What Makes People Believe In Astrology?
✅ Paper Type: Free Essay | ✅ Subject: English Language |
✅ Wordcount: 3928 words | ✅ Published: 12th Apr 2017 |
This research paper is based on how horoscope is affecting people and what are the reasons that people believe on it. What is the behind force that made people to go for horoscope (motives). Research will be based on survey and will conclude it on statistical results.
Horoscope is the guesses of daily activities in our every day life and a Birth map is a depiction of the wheel of our planets, houses and positions in that and the explanations of our plan wheel point out the potentials and weak points in our physical and emotional composition which gives us imminent on how to narrate and obtain along with others in order to create our life a better-off and valuable voyage and a scheme to observe if a match between us and another will present us a greater possibility at pleasure based on the mixture of our charts. A Birth Chart and Interpretation or either a Horoscope and compatibility statement cannot be precise for everyone born under a exact Zodiac sign unless the Astrologer has correct information about the moment of birth, date of birth and place of birth. Place of residence is important in the directing of daily Horoscopes. At times the moment is not known and an Astrologer will use 10:05 P.M. which, while not as correct as it should be, will put you as close to the target as possible. Without exact information everything we read about our sign anywhere will be generalized information.
Astrology is not only influenced by transmissible factors and the surroundings, but also by the position of our solar system at the time of birth. The planets are regarded as central life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very gist. These forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal arrangement and on the manner they relate to one another. The aspects formed between the planets depict their relationships, the placement of the planets in relation to the place of birth tells us about their appearance in the specialty of life represented by the astrological houses.
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Babylonian Empires
In Babylonian Empires era people were trying to associate happenings like famine and war with other incidents they monitored in the skies. At one point it was considered by historian and archaeologists that all astrological arrangements invented in Babylon, but that conjecture was rejected because of the separate astrology which exists between the Mayans and Aztecs.
Babylonian ministers were frequently called upon to use their associations with the gods to calculate the future, and their two rule ways of doing this were examine the liver of animal and analyzing signs in the sky. The aged known astrological manuscripts are written in the first half of the Hammurabi Dynasty, around in the middle of 18th century BCE.
Attempts at analyzing the sky ultimately widen into astrology that we have today. Between 612 and 539 BCE, the sky was separated to twelve fractions, comprising the twelve symbols of the zodiac. Once numerical astronomy expanded under the Persians (539-331 BCE), it became feasible to determine some of the movement of diverse planets and the moon, permitting for the improvement of horoscopes related to what we observe today.
The oldest known horoscope is a natural horoscope not different the type formed by astrologers in this century. There is not actually missing of the unique tablet, and all we can read of the forecast itself is fundamentally, “things will be good for you.” Even then, astrologers had started perfectly the art of non-false able statements.
I am focusing on Horoscope in astrology that is why it’s important to give brief introduction about horoscope
Houses of Horoscope
These twelve houses of horoscope tell us about the different regions of our lives. The foundation of every house is called the cusp. Each house has natural symbol and natural ruling sign. Here is the chart of signs beginning with Aries and ending up at Pisces.
Here are listed the twelve houses with the ruler ships, classification and a brief summary of the area of life depicted there:
- House: 1st
- Classification: Angular
- Natural sign: Aries
- Planet Ruler: Mars
- House Affairs: The Ascendant. Your projected behavior, temperament, health, how you react to those around you, and your appearance.
- House: 2nd
- Classification: Succedent
- Natural sign: Taurus
- Planet Ruler: Venus
- House Affairs: Your material side. Security, gains, losses, financial condition and your concern about these matters.
- House: 3rd
- Classification: Cadent
- Natural sign: Gemini
- Planet Ruler: Mercury
- House Affairs: Your mental aptitudes, early childhood, everyday communication, your siblings, and early education.
- House: 4th
- Classification: Angular
- Natural sign: Cancer
- Planet Ruler: Moon
- House Affairs: Domestic affairs and conditions, the nurturing parent, the home, and the family life. The end of life.
- House: 5th
- Classification: Succedent
- Natural sign: Leo
- Planet Ruler: Sun
- House Affairs: Love affairs, procreation, your children, creative expression, luck and speculation.
- House: 6th
- Classification: Cadent
- Natural sign: Virgo
- Planet Ruler: Mercury
- House Affairs: The work environment, the employer and employees, the routine, health issues, hygiene.
- House: 7th
- Classification: Angular
- Natural sign: Libra
- Planet Ruler: Venus
- House Affairs: Marriage partner, business partners, contracts, joint endeavors.
- House: 8th
- Classification: Succedent
- Natural sign: Scorpio
- Planet Ruler: Pluto
- House Affairs: Attitude toward life/death, possessions of others, wills and legacies; sex and regeneration.
- House: 9th
- Classification: Cadent
- Natural sign: Sagittarius
- Planet Ruler: Jupiter
- House Affairs: Religion, philosophy, publishing, higher learning, distant travel, foreign countries.
- House: 10th
- Classification: Angular
- Natural sign: Capricorn
- Planet Ruler: Saturn
- House Affairs: Reputation, social status, fame or the lack of it, worldly standing, the other parent.
- House: 11th
- Classification: Succedent
- Natural sign: Aquarius
- Planet Ruler: Uranus
- House Affairs: Friends, clubs, organizations, associations, goals, hopes, and wishes
- House: 12th
- Classification: Cadent
- Natural sign: Pisces
- Planet Ruler:Neptune
- House Affairs: The subconscious mind, hidden resources, hidden problems, social responsibility.
Mentioned introduction, history and background of the astrology and horoscope because I think for any research you should have acknowledged about your topic. Horoscope is becoming popular. People read it may be just for fun or they have strong belief in it. Media is promoting horoscope through magazines, radio, television, and internet. So people have easy access to it. In newspapers and magazines there is a separate column for it. In television we can see people having laptops in their hands and they take live calls and ask for one’s time and place of birth so they can tell them what their predicted future is, in radio we can hear our daily horoscope. Apart from newspaper, TV, radio we have an access of internet and on that we can subscribe our email address to specific website or astrologer and they can email us our daily horoscope. Basically this research paper is focusing on horoscope and why do people believe in that.
What are the factors that are leading people to believe in astrology and what gender is more prone to believe in it?
Hectic and tough routines of life have made people to believe in horoscopes. They find it easy to know about their future beforehand. So they spend their day according to that. Women used it for households and men in business matters. People are keen to know about their love life, career, luck etc. These things have been affecting our generations because we have started believing and relying on it so much and feel satisfied. High competition among people forced them to believe in superstitious possessions. Every body wishes for best and want to fulfil their needs. But the frenetic life of people made them to go for horoscope so they have better understanding of their forecast.
According to research females are more inclined towards horoscope. The reason may be they have enough time to think on these issues and they are more curious than men. Men leave their homes early morning and come back late. They spent most of their time outside and have busy schedule. When they back home their preference would be their family. But it doesn’t mean that women are free all the time. It’s just a natural phenomenon that women are more inquisitive about their family and enthusiastic to know what will come next in their lives. Females are more superstitious which makes them eager to compare their current lives with the horoscope that comes in newspaper, television, radio and magazines. Men, by nature are far more realistic. They believe in facts more rather than going for horoscopes.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate why people read, view or listen about their horoscope, and what are the main motives that lead them to read horoscopes.
Love life
The interesting fact is that people read their horoscope because they are keen to know about their love life and if they are in relationship how long it will go. The attuned factor is also involved. They wanted to know that the temperament of both is similar with each other or not. And what personality features are different.
People are eager to know what color, number, or stone is lucky for them e.g. when they come to know about these specific things they try to wear that color or stone on special occasions of their lives and try to keep special things on dates that stand for their lucky number.
People read horoscope and consider it as a guide. Many people are addicted to it and can’t spend their day without reading it. They feel satisfied when they have an idea about their future and try to act accordingly what’s written in their part.
Some or many people read astrology just for fun and take it as an entertainment. It’s just because they don’t believe in it and read it to pass time or may be to reduce their curiosity. And most of them read it because they believe every body else is reading.
People go for horoscope because they want to lighten up their selves. Life is like a test and they want to pass the test by knowing the future ahead. It gives them an opportunity to plan their daily lives according to the predictions provided in horoscopes so they can achieve the maximum success.
Horoscope is another way of escaping from reality. People are infuriated of their chaotic routine and want tension free time so they go for horoscope.
People want control over their lives; have desire for reducing their worries so they read, view or listen about their horoscope. By horoscopes people believe that their future has been forecasted, this gives them an opportunity to make their decisions according to it. It gives them the satisfaction that they will never fail as they have taken all the precautionary measures. This way they actually try to control their lives and make everything impossible, possible.
Some people are not interested in knowing about their own horoscope. They are curious about what’s going on in their beloved’s life and how will be their future and will they be the part of their lives or not. Or the other thing is that they wanted to know what kind of personality they have, and what zodiac would be the best companion for them.
Pass time
Some people go for horoscope just because they have to pass time. They don’t have anything else to do. So they pick up a piece of paper and start reading it or use other sources for example. Radio, internet, TV etc and sooner or later it will become their routine.
Satisfaction is again one important motive. Who are habitual of reading it feel satisfied otherwise they have a feel that they have missed something important or incomplete.
For the believers, it is important that you find two astrologers for yourself and observe who is telling you the right picture. And what other has missed. The one you find better stick with him/her. A good astrologer is like a good mechanic. An expert mechanic fix out the problem for so long whereas, a bad one may take more money but his work would not be reliable. Same is the case with good and bad astrologer, a fine astrologer see all aspects and tell you nearly accurate and qualitative portrayal about you, while a bad one does not focus on every aspect and gives his prediction over all.
This research paper is based on uses and gratifications of horoscope and what gender is more likely to believe in it. It is so clear in the paper that people feel satisfied when they read horoscope. Robert Lomas study showed that women are more into horoscope, it was highlighted that one of his friend believed in astrology although she was a working and educated woman, whenever she had to start some work she’ll go through her horoscope. The lady had knowledge about other zodiac signs and she could relate personalities with their signs. A survey in Britain showed that 70% women read their horoscopes regularly whether it’s for fun, love, luck etc. Many of them know their zodiac signs and 85% agreed that the sign depicts their personality. Another survey done by Jeanette Winterton in USA showed that 98% of the population knows their signs and 66% go through their horoscope weekly. The survey showed that many people are interested in their horoscopes. Kendrick Frazier research again demonstrated that women are the strong believers than men and same is the case with new generation that youth is more into it than their elders.
Durand and Martin study showed that group who scored well in scientific knowledge has less belief. But Dr. Thomas gray studied was the same and according to that university education hadn’t done much in minimizing the believes. Professor Hans from London University found that every third one in Western countries is into astrology, though it’s for fun but they do it.
Marcia Montenegro’s point of view is that you do not read horoscope because if you are reading it just for fun you would be habitual to it and more curious and fascinated about your future.
All of us have different thinking and we can’t change each other’s mind. The studies show that people are into astrology because they have almost same reasons. Fun part is one of the dominating reasons in every study. And other reasons are one and the same for example: love, money, curiosity, guidance etc. In every case women were seen more interested in horoscope. It was found in one of the study that during pregnancy astrology works as a stress management for women.
R Q 1) Are there any differences in men and women in frequencies of believing on horoscope?
R Q2) Are there any differences in men and women in psychological and social motives in reading/viewing horoscope?
For collecting data, the interpersonal motives were considered important that are: love, luck. Entertainment, escape, affection, pass time, relaxation etc to know why horoscope is being viewed and which gender is more corresponding to it.
This research paper is conducted through survey and quantitative in nature. Questionnaire was based on close-ended questions. The purpose of research was to know which gender is more concerned in horoscope. Questionnaire was distributed to male and female and the idea of this was to know who more into horoscope is and what the factors behind it are. It was given in the age of 20-50 educated and less educated people but the ratio among male and female were same. Variables of the research were interpersonal motives that are discussed before love, fun, relaxation, affection etc.
Age: 20 to 50
Female 27
Male 23Survey was based on equal distribution of questionnaire as in 25 to male and 25 to female but this shows that the percentage of women is more
Students (11 males, 10 females)
Teacher (4 males, 4 females)
Housewives (9 females)
Clerk (3 male, 2 females)
Shopkeepers (7 males)
1) How much do you believe in astrology?
Very much
Not so much
Not at all
The graph shows that females are more who believes very much in horoscope and males marked more to not so much. In slightly both have almost same percentage whereas, in not at all the percentage of females are again more than males.
2) What is the frequent source you use for checking your horoscope?
Other (specify)
Most females get to know about their horoscope through newspapers, TV and magazines because it’s an easy source for women whereas the usage of internet to know about their horoscope is more from males. For males internet is an easy access and they are fond of electrical things specially spent most of their time on computer. Other options included radio and astrologer, and this showing that men are dominant in this portion of graph.
3) Do you relate astrology with religion?
Not at all
Females are more who relate religion and astrology, and the percentage of men is high in not at all. Whereas in (somehow) it’s almost same.
4) Do you spend your day as predicted in your horoscope?
Very much
Not so much
Not at all
Females dominating very much part of the graph and not at all is dominated by men. Not so much and slightly are nearly same. This is because women have to stay home and they do not as practical and tough life as men have. So they like to spent their day according to their horoscope.
5) Is reading about your horoscope, in your daily routine?
Very much
Not so much
Not at all
Again females are dominating in very much section, whereas men in not at all. Women have time to read about their horoscope. After getting free from the house chores they take out time for horoscope.
6) If you read your horoscope, why would you do so?
For fun
For advice
Pass time
Other (specify)
Men do it for fun; females have a habit of it. Women also take a horoscope as an adviser.
7) Do you read out the signs of people that you are in relationship with? (Affection)
Not at all
Women are more keen to know about what is going on and what will going to happened with their loved one. In slightly the percentage is almost same and not at is dominated by men.
8) Do you think your zodiac depicts your personality?
Very much
Not so much
Not at all
Females are again who thinks that their zodiac depicts their personality. The above graphs shows that the females are strong believers than men, that is why they act according to that what has written in their horoscope and this is the reason may be that they have a view that their zodiac portrays their personality.
9) Do you read horoscope when you are disturbed or conscious about something?
Strongly agree
Feel neutral
Strongly disagree
Females are more who read out their horoscope in bad conditions, man are more in agree, men feel neutral in knowing about their future in stresses conditions.
Survey questionnaire was equally distributed to males and females. And on the same ratio of education, working females were also the part of the survey but results that graphs are showing that females are more into astrology and this shows that women read do not read it just for fun, it’s kind of habit for them and they take it as an good adviser. The reason behind all this is because they are more curious, possessive, superstitious or eager to know about their and others future.
This research paper views that people are dependent on horoscope. It helps them in building up their confidence that what is going to happened in their future. Tensions and pressure of daily life made them to search the cure, so they go for reading horoscope. By knowing about their future they will be able to prepare themselves according to the coming situation. This need of people has increased the value of horoscope and made people reliant on it. The needs of poor and privileged, educated and illiterate but more or less they have a belief in astrology. The ratio of female is more than males. In every question females are more positive respondent than men. This is an extremely amazing situation that in this technological era astrology is still popular among people and they actually believe on that.
This whole research paper and the result show that females are more prone towards horoscope. And the factors behind reading horoscope are psychological, religious and social. Male female both go through their horoscope and consider it helpful for themselves to know about their forecast, so that they can manage in bad conditions and they would have idea what is coming next in their lives. Astrology is popular among people and they feel satisfied when read about horoscope. Our society is being admired by astrology and it became their habit to know about their horoscope. Females are more likely to visit horoscope section in newspaper, magazines and TV because these things are easily in range of them. People got the habit from their friends, colleagues or companions. Once they read it just for fun, other time again may be for fun but then it will become their desire to know what will be good for them and what’s not. Females are more conscious about their and their beloved’s lives so they used to follow daily horoscope more, males have busy tough routine and may be their responsibility is just to take care of outdoor activities so they don’t get time for it. Females have the habit of inquiry and by considering horoscope it will give help to them.
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