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Six Sigma Strategy for Amazon

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Business Strategy
Wordcount: 5671 words Published: 23rd Sep 2019

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Six Sigma Strategy for Amazon 


Table of contents



Six Sigma

Kaizen in the fulfillment center

Pulling the Andon Cord




How Amazon Innovate



Warehouse and Fulfillment Processes

Warehouse administration system

Push/Pull Approach to Bring Products Closer to Customers

Giving Customers More Power in the Supply Chain

Customized Inventory Management devices for Sellers

Usage of Inventory Management





According to Romero, Customer satisfaction is however important for both products and service. Clients dependably need a world class reliable quality. In present situation, there are numerous gaps and the client isn’t fulfilled for more often than time. Therefore, there are several ways developed to tackle these issues and keep up steady quality in products and service is by adapting different procedures. Those Procedures most importantly are SIX SIGMA, KAIZEN and ANDON CORD. It encourages the association to return to the procedures and take out the issues and create reliable quality. Moreover, these will increase the value of what you do by enhancing your item quality and decreasing operational expense. Along these ways, the production line would not make any defective units while working and settling the issue as quick as could be expected under the circumstances. There are three methods that are used to maintain the quality of amazon.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma has dependably been immovably established in Amazon’s organization culture. With around 2000 things requested at regular intervals, Amazon can’t bear to neglect models

To accomplish their objective, Amazon begin enlisting the best and most splendid – a typical Six Sigma strategy – from best schools around America. They made things one step further via preparing their representatives as Six Sigma Black Belts. Utilizing Six Sigma strategies, they could diminish variety by effectively searching it out utilizing DMAIC, Root Cause Analysis, and comparable apparatuses. They lessened waste by cutting spending, dispensing with none-esteem including process organizes, and developing a Kaizen-based organization culture.[1]

The outcome was a totally unique organization with more noteworthy stock management, expanded productivity, and strong value stream control.

How Amazon have Incorporated Six Sigma into their Work:

The ways amazon has implemented six Sigma into their strategies are as follow:

1) Operational excellence -. The organization started a program of Operational Excellence aimed at enhancing organization forms. Amazon characterizes Operational Excellence in two different ways:

Initially, to deliver consistent enhancement or improvement for client experience

Secondly, to drive productivity, margin, efficiency, and asset velocity across the entire corporation

2) Hiring Best and Brightest To achieve their objective or goal, Amazon begin enlisting the best and brightest – A COMMON SIX SIGMA TACTIC. They made things one step advance by preparing their workers as Six Sigma Black Belts.

3) Six Sigma methods– By utilizing six sigma strategies, Amazon could diminish variation by effectively searching it out utilizing DMAIC, Root Cause Analysis, and comparable instruments. They diminished waste by cutting spending, wiping out non-esteem including process stages, and developing a Kaizen-based organization culture.

4) Outcome The results by implementing Six Sigma in this company was totally different with higher inventory management, increased efficiency, and stronger value stream control.

Six Sigma, one of the notable terms in industry, helped management in several different ways, including its total management commitments, customer focus, process improvement. Moreover, they preferred a measurement system rather than following gut feelings. It was all about making every area of organisation able to meet customer’s demands and needs.[2]

As Six Sigma is time consuming process, it requires skilled man force. However, benefits getting by implementing Six Sigma in process make it adequate concept to improve process.

Kaizen in the fulfillment center

Kaizen and the entire procedure of continuous enhancement was, and keeps on being, an incredible instrument at Amazon. Amazon utilize numerous orderly strategies to make work forms less demanding and more effective, including the “Kaizen” program, named for the Japanese expression signifying “improve.”

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Through the Kaizen program, representatives take an interest in little groups to distinguish squander and streamline forms. In 2014, more than 2,300 partners took part in 725 Kaizen exercises. For instance, a group at Amazon’s Las Vegas, Nevada, satisfaction focus streamlined the client returns process, enhancing profitability 34%, taking out overabundance amble separation by 128,000 ft. every day, and lessening work in process by 46%

Each kaizen is an exceptionally basic thing, yet the importance of kaizen has a massive effect. Amazon likewise utilized kaizen at the workstation level to achieve new profitability targets for stowing items. The objective has dependably been to stow items inside a specific day and age and with a specific number of cutting edge staff, since stowing represents around 20 percent of the expenses in the satisfaction focuses.

A test for Amazon was that the profitability of the trucks was exceptionally unusual: stowing a little book does not take indistinguishable time from stowing a PC screen. They utilized kaizen to enhance the standard work by diminishing stowing times, so they settled things base up on the cutting edge to accomplish the best down objectives for efficiency.[3]

Pulling the Andon Cord

Andon card is a Japanese word that implies paper lamp. The Andon rope is a Toyota advancement now normal in numerous gathering conditions. Bleeding edge specialists are engaged to address quality or different issues by halting creation.

Here is a rundown of potential issues:

  • A client announced the thing as imperfect,
  • The thing doesn’t coordinate its portrayal on the item page,
  • The bundling is flawed or conflicting with the thing.

When you get the email, Amazon stops all offers of this ASIN until the point when you make a move.

The Andon rope has had an astonishing effect; it disposes of a huge number of deformities every year. The other awesome thing is that the Andon rope has enabled cutting edge specialists. The specialist to stop the line is a colossal verification of trust for client benefit operators, who for the most part have no genuine expert to help to clients via phone.

Any individual in the assembling plant needed to absolutely stop generation, they could pull the Andon Cord. When all creation was stopped, a group pioneer would quickly go inquire as to why the rope was pulled. At that point, together, the pioneer and the group could work to tackle the issue and restart creation.

With the string, the specialists have possessed the capacity to tell clients that the item has been put in the lab for quality issues until the point that the imperfection can be settled. In the meantime, they offer clients another item or repay them. Clients can see items pulled for quality issues on the site continuously. This has made unimaginable vitality and persuaded our forefront individuals to do incredible work for their clients.[4]

The procedure starts when an administration specialist gets a telephone call from a client clarifying that there is an issue with the item he or she has recently gotten. On the off chance that it’s a redundant imperfection, they enable the client benefit operator to “stop the line,” which implies taking the item off the site until the point that they settle the deformity. The goal is to begin the line again with the imperfection settled. They made a whole foundation procedure to recognize, track, and resolve these deformities.


Amazon is given to magnificent client administration and experience. Utilizing Six Sigma they have gained quick ground in turning into a worldwide online retailer. With a culture concentrated on nonstop enhancement and most noteworthy proficiency conceivable, Amazon has assumed control over the world to another dimension.

The effect of Six Sigma on Amazon.com can be seen through the factual portrayal. Amazon Revenues– 1995 to 2014. Amazon incomes have expanded complex subsequent to actualizing six sigma in1999 and that can be seen through the com information given underneath.[5]

Source: Amazon Annual Report



According to Daniel Rivet, Amazon is one of the most powerful company in today’s world. The convince of the Amazon.com and hot new products like kindle, Amazon Prime, Amazon Go, drone delivery is creating has build up to the top of the list of the successful innovative business. If we look from the outside to in the answer to question that comes in everybody mind is “what drives Amazon to be successful in the market?” The first thought is company CEO of the company and another thought is company’s ability to innovate. The greater the diversity of the organization, the greater the probability that members will conceive major innovations. Some of the innovation segments are:

Amazon Devices:

  • Alexa– Amazon took a position in the virtual assistance business segment with its release of the Amazon Echo in June 2015. The Echo, better known as Alexa, is a smart speaker that is capable of voice interaction to act as a virtual assistant to the user.
  • Prime Air– the delivery system from Amazon planned safely to get the shipments to customers within 30 minutes or less using unmanned aerial vehicles and it is popularly known by the name drones. This device is equipped with all safety features such as sense and avoid technology. Amazon has a prime air development stations in US, UK, Austria, France and Israel.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) – AWS offers a cloud-based database, examination, content conveyance and security for clients to develop their business. The cloud benefit stage propelled in 2006 and during recent years, has turned into the point of convergence of each tech organization, as per fortune.com. AWS has supported around 40 percent of the overall piece of the pie for cloud administrations suppliers while the following three contenders (Microsoft, Google, and IBM) hold around 20-25 percent consolidated.[6]

Amazon Go- One of Amazon’s later endeavors happens to be a market called Amazon Go. This is a one of a kind business try for Amazon since it requires a physical store though the majority of Amazon’s different items and administrations are offered on the web or through the cloud. Amazon’s objective of being the most client driven organization on the planet could get a huge lift with the divulging of these stores because of the relatively careless process that these Amazon Go stores will appear to accommodate its clients.

Amazon Prime– Prime is a portion of Amazon that enables buyers to buy in to a participation that gives them various selective advantages, for example, free, two-day delivery, Prime Video and Prime Music alongside various advantages. Prime gives a comfort factor to clients of Amazon.com that more than an expected 65 million clients have bought in to prime. Prime enables Amazon to wander into the video gushing business sector to contend with organizations like Netflix and Hulu. Prime Music is another advantage to the participation that draws buyers from items like Apple Music and Spotify.[7]

Amazon Robotics– Amazon Robotics, an entirely claimed subordinate of Amazon.com, enables a quicker witted, quicker, more predictable client encounter through computerization. Amazon Robotics computerized satisfaction focus activities utilizing different techniques for automated innovation including independent versatile robots, refined control programming, particular form of language insight, control administration, PC vision, depth of knowledge detecting, machine learning, question acknowledgment, and semantic comprehension of directions. Amazon Robotics has a committed spotlight on innovative work to constantly investigate new chances to expand its product offerings into new zones that will reclassify what ‘Now’ implies and enable Amazon to keep on offering client encounters that will charm and stun.

How Amazon Innovate

Amazon has a rundown of leadership rules that all workers pursue, from officials to bring down level representatives The standards are as per the following: Customer Obsession, Ownership, Invent and Simplify, Are Right A ton, Hire and Develop the Best, Insist on the Highest Standards, Think Big, Bias for Action, Frugality, Learn and e Curious, Earn Trust, Dive Deep, Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit, and Deliver Results. The organization endeavors to center around the end purchaser and work in reverse from that point. The Amazon Kindle tablet was made because of client request instead of a thought made from a specialist at Amazon Combining the over three authority standards will lead the organization to the last one: Deliver Results.

At the point when an organization is fixating on client needs, concocting and making items to address those issues, and continually increasing current standards to improve those items, it will dependably prompt outcomes that are passed onto the customer. Models of effective “results” for Amazon would be Amazon Prime, Amazon Echo, and Amazon Web Services. These items/administrations are the kind of results that Jeff Bezos is hoping to originate from the utilization of his initiative standards.

In view of Jeff’s capacity to structure these initiative standards and execute them into his organization has been an immediate connection to how effective and inventive it has been. Amazon will seek after all creative and imaginative ventures regardless of the thought if it will emphatically influence the purchaser. 90 percent of Google’s tasks are committed or identified with the organization’s center business while just 10 percent of ventures are random profoundly business (G Suite). This puts confines on where Google representatives can run with their thoughts and what thought they can completely seek after.

At Amazon, if a worker trusts he or she has a thought that could be an inventive task that would emphatically influence the end purchaser he or she can introduce it to Bezos and an official board and they choose whether to seek after it appropriate on the detect Amazon’s way of life is based altogether from experimentation. Bezos knows and comprehends the significance of experimentation and how it prompts advancement Jeff Bezos has made a structure at Amazon that rotates around client needs and needs. This structure Bezos includes utilized inside

Amazon has been a key factor in Amazon’s capacity to advance and stay at the highest point of fruitful organizations. Due to the possibility that Amazon is continually testing and continually thinking of some imaginative item or administration, the organization never needs to play “get up to speed” The consistent experimentation, ability to come up short and be misjudged, and client driven state of mind are a couple of the key elements of this organization that enables them to create inventive items at a steady rate.[8]


Amazon has met and exceeded these customer demands in almost every business sector. The movements from sector to sector have proven to be successful on Amazon’s financial reports and stock price.

Analysis of Amazon’s Stock:

In May 1997, Amazon had its Initial Public Offering (IPO) of stock that sold for $18.00

Source: “Yahoo Finance”

Share that raise an approximate $54 million for the company. Twenty years later, the share price has appreciated to an astounding $947 per share (5/11/17) and still rising day by day. In the last ten years, Amazon’s stock has significantly outperformed all major indices as well as its major competitors The graph above is an interactive chart from yahoo finance that compare Amazon’s stock (blue), with major competitors Apple (light blue) and Google (Orange), as well as the three major indices: Nasdaq (pink), S&P 500 (green), and Dow Jones Industrial Average (purple).

As seen in the graph, Amazon’s stock has appreciated over 1,285% in the past ten years. Amazon’s closest competitor pictured on the graph is Apple. Apple’s share price appreciated about 783% over that same time a mere 502 percent less than Amazon. This shows the true superiority of Amazon over its competitors. Google’s stock price increased approximately 257% over the same ten years. From June 2007 to May 2017, Amazon’s stock appreciated five times that of Google’s stock and nearly double that of Apple’s stock price.

As seen in the graph, the three major indices have stay pretty level towards the bottom of the chart for the entire ten-year span. The best performing index of the three has been the NASDAQ, which appreciated 136% throughout the period. This comparison chart truly illustrates the dominance that Amazon has shown over the last ten years in the market due to its continuous improvement approach and ability to add new innovations in the market that drives the company.[9]



Analysis of its multi-level stock framework

  • The first level is the accumulation in the warehousing centre focuses, which guarantees that Amazon holds less inventories and reacts to request in a dynamic way.
  • The second level is contained the accomplice conveyance focuses and the wholesalers wherein at whatever point an arranged item isn’t accessible in its very own dispersion focuses; Amazon can depend on its accomplices and wholesalers to supply the client with the required item. Further, utilizing refined and continuous IT, Amazon can use efficiencies in its circulation.
  • The third level is contained the systems of outsider merchants, distributers, sellers, and makers who guarantee that Amazon goes about as a middle person that satisfies orders from clients by connecting them to this level.

Warehouse and Fulfillment Processes

An extraordinary warehousing framework is significant to Amazon’s activities, since it can guarantee the correct dimensions of stock crosswise over SKUs and quick satisfaction at low expenses. That is critical to Amazon’s separated offer: expansive choice, low costs, quick transportation, and comfort. Amazon’s distribution center chiefs and staff know precisely where each thing is retired (regardless of their irregular collection) and can exhort pickers about which courses to take with the end goal to satisfy various requests in the most limited measure of time. Stock administration is the mystery sauce behind Amazon’s puzzling quick request satisfaction, conveyance abilities, and precision and is something that each organization needs to remain aggressive.

Source: “Amazon’s Locations around Globe”

Warehouse administration system

This product can total data about particular items and their areas by utilizing the utilization of standardized identifications and scanner tag scanners. Clients are additionally ready to create a sort of scanner tag called stock keeping units (SKUs) to distinguish particular items. These SKUs are filtered into different areas all through the distribution center. After SKUs or standardized tags are filtered, the distribution center’s stock administration framework at that point keeps definite records of which things are the place, what number of things are situated in a area, and whenever a thing is included or expelled from an area.

Push/Pull Approach to Bring Products Closer to Customers

Amazon’s own warehouses are deliberately set, drawing nearer and closer to primary metropolitan zones and downtown areas. Subsequently, it utilizes an unadulterated push technique for the items it stores in its stockrooms. Then again, it utilizes an unadulterated draw system when it offers the items from the outsider venders.

The organization is likewise seeking after physical retail locations to place merchandise in nearer nearness to clients.

Giving Customers More Power in the Supply Chain

With backend frameworks giving information joining crosswise over request handling, stockroom and circulate work processes, Amazon can take a request and start shipments in merely minutes. Presently, the organization is enabling shoppers to kick-begin that procedure. Cut Gear revealed that Amazon’s new Dash Wand utilizes a standardized identification scanner to let clients effectively examine merchandise and submit orders through the Amazon Fresh administration.

Now, Amazon’s capacity to deal with its inventory network by means of computerized instruments expands the distance from clients starting requests out to them accepting merchandise at market-driving rates. Organizations that need to keep up will be unable to reproduce the majority of Amazon’s advancement, yet they can change around computerized innovations, for example, versatile information accumulation, to keep pace with moving customer desires.

Customized Inventory Management devices for Sellers

Stock, Amazon likewise has reinforcement that assistance venders realize when to restock stock, oversee overabundance stock, and discloses to them to what extent items have been in satisfaction focuses and which ones are liable to long haul stockpiling expenses.

It is essential for each dealer on Amazon to comprehend the accepted procedures for Amazon stock administration. There are a few apparatuses accessible inside Seller Central, some particularly for FBA merchants that can help in stock administration of the units.

The Restock Inventory tools gives proposals to FBA dealers on items to restock, recommended arrange amounts and reorder dates. Information your particular lead time and item volume to additionally tweak these recommendations for your exceptional business.

Amazon likewise suggests that merchants watch out for the delivery line to screen data about their shipments, incorporating those that are in advancement, in travel and at a satisfaction focus.

“Successful stock administration could easily compare to ever, particularly in case you’re an Amazon dealer. In the previous year, Amazon has presented month to month long haul stocking charges for moderate moving expanded FBA expenses, and propelled the new Inventory Performance Index (IPI) metric.”

Usage of Inventory Management

  • Amazon went for ‘bother free tasks’, consumer loyalty, time and cost effectiveness.
  • Amazon figured out how to decrease the measure of its inventories in light of productively dealing with the distribution center.
  • Careful choice about ‘item’, ‘provider’ and ‘circulation focus’ i.e. ‘which item to purchase’, ‘from where’ and ‘which focus it would send its item to’.
  • Huge interest in framework (patched up the format of its stockroom) and innovation (refining its product helped popular gauging)
  • Aimed to cut down cost by means of re-appropriating a portion of the normal exercises.
  • Joined forces with different organizations for delivery the stock.[10]
  • Amazon.com, 1995-2014 Annual Report, 69-72,



[1] Chris, ‘’Six Sigma Case Study: Amazon.Com,’’ Global Six Sigma last modified June 13,2017.  https://6sigma.com/six-sigma-case-study-amazon.

[2] Chris, “Six Sigma Case Study.’’

[3] Geovanny Romero,’’ Lean Innovation at Amazon,’’ Innovation excellence, https://www.innovationexcellence.com/blog/2014/09/22/lean-innovation-at-amazon.

[4] Geovanny Romero,” Lean Innovation at Amazon’’

[5] Amazon.com, 1995-2014 Annual Report, 69-72, https://about.Amazon.com/investors/annualreport1995-2014/files/pdf/en/ar.p0df.

[6] Rivet, Daniel J, Amazon’s Superior Innovation: A Study of Amazon’s corporate structure, CEO, and reasons behind why it has become the most innovative company in today’s market (2017), 1, 7, 16.


[7] Rivet, Daniel J, Amazon’s Superior Innovation: A Study of Amazon’s corporate structure, CEO, and reasons behind why it has become the most innovative company in today’s market (2017),15-17.


[8] Rivet, Daniel J, Amazon’s Superior Innovation: A Study of Amazon’s corporate structure, CEO, and reasons behind why it has become the most innovative company in today’s market (2017),5-9.


[9] Rivet, Daniel J, Amazon’s Superior Innovation: A Study of Amazon’s corporate structure, CEO, and reasons behind why it has become the most innovative company in today’s market (2017),18-19.


[10] Rick Leblanc, “How Amazon is Changing Supply Chain Management,” the balance small business, last updated Nov 04, 2018, https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-amazon-is-changing-supply-chain-management-4155324; Lori Wood,”5 Ways to increase efficiency with warehouse Management System,” WMS Software,https://www.skuvault.com/blog/increase-efficiency-with-warehouse-management-system.


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