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Overview and analysis of Beximco Pharma, Bangladesh

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Business
Wordcount: 5348 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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Beximco Pharma (BPL) is the leading pharmaceutical company based in Bangladesh. Beximco was incorporated in 1976 and commenced operations in 1980 of manufacturing and marketing of Bayer AG, Germany and Upjohn Inc. In 1983, the company started manufacturing its own formulations and it launched export operation in 1992. In 2005 BPL formed a subsidiary known as Beximco Infusions Ltd, the company produced intravenous products, and later on Bexicom Infusion Ltd was merged with the parent company i.e. BPL. In the same year it completed the state-of-the-art oral solid dosage plant in compliance with the US FDA and UK MHRA standards, which has been approved by major global regulatory bodies.

Today Beximco Pharma is the largest exporter of pharmaceuticals in the Bangladesh and the only company to win National Export Trophy (Gold), the highest national accolade for export, for record three times. The company is the largest producer of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) in the country, and  the first to produce CFC free inhalers. BPL is also the first company to produce anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) locally. As a public limited company, its shares are actively traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange, and Beximco Pharma has the unique distinction of being the only company in the country listed on AIM of London Stock Exchange.

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Bangladesh. The company is the largest exporter of pharmaceuticals in the country and its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are certified by global regulatory bodies of Australia, Gulf nations, Brazil, among others. The company is consistently building upon its portfolio and currently producing more than 400 products in different dosage forms covering broader therapeutic categories which include antibiotics, antihypertensive, antidiabetics, antireretrovirals, anti asthma inhalers etc, among many others. Ensuring access to quality medicines is the powerful aspiration that motivates more than 3000 employees of the organization, and each of them is guided by the same moral and social responsibilities the company values most. (www.beximco-pharma.com)

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1.1 Importance of Strategic Human Resource Management:

To accomplish company’s goals and objectives, it is important to understand the effects of Strategic human resource management within the organisation and their performance. Strategic human resource management ensure that employees are able to meet the organization’s goals. Strategic Human resource management establish policies, standards and procedures, to integrate these with the organisation’s objectives, to provide advice and consistency, and to coordinate and provide training and development. It also analysis competitive advantage of a an organisation for competition.

Strategic management is concerned with the overall direction of an organisation and as such it is vital management activity. The present trends in business mean that many more managers than previously have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the strategic management. (Paul N Finlay, 2000)

Strategic human resource management is a complex process which is constantly evolving and being studied and discussed by academics and commentators. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is an area that continues to evoke a lot of debate as to what it actually embraces. (Wright and McMahan 1992).

As a new manager of the company , I mean company need to a strong human resource management. Because In Bangladesh Pharmaceuticals industry is too competitive market. In Bangladesh has more than 250 Pharmaceuticals Company. Now BEXIMCO Pharma has maturity position in business level, it’s a risky position. BEXIMCO Pharma carefully implemented human resource policy, effectiveness and efficient workforce.

Its strategic strengths include strong recognition of brands, highly skilled work force and diversified business mix. Being a Learning Organization the core essence of Beximco Pharma is its entrepreneurial spirit in every sphere of its management. In this spirit, the tasks of each managerial function are carried out through HRM.

To hold this strategic strength Beximco Pharma need to a strong and effective human resource management.

1.2 Purpose of Strategic Human Resource Management Activities:

As a human resource manager , I mean following Human Resource Management activities should be effective for Human resource department-

Recruitment and selection, training and development, Human resource planning, provision of contract, provision of fair treatment, provision of equal opportunities, assessing performance of employees, employee counselling, employee welfare, payment and reward of employees, health and safety, disciplining, individuals, dealing with grievances, dismissal, redundancy, negotiation, encouraging involvement.

Human Resource Management department make policy of an organisation. They establish, develop , maintain this policies. Human Resource Management department develop plans and make recruiting policies. It also handles employee relation, contracts, separations, benefits, performance review and take positive actions. Human Resource Management basically utilize human resource. It also think employees abilities, employees job satisfactions.

Human Resource Management activities of BEXIMCO Pharma, described below:

Human resource planning in BPL

Planning is the core area of all the functions of management. It is the foundation upon which the other three areas should be built. Planning requires management to evaluate where human resource of the company is currently, and where it would like to be in the future. From there an appropriate course of action to attain the company’s goals and objectives is determined and implemented.

Every organization has employment planning. BPL has also its employment planning. They usually forecast their personnel needs based on their mission, strategic goals & objectives & technological and other changes resulting in increased productivity. Although there are several methods to predict personnel needs, but they use managerial judgment because it gives the more real world scenario for personnel needs. They think that the other methods can not give the accurate situation of the personnel needs. These are basically graphical methods, which can not measure the actual personnel needs. But managerial judgment method depends upon the change in productivity, market conditions etc.

Recruitment and selection process in BPL

We are looking for top-caliber people who want the flexibility and resources to grow in their career. If you’re the kind of person who has always stood out, we offer a place where you can continue to excel. No matter what your field or range of interests, there are vacancies where your talents can likely be applied and developed. We have thousands of diverse people from different cultures and backgrounds working in a variety of different jobs in different fields

Merit is the sole criteria for selection

â-Š Attitude is given as much weight age as functional competencies.

â-Š Panel interviews comprising of Functional Head & HR Head.

â-Š Sources for recruitment are through campus, consultants, employee referrals,

â-Š Internal job postings and the internet.

â-Š Positions in Officer Cadre, GET and MT involve written tests.

â-Š Antecedent verification is an integral part of our recruitment process.

â-Š Medical fitness is pre-requisite for all positions

We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, community, religion or sex.

Training and development program of BPL


A learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his or her ability to perform on the job. To make training a success, a trainer should take care of the following points:

â-Š Make learning meaningful.

â-Š Make skills transfer easy and

â-Š Motivate the learner


Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting

knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills.

Any effort toward developing employees must begin by looking at the organizations objectives. The objectives tell us where were going and provide a framework from which our managerial needs can be determined.

Performance appraisal

At BPL appraisals are done by the Self-appraisal system. Goals are set by participative management approach and performance is evaluated quantitatively against those previously set objectives. Managers appraise the performance of their subordinates through a 5 points Graphic Rating Scale. The total appraisal process is completely transparent to everyone within the organization.

For unsatisfactory

For marginal

For target

For superior

For outstanding

Employee Compensation:

Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and

arising from their employment. It has two min components:

1. Direct financial payments: Wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses.

There are two ways to pay directly.

Time based pay: Daily, hourly, weekly, biweekly or monthly wages and


•Performance based pay: Ties compensation directly to the amount of

product the worker generates.

2. Direct payments: Financial benefits like employer-paid insurance and vacations.

Benefits and Rewards Package

Indirect financial and non financial payments employees receive for continuing their

employment with the company.

There are several types of benefits:

â-Š Supplemental Pay benefits.

â-Š Insurance Benefits

â-Š Vacations and Holidays

â-Š Sick Leave

â-Š Parental Leave and Family Leave

â-Š Medical Leave

â-Š Retirement Benefits

Motivating Employees in Beximco Pharma:

The advantage of having a Management by Objective (MBO) system is that everyone becomesSelf-motivated. Everyone is motivated to achieve, to perform. The only challenges is to keep the employees’ moral high in times of failure. In BPL, one of the tasks of the management iscouns eling. Managers are there to help the employees to achieve the goals, which in turn keep the employees motivated.

Health & Safety

Pre- employment medical check-up: The selected person before joining has to go through full medical check-up that guarantees his /her physical fitness to perform the job successfully. A medical practitioner who uses a physical capability analysis that assesses the candidate against the physical capabilities documented for each role conducts the medical check-up. A medical is also appropriate for internal candidates if

They are applying for positions that require different physical capabilities.

Health Insurance Policy:

Management staffs enjoy health insurance for self, spouse

and two children up to 21 years for hospitalization only. Delta Life Insurance provides

the insurance and the company pays the premium.

1.3 Implementation Of Strategic HRM:

As a new manager of Baximco Pharma, I mean following contribution should be achieve of an organisational objectives. At first we consider the level of strategy.

There are three level of strategy are corporate, business and functional. Business strategies will grow out of corporate strategies and functional strategies will grow out of business strategies. Each level can provide useful information for the others. Human resource strategies will have a direct impact on all the other functional strategies and conversely cannot be formulated without knowledge of what the other functional goal are.

Strategic HRM describe job analysis in an organisation. It also describe how job analysis results in job descriptions, person specifications and competency profile.

Strategic HRM develop the corporate plan, estimate demand for human resources, estimate supply of human resource, formulate human resource action plan. It also comment on the need for evaluation and feedback into the corporate objectives. Comment on the decision made throughout the human resource planning process. It describe the sources of information for each of these areas, like knowledge of product and market development, managerial judgement, CPIS, statistical information about labour force.

Conclusion : To be successful, relentless contribution and dedication of the organizations human resource management is very much needed. To compete in international as well as in local market in adverse situation the HR managers work has become much more difficult in today’s ever changing business environment. Developing plans in a dynamic situation demands critical analysis of the situation and strict adhering to the core principal of the organization. As Beximco Pharma is decentralized organization and core values are cherished by everyone within the organization, operating in dynamic situation is easier than it seems.


2.0 Introduction :

Human resource management established that a key characteristic of the HRM approach is the involvement of the personnel function at the strategic level. We will be look in this task, at the different levels at which strategy can be formulated and the generic types of strategy that are encountered, and comment on the link between strategy and consideration of human resource issues.

The objective of this task is to do, analysis the business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organisation, assess the human resource requirements and develop human resource plan of a specific Organisation. Grameen Phone Limited, Bangladesh has been chosen for this assignment.

Grameenphone is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh with more than 29 million subscribers as of December 2010. Grameen phone starting operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. Grameenphone pioneered the then breakthrough initiative of mobile to mobile telephony and became the first and only operator to cover 98% of the country’s people with network

Since its inception Grameenphone has built the largest cellular network in the country with over 12,700 base stations in more than 7000 locations. Presently, nearly 99 percent of the country’s population is within the coverage area of the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and services in the local market. GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997.(www.grameenphone.com)

2.1 Analysis the business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organisation.

The aim of designing and a strategic plan is to create a competitive advantage, and all efforts in the formulation and implementation processes will be directed towards this. Organisations are concerned, strategy can be formulated and implemented at different levels, and there are recognised generic forms of strategy that organisations or sub divisions of organisations might adopt.

The levels at which strategy is formulated and implemented are most frequently identified as corporate, business and functional.

Business strategy and Corporate business strategy:

Corporate strategy is concerned with the overall direction that an organisation will follow. These organisations would than develop separate business level strategies for their divisions, each of which might be engaged in producing very different products or services. Corporate and business strategy would be one line of products or services, and it follows that will sometimes find writers using the same terminology when they are discussing these two levels of strategy. (Anthony, et al. 1996, p.84).

Human requirements for the successful pursuit of a strategy of innovation as sequrity, a sense of agency, autonomy, access to adequate resources and team working. Especially when the team is composed of individuals with diverse perspectives. Agency is define as employees being able to affect what goes on in their workplace, and autonomy is, of course, being able to make decisions about how one’s own work gets done.

Grameenphone believes in the continued improvement of corporate and business strategies. This in turn has led the Company to commit considerable resources and implement internationally accepted Corporate Standards in its day-to-day operations.

To compete in international as well as in local market in adverse situation Grameen Phone HR managers work has become much more difficult in today’s ever changing business environment. Grameenphone is decentralized organization and core values are cherished by everyone within the organization, operating in dynamic situation is easier than it seems.

With the development of Products, services and corporate social responsibilities and the purchasing capacity of people, this telecommunication industry is expected to grow at a higher rate in future. The Bangladesh government should also be considerable and cooperative to help the businesses flourish.

2.2 Assess the human resource requirements in given situation.

Scenarios : A sales and distribution of Grameenphone wishes to expand its customer basis into Bandarban hilly areas. It intends to open a new branch.

In order to assess the requirements for strategic human resource in the business factors of Grameenphone scenarios I would have to envisage-

â-  What tasks need to be done

â-  The skill required to complete these tasks

â-  How the tasks could be grouped together to form jobs taking the skills requirements into consideration

â-  How many people would be required to complete the volume of work.

Firstly, then, there is a matter of the identification of discrete work tasks, followed by the company of those work tasks into jobs and a qualitative analysis of the skill base required to perform those jobs and achieve the organization’s goals. The records that document tasks and skills in an organisation are the job description and person specifications, and the information contained in these documents is collected and organised through the process of job analysis and job design.

Secondly, there is the task of quantifying the numbers of people required. In this scenario I will have identified the need for the staff to run the new branch and distribution process in the new depot in Bandarbon. This will include a manager, customer service and sales staff, administrative staff, technical staff, and drivers. We would need additional information about the expected volume of business to be able to calculate how many people will be require in each category of employee.

2.3 Develop a human resource plan for an organisation

As a senior manager of Grameen phone, I have some recommendations that identify avenues for develop a human resource management plan of Grameenphone.

1. The company should be prepared the standard human resource planning. Because

the success and failure of the organization is highly depend on the proper human resource


2. The manager – training program of the company is a good way to groom a to -be manager for the probable vacancy in the future. The organization should regularly

follow this procedure to build a productive and valuable workforce. The selection tools

and procedures used in this program have also provided to be very effective. To cope

with the ever-changing, competitive corporate world, the organization should welcome

new ideas as well as fresh -starters to trigger innovative ways to nature overall workforce

competence. The assessment center approach is designed to identify the essential

expertise of the candidates that enable to locate and select the right person for a

managerial. This method is formally followed only in the manager trainee selection

system. But this should also be followed in selecting the entry-level managers too.

3. The HR Department should look into the matter of consuming more time in the

process of calling the applicants after their responses very seriously. The organization

could control the size of applicants’ pool by using more clear and specific statements in

the ad in terms of the minimum educational degree, preferred institutions and other

necessary criteria based on which the initial screening of the applications were


4. The company can recruited for campus recruiting that could bring a yield

of highly educated fresh-starters for the entry-level the organization could arrange

seminars in the top business schools country. Also the company should facilitate online CV-posting system that is a very popular and effective practice used by the top business organizations.

5. The company should follow both on-the-job and off-the -job method training

when they are training their employees.

6. The HRD manager of the company should be analyzed the organizational jobs

properly. Because job analysis serves the cornerstone of all human resource functions in an organization. Side by side the HRD manager should evaluate the different positions of employees in the organization in order to establish the well conceived for pay-structure.

7. Before appraising the performance of employees in the organization properly,

the HRD manager should be established the standard. Here it is noticeable that the HRD manager should appraise the performance of all employees in the organization without showing any discrimination.

8. The HRD manager should prepare the standard promotion policy for the

employees of the organization. Here it is very much important that the employees should

get the promotion based on the performance not the nepotism, political influence and


9. The HRD manager should established the standard pay structure for the

employees of the organization in order to reduce the high turnover of employees.

2.4 Critically evaluate how a human resource plan can contribute to meeting an organisation’s objective.

The human resources department of an organisation is usually evaluate the effectiveness of the HR plans. As a senior manager of HRD I consider following plans –

Workforce planning : It make effective planning decisions to improve business efficiency. Human resource managers setting up scenario of an organisation. They set up plans to deal with forecast deficits through internal promotion, training or external recruitment. If necessary, plan for unavoidable downsizing so as to avoid any compulsory redundancies, if that is possible. It develop retention and flexibility strategies.

Human resource outsourcing: Experts in training and development outsourcing, Also can develop retention and flexibility strategies.

Focused training: Grameenphone fulfil focused training for developing skill of managers & staffs.

Care plan documentation : Grameen phone maintain Policies, Procedures & Care Plans for Care Services. Grameen Phone required organizational plans that would result in increased or decreased for employees, regional organization, creating new departments, decentralizing head office function to the regions.

3.1 Explain the purpose of human resource management policies in organisations.

The purpose of human resource department policies is to develop, establish, maintain and communicate office policies throughout the entire company. HR department is to help, advice and consult with the employee, while simultaneously keeping the overall best interests of the company in mind.

Grameen Phone’s purpose of Human resource Policies are as follows:

Requirement and selection : Grameen phone looking for top-caliber people who want the flexibility and resources to grow in their career.

Health and safety: The selected person of Grameenphone, before joining has to go through full medical check-up that guarantees his /her physical fitness to perform the job successfully. A medical practitioner who uses a physical capability analysis that assesses the candidate against the physical capabilities documented for each role conducts the medical check-up.

Equality and Diversity : Grameen phone HRD ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and students.

Pay : Grameenphone HRD provide payroll policy.

Rewards and benefits : Grameen phone HRD offer indirect financial and non financial payments for continuing their employment with the company.

Working time and time off : Grameen phone HRD maintain duty time for employees.

Training and development : Grameen phone HRD develop training and development program for learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his or her ability to perform on the job. Any effort toward developing employees must begin by looking at the organizations objectives. The objectives tell us where were going and provide a framework from which our managerial needs can be determined.

Maternity/Paternity : Grameen phone HRD offer maternity leave for employee but no paternity leave.

Discipline : Grameen phone HRD has a disciplinary policy for employee. They follow chain of command.

Performance improvement : Grameen Phone human resource departments main purpose is to utilize an employee’s abilities effectively by coaching them to maximize those abilities, simultaneously improving their working environment so that they are assured job satisfaction.

Change Management : Grameen phone HRD believe managing change to increase work force.

Confidentiality of information: Grameen phone HRD maintain the smoking, drugs and alcohol policy. Grameen phone is non smoking area and not allowed drugs and alcohol.

3.2 Analysis the impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies in an organisation.

In Bangladesh there is a primitive Labour Law for blue collar employees. There are specific law for Government Employees. But There is no specific Law for While Collar Employees of the Private Sector in BANGLADESH. There are some private organizations who are heard to have Employee Service Rule or Employee Hand Book, but actually, these are rarely found in hand. Kazir Goru Ketabe Thake.

The Telecommunication Sector has a BIG proportion of workforce who are educated, in most cases, having a Masters, suffer from different problems during their employment life, for example:

1. Notice of Forced Resignation

2. No platform for submitting a complain in that case

3. Business owners’ whimsical way of paying Bonus and Incentive (If at all)

4. No Leave or Different type and Numbers of Leave for Different Organizations

5. No Provident Fund or Gratuity or Insurance in most cases

6. No Regularity and standard policy in promotion and salary increment

7. etc etc and many more

For standardizing the industry, we strongly believe these HR issues are burning issues of the day. The Government should immediately take some action.

Conclusion: The strategy adopted by an organisation, it is recognised that an unrelenting and increasing rate of change is an unavoidable phenomenon of today’s workplace. The implication is that tomorrow’s workplace will not be the same as today’s. employment patterns are changing. The human resource planning responds to this situation by taking a long-term view and works towards preparing an organisation to cope with its future requirements and achieve its strategic objectives.

Task -3

Reviewing Human Resource Management

I am working in Tesco Plc as a human resource consultant. My responsibility is focuses on the process of effectively utilizing personnel to obtain the goals of the Tesco Plc. I advice wide range of issues that can help the business to become a more productivity. My developing report making suggestions on how to reorganise the department to best advantage. My developing report presented below.

4.1 & 4.2 Analyse the impact of an organisational structure and culture on the management of human resource.

Organizational Structure:

“Organizational structure” is grouping people into section and department and allocation of responsibility and authority.

We can easily define, organizational structure is the structural relationship among number of organizational staff.

Generally organization stricture implies frame work intended to

Types of organizational stricture

Generally we find five types of organizational structure:

Functional structure

Geographic structure

Product structure

Matrix structure

Divisional structure

Functional structure: Functional structure is the most common and most obvious structure for organisation work. This structure can improve operational efficiency. It is difficult to develop generalists needed for top-level management.

Geographic structure: Each component in this structures a physical geographical area and is mainly found in large multinational organizations that are geographically dispersed.

Product structure: This includes grouping activities on the basis of products or product lines. Some functional department remains, for example production, marketing, finance and personal but a vision manager given responsibility for the product line with authority over personal of different functions.

Division stricture: This is involves devising the organization into separate divisions or parts each with its own revenues and expenditures and therefore with its own profit and loss responsibility.

Divisional stricture also two types.

Geographic divisional: It’s most appropriate for organization with limited product lines that either have wide geographic coverage or desire to grow through geographic expansion.

Customer division: Most appropriate for organizations that have separate customer groups with very specific and distinct needs

Matrix stricture: These are ‘team-based’ project, which draws people from different parts of the organization to work on organizational projects.

About Tesco Plc :

Tesco plc is the largest food retailer in UK, operating around 2,318 stores worldwide. Tesco operates around 1,878 stores throughout the UK, and also operates stores in the rest of Europe and Asia.

Tesco implementing strategic HR as a change agent, not to replace an out dated personnel department. Although there is still evidence within the UK that once these interventions are implemented, they just replace the role of the p


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