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Annotated Bibliography on Snitching and Culture

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Cultural Studies
Wordcount: 1218 words Published: 18th Oct 2021

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Annotated Bibliography

Casserly, Meghan. “Workplace Snitching: If You See Something, Should You Say Something?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 22 Feb. 2012, www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2012/01/26/workplace-retaliation-ethics-see-something-say-something/. Accessed 6 Nov. 2019

The article “Workplace Snitching: If You See Something, Should You Say Something?” talks about the ethical misconduct’s employees face through retaliation. Reporting unethical conduct can result in harassment, loss of work, and physical harm can occur. This article explains the consequences of reporting unethical conduct in the work place. It provides examples of what some consequences may be if an employee was to report ethical misconduct. One of the consequences may result in receiving threatening letters. The employee that is being reported can retaliate because they may be scared of losing their job which will result in them doing anything and everything in their power not to lose their job. Although, snitching is often viewed as a positive thing when dealing with unethical misconduct, it can have a negative effect on the one victim who snitched. Upon viewing snitching in a work place it is a very unsettling feeling knowing that doing the right thing can cause physical harm. Many companies allow the “open door” policy where employees are allowed to come and discuss any questions or concerns in the work place or other employees. The “open door” policy gives the work place a transparency in knowing that employees are allowed to discuss any concerns that have that affect their work productivity or communication. This article brings attention to the ethical misconduct in the work place and the retaliation that the victim will receive if he or she snitches on another employee that affects their productivity or even their safety.

Natapoff, Alexandra. Snitching : Criminal Informants and the Erosion of American Justice. NYU Press, 2009. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=298722&site=eds-live&scope=site.

The article “Snitching: Criminal Informants and the Erosion of American Justice” discusses the “snitching culture” and the benefits a snitcher make get when he or she snitches. Benefits that a snitcher may receive may include sentence reductions, immunity from prosecution, and monetary payments. Snitching in this article is looked upon as an investigative tool. If snitching were to be taken away many white-collar crimes and gang related criminals may escape unpunished. Many view that snitching should only be allowed in certain areas, while other areas should not use snitching in any form. Snitching can come at a high price for the prosecutors. Snitching is being used as a way of saying, “I’ll snitch on him or here, but only if I get something in return”.  When looking at neighborhoods and the gang related activity. The cases that deal with drugs or gangs have a snitcher or “rat” as they like to call. In one setting of the article talks about how forfeiture rules allow courts to allow the snitcher to gain almost one quarter from the drug bust or other seizures. Not only do the big cases of who snitches get money, but the small cases give money also. Snitching has its pros of what you can get when a person stitches, but the consequences of snitching are costly as well. Upon reading further some snitches lie in efforts to take revenge on their enemies. This article benefits on the topic snitching and the many different Criminal Informants of the Erosion on American Justice. It brings to the light how much money a snitcher can get, what the cost for a prosecutor is if they are needing you to snitch on someone and goes into depth about gangs and what snitches have on those busts.

Pope, Andre. Whistleblowers : Selected Issues and Protections. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2015. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=986655&site=eds-live&scope=site.

The article “Whistleblowers : Selected Issues and Protections” discusses the protections of whistleblowers and the differences that occur when whistleblowers are prescribed. Whistleblowers bring attention to light wrongdoings in the work place. Whistleblowers were known to face retaliation from their boss or other employees. Reading further into the article President Obama took further notice of the retaliation and correlated in having a protection of central intelligence from retaliation. The ICWPA has been used as the protection for retaliation since 1998. The ICWPA is one of the oldest of three intelligent protectors but is the least amount of protection. The ICWPA outlines the procedures which allows whistleblowers to divulge the urgent concerns of false statements or violations of the law. Whistleblowers in the workplace are usually contractors or employees who brings attention to wrong doings by agencies. Private information is leaked through government by whistleblowers.

Wagner, Ellen J. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace : How to Prevent, Investigate, and Resolve Problems in Your Organization. AMACOM, 1992. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=4086&site=eds-live&scope=site.

It is not something a worker of any sex should have to go through. A worker should feel as though their work environment is a safe place to work to do their job and not having to worry about getting sexually harassed by another co-worker or higher authority. The article “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace : How to Prevent, Investigate, and Resolve Problems in Your Organization” discusses what is sexual harassment, quid pro quo, and the costs of sexual harassment. A survey called “Working Woman” found out that complaints can range from touching, whistling, jokes, cornering, and pressures for sexual acts. Sexual Harassment in the workplace can cause an unsettling feeling and can keep people  from doing their jobs. Reading further into the article quid pro quo was established in the workplace courts began to grapple more about the issues of sexual harassment. In many situations the person who is doing the sexual harassment wants something in return.  For example, I will give you this raise, but only if you sleep with me. A lot of times the harassee will have more authority of who they are wanting to sexually harass. Sexual harassment can happen to either of the sexes regardless of gender. When the victim of the sexual harassment files claim, the commission must look further into the situation and if the victim was singled out or does he or she do this to others as well and who the harasser is such as being the manger, co-worker, or an employee. This article brings attention to what is sexual harassment, what happens in different work places, quid pro quo, and the hostile environment of sexual harassment.


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