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Assessing Personal Leadership Skills And Competencies Business Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Business
Wordcount: 4110 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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Leadership can be performed with different styles. Some leaders have one style, which is right for certain, situations and wrong for others. Some leaders can adapt and use different leadership styles for given situations.

People new to leadership often feel under pressure to lead in a particularly dominant way. Sometimes this pressure on a new leader to impose their authority on the team comes from above.

Personal Development Planning (PDP) is a process that enhances and supports our experience as a leader. By engaging in PDP I will be reviewing, building and reflecting on my personal and educational development. This process encourages me to take a step back and reflect on what I have achieved in a structured way. It also involves clearly identifying my goals and planning the steps I need to take to accomplish them. (Cartwright, R., Collins, M., Green, G. & Candy, A. (1998).

PDP will help me as leader:

Integrate my personal and academic development and improve my capacity to plan my own academic programmes;

Be more effective in monitoring and reviewing their own progress;

Be more aware of how I am learning and what different teaching and learning strategies I am trying to achieve;

Recognise and discuss my own strengths and weaknesses;

Identify opportunities for my learning and personal development outside the curriculum;

Be better prepared for seeking employment or self-employment and be more able to relate what I have learnt to the requirements of employers;

Be better prepared for the demands of continuing professional or vocational development when I will enter employment.

Leadership Skills Assessment Using Capacity Matrix

A Capacity Matrix is a visual learning tool and charting technique created by David Langford and Myron Tribus. It helps us to understand explicitly what we need to know, understand and be able to do. Progress towards these learning goals can be tracked over time using the matrix.

It allows for the planning development of ideas and skills and a tool to assess the degree of achievement.

“Changing the way we assess leadership” (Marry, Jo Hall)

Leadership skills and competencies

customer services

personal learning

establishing direction

aligning people, system and resources

motivating and inspiring others

decision making ability

managing change

The level of assessment of the existence of these skills are carried out by analysing three related aspects (Langford, 1995)




Capacity Matrix:






Good customer services

Understanding how to provide good customers services

Provide good customers services

Gaining competitive advantage from other colleagues


Personal learning

Understanding basic information about leadership

Practice more on basic information acquired to gain competence and experience

Gain competence to be distinct proper utilise

Establishing direction

Researching available options to develop skills and competencies

Understanding between skills and job acquired and use knowledge properly

Using acquired skills to attain goals for the interest of the company

decision making ability

Good knowledge about company’s activities

Understanding the situation to make decision

Effective decision making achieve objectives

Aligning people, systems and resources

Gathering information about people, systems and resources to assess the system

Who will benefit most – making selection and attain goals

Getting benefits by interacting, using people, systems and resources.

Motivating and inspiring others

How to motivate? Handle different situation

When, where to motivate?

Becoming a role model to motivate others

Managing change

Basic knowledge of components, assess changes

How to use them, affect of changes

Actually using them. Using different techniques.

Swot Analysis:

 SWOT analysis is a personal judgment of data which is planned by the SWOT format into a logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. (Whetton, D. & Cameron, K. (2007)

The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations. SWOT analysis can be used for all sorts of decision-making, and the SWOT template enables proactive thinking, rather than relying on habitual or instinctive reactions. My personal SWOT analysis is like I mentioned in table below.



Graduation in Business Administration

Field knowledge

Experience in my field

Training on ‘Health &Safety’

Little leisure time

Financial condition

Poor communication skill



Attain PGD in Strategic Management

Attaining MBA degree

Learning new skills from studies for my career

Increase skills by studies by working hard to get promotion.

Not attaining PDG in Strategic Management by CMI

Not attaining the MBA

Loosing job skills

Loosing the chance of promotion in job


I have already graduation in Business Administration which is my biggest academic strength yet. I have got the basic job training from first organization where I worked was a college where I used to work as an Account Assistant. I have also done the training on ‘Health & Safety’. Having good knowledge in my field and studying business strategy related maser degree I can get excellent job in future utilizing my degree and experience in multinational company to brighten my future.

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As I am working along with full time studying course of CMI cant get proper time to manage my personal activities like social life etc. my Communication skills are quite good but lack confidence in new environment, it take me time to adjust in new environment to make me settled and prove myself.


Currently I have opportunity to complete this ongoing CMI course and follow it through to MBA from Gloustershire University to get Masters Degree that can give me edge in competitive job market.


I have got threat if I couldn’t manage my time properly to get PGD from CMI so I can fail to achieve PDG from CMI without which I can’t even take admission in University to get Master’s degree which can lead me to chance of promotion in my current job. This can spoil my whole personal development plan to complete it timely as I designed my PDP how and when I have to do step to complete my personal development plan.

Pestle Analysis:

The PESTEL analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for business environment. A PESTL analysis is a business measurement tool and can use for PDP as well.

Political Factor:

Political areas such as tax policy, employment laws, environmental regulations, trade restrictions and reform, tariffs and political stability what happens in those areas of environment where we are.

Economic Factor:

Economic growth/ decline, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rate, wage rates, minimum wage, working hours, unemployment cost of living, etc.

Sociological Factor:

Socially in market whats going on in which we are cultural norms and expectations, , population growth rate, career attitudes, emphasis on safety, global warming.

Technological Factor:

Change is happeing day by day , technology is changing every two years, this impact products or services, things that were not possible like five years ago are now possible like mobile technology wifi, 3g technology internet usage etc.

Legal Factor:

Legeslation are changing according to its need. This may impact employment, access to materials, quotas, resources, imports/ exports, taxation etc.

Environmental Factor:

what is happening with respect to environmental aspects. Many of these factors will be economic or social in nature.

1.2 Establishment of Future Goals

Goals establishment has been described as the process of converting a need, or other aspect of one’s responsibility, into a concrete activity to pursue (Austin & Vancouver 1996)

Establishment of future goals is very important part of PDP. It gives me direction to individual to make efforts to achieve my goals.

Goals can be established based upon the SMART criteria


Goals should be straightforward and emphasize what I want to happen.


 The whole Personal Development Plan is a measure for the future success; if the goal is accomplished, this is a success. 


Goals must be attainable


A realistic plan will push my skills and knowledge about my field of work.


I will set a timeframe for the goal, putting an end point on my goal gives me a clear target to work towards.

There are following goals those have divide into

Short term Goals:

Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Management from CMI

Branch manager

Post Graduate Certificate course gives me chance to perform managerial activities in the branch. This course can be achieved in 06 months and open a new door to enter into management and develop my career as branch manager.The position of branch manager gives me more power and resposilbity to run the branch.

Short term goals can be establsihed based upon SMART criteria. Completion of managment course and branch manager goals are specific, can be measured through performance within a time frame

Medium term Goals:

Regional manager

PGD in Strategic Management

My Medium term goals are action or development that I have to complete within 2 years to complete.

My medium term goals are to do complete PGD from CMI and become regional manager. This diploma will enhance my knowledge and will help me to handle people with the organisation and using different techniques how to handle different situations. It will help me to achieve the organisational objectives and to go to higher level position of job.

To achieve a degree is a specific, measure with my results and within specific time period.

Performance as a branch manager will lead me to get a position at regional level. This goal can be measured with my performance, realistic to attain this goal within two years time frame.

Based on SMART criteria can easily assess my medium term goals, because goals are specific, measurable, realistic, attainable, within a time period.

Long term Goals:

Long term goals are goals that I have to achieve within next 3-10 years. Like every leader I want power, position & respect within a company. The will give me chance to make policies and strategic decision on top level to achieve the company’s objectives.

MBA in Strategic Management


Chief executive officer

My long term goal is to become a director of the company and work in head office to achieve the long term objectives of the company.

These goals are specific but not easy to attain. I have to show performance and make good decision making in the best interest of the organisation. These goals I can be achieve within 10 years.

1.3 Identification of specific Actions to achieve My goals

There are the following specific actions need to take to achieve those goals I have established above.




Training courses

Management course

Attending classes, time,

Use management techniques at work place

PGD from CMI in Leeds Professional college

Branch manager

Getting training, show myself as a good leader

Achieve branch objectives through good leadership skills

Manager course in company’s training institution

Regional manager

Show good performance, quick response to any changes at regional level

Achieve British Telecom regional objectives

In house practice, and practical experience

MBA in Strategic Management

Studying part time, time, fees

Utilise knowledge gained by achieving masters degree in organisation

Strategic Management /university of Gloustershire


Performance under observation

Achieve long term objectives and compete with other directors with performance

Working in head office

Work in head office

Need to show good leadership skills

More power, decision making, motivate to achieve the objectives

Observing company’s activities

1.4Communicating PDP with mentor

A mentor is wise and trusted guide or counsellor, who helps us to grow in our roles and responsibilities.

Clear professional goals are important guides for me as leaders as I have to focus on my professional growth. Mentors will explore tools and strategies to support leaders as they write goals, and will ensure that mentor might better fulfil the role of a coach, collaborator and advocate as they support beginning leaders working through the PDP process.

Sharing my plan and seek feedback

I will discuss the target set and how those are achievable.

I will plan with my mentor in person, using internet or on the phone. The most important thing should be here is that the mentor should be the person who is a competent person. I will attain feedback and will discuss personal development plant and have to revise where appropriate.

I will ask my mentor what questions he or she thinks I should ask.

I will ask my mentor about herself or himself and tell my mentor about myself. This information will certainly help as I discuss certain topics and it will suggest topics that I will find helpful for me in my plan to achieve success.

I have to keep in mind that e-mail communication can be quite different from face-to-face communication so have to prefer face-to-face communication if possible.

Mentors is a person who do not necessarily have to be a part of our group or business unit. In fact, mentor from outside the organization may have broader perspectives in coaching our problem or sorting it out.

For the high-potential individual, having a mentor can be important. Mentors know how to motivate employees by providing appreciation for specific achievements. Beyond just offering back-up, however, mentors can help employees:

Clarify their career options

Better understand the organization and navigate its politics

Build support networks

Deal with work obstacles

1.5 implementing the PDP:

This section discusses resources required for implementation and possible implementation problems for my PDP.

The plan actually worked and if so then to what extent and which areas needs more attention and consideration.

To achieve the PGC from CMI and become branch manager need resources for implementation. Course needs time and fees and commitment. If these resources are easily available then it will be easy for me to achieve my short term objective.

The possible implementation problems could be I fail to achieve my PGC from CMI and not enough time to attend classes on proper time.

I need to show good performance and coaching from top management to become a branch manager and show myself a good branch leader at branch.

One more possible implementation problem for me could be if I fail to understand the manger’s duties and other colleagues are showing good performance than me at branch.

MBA in Strategic Management needs time, fees, commitment and experience at branch level to complete my degree which I can utilise at top level.

Good Master level education and experience can open a new door for me to become a regional manager. Actions are required, achieve objectives, provide expertise at a regional level, and good relationship with top management through my performance.

There could be problems in implementation if fail to achieve masters degree, not achieving company’s medium term objectives and fail to provide good leadership skills.

Every employee wants to get the highest authority in his job in any organisation. Actions are required to become a director of the company and work in head office. Good leadership skill, timely decision making, quick response to any changes in market, make strategies to compete in the market

It is not easy to take all above actions for me there could be some problems. As a manager if I remain unable to understand the top level management, not active enough to assess risk facing of the organisation.

1.6 Review and monitor the progress of the PDP

As like any strategy for growth my PDP must be managed and monitored to get results. Review is very important to assess the progress of PDP. I have to do this in a positive spirit.

Implementation is the realization or execution of a plan, idea model, specification, and standards. Implementation of personal development plan requires recourses to achieve the goal.

Performance indicator can help me to review the PDP

How often to meet deadlines to achieve specific objective

The number and percentage of the times that complete a particular action successfully.

Feedback received from mentors

Education can be compared with results at the end of the year

After implementation I need to be review and monitor the progress of my PDP.

Section 2 (Health and Safety in Organisations)

The main purposes of health and safety laws and regulations are to ensure that people have a safe and healthy working environment and that, as far as possible, accidents can be prevented.

The prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological capabilities; and, to summarize, the adaptation of work to man and of each man to his job.”(International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO))

The main current legislation is:

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002)

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (often referred to as the Workplace Regulations)

Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992

Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

Factories Act 1961 (since completely superseded by the 1992 Regulations

Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963.

Approach of managing health and safety in an organisation

This is recommended approach depending on the organisational needs of the business and with objective that the approach will be integrated into the total management system. It is based on successful health and safety management

Health and safety management

Management is concerned with people at all levels of the organisation and human behaviour, in particular human personal factors such as attitude, perception, motivation, personality learning and training.

As a manager it is very important to establish and manage a safe and healthy organization. They can follow health and safety management approach.

There are the following key elements of successful health and safety management.


Organisation that are successful in achieving high standard of health and safety have health and safety policies which contribute to their business performance, while meeting their responsibilities to people and the environment in a way that fulfil both the spirit and the letter of the law. Their health and safety policies influence all their activities and decision.


This is helper by the creation of a positive culture that secures involvement and participation at all levels. The visible and active leadership of senior managers is necessary to developing maintain a culture supportive of health and safety management. Their aim is not simply to avoid accidents, but to motive and empower people to work safely


These successful organisations adopt a planned and systematic approach to policy implementation. Their aim is to minimise the risks created by work activities, product and services. Specific actions needed to promote a positive health and safety culture and to eliminate and control risks are identified.

Measuring performance:

Health and safety performance in organisation that manages health and safety successfully is measured against predetermined standards. This reveals to a manager when and where actions is needed to improve performance.

Auditing and reviewing performance:

Learning from all relevant experience and applying the lessons learnt are important elements in effective health and safety management. This needs to be done systematically through regular reviews of performance based on data both for monitoring activities and independent audit of the whole health and safety management.

Section 3 (TOTAL quality management)

Quality should be defined as meeting to exceeding customer expectations, at a cost that represents value for money to them and delivering your product or service when the need it. (H.J. Harrington)

TQM requires that the company maintain this quality standard in all aspects of its business. This requires ensuring that things are done right the first time and that defects and waste are eliminated from operations.

A continuous series of actions, events or changes especially a continuous and regular action or succession of action occurring or performed in a definite manner, a systematic series if action or operations directed to some end.

Integrating TQM into the Strategic Management Framework of an Organisation

Six Steps:-

Develop a shared vision and mission for the organisation

Develop the ‘mission’ into its critical success factors (CSFs) to move it forward

Define the key performance outcomes as being the quantifiable indicators of success in terms of the mission and CSFs

Understand the core processes and gain process sponsorship

Break down the core processes into sub processes, activities and tasks and form improvement teams around these

Ensure process and people alignment through a policy deployment or goal translation process

TQM can help a manager make the right strategic decisions about the future direction of organisation. However, remember that strategy is about doing the right things and quality is about doing things right.

Quality management and strategy are interlinked, indivisible and the same, but only after the quality culture become an integral part of how you run a business.

A further driving force for TQM implementation is the need for the long term survival of the organisation and the need for a common culture. When design of services, product, systems, and procedures is the first concern of management after people issues, the organisation is really looking outward to find what the expectations of customers really are.

For a good a strategy in an organisation there should be commitment to the TQM program is therefore vital, from each employee from the top of the bottom of the company. Each employee will be taking responsibility for the quality of work that they do. If senior manager are seen uncommitted to the program, it is unlikely even to get off the ground.


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