ways cannot be obtained, such as the values, interpersonal relationships and interests of the people.
- Mello, J. A. (2015). Strategic Human Resource Management, 4th Edition. [VitalSource]. Retrieved from
- Social Media Rules Out One-Third Of Job Candidates. (2016). HR Magazine, 61(2), 8. Retrieved from,cookie,ip,uid&db=f5h&AN=113488964&site=eds-live
- EFECOM,Actualizado:11/02/2015, El 70% de los jefes de recursos humanos usan las redes sociales para reclutar personal.
- Rubín, A. (2015). Reclutamiento 2.0 – Cómo hacer una estrategia. Recuperado de:
- Varela, M. (s.f.). Reclutamiento a través de Internet. Recuperado de:
- Antoni Calvó-Armengol. Enero 2006.Redes sociales y mercado laboral. CREI. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Ramon Trias Fargas, p25-27 08005 Barcelona
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