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Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Business Strategy
Wordcount: 3033 words Published: 8th Feb 2020

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Ahlemann, F., Stettiner, E., Messerschmidt, M., & Legner, C. (2012). Strategic enterprise architecture management: Challenges, best practices, and future developments. Heidelberg: Springer.

 Bio: Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann, Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; Christine Legner, Professor of Information Systems at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

 Summary: Explanation of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) for executives to leverage strategic planning and controlling processes.
Outlines the governance, strategic planning, project life-cycle, operations and monitoring, and EA frameworks, modeling, and tools. Also provides a chapter on the future of EAM.
Personal thoughts: Structure of the chapters are easy to navigate. Convenient summary at the beginning of each chapter.

Bente, S., Bombosch, U., & Lagade, S. (2012, 29 August). Collaborative enterprise architecture: Enriching EA with Lean, Agile, and Enterprise 2.0 practices. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

 Bio: Stefan Bente is the Head of Software Architecture DC Dusseldorf, Tata Consultancy Services; Uwe Bombosch is an Enterprise Architect, Tata Consultancy Services; and Shailendra Lagade is an Enterprise Architecture Practice Lead, Tata Consultancy

 Summary:  Provides an explanation of collaborative enterprise architecture, focused on implantation of EAM instead of theory. Explores the details of EA and then introduces the authors’ proposed improvements with collaborating lean, agile and enterprise 2.0 concepts with EA. Covers the latest emerging technologies affecting business practice, including digitization, cloud computing, agile software development, and Web 2.0

 Personal thoughts: Provides useful charts/tables. I found the narratives distracting.

Behara, G.K. & Palli, P. (2015). Enterprise Architecture Metrics.  Journal of Enterprise Architecture, volume 11, number 3, pages 23-29.  Retrieved from http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.globalaea.org/resource/resmgr/JEA/jea_dec2015_final.pdf
Bio: Dr. Gopala Krishna Behara, senior Enterprise Architect of Wipro with 19 years of IT experience; Prasad Palli, Practice Partner in the Enterprise Architecture division of Wipro with 17 years of IT experience.

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 Summary:  This is one of several articles in the journal. Discussion on how to measure the success of EA implementation. A model for metrics identification, objectives, metrics parameters, and their benefits in the EA context; measured indirectly by measuring the achievement of the objectives set for the implementation. This article also discusses recommended roles and responsibilities for EA metrics measurement, communication, and reporting.

 Personal thoughts: Chart with examples is helpful. This edition of the journal also has other informative articles.

Burkett, J.S.  (2012). Business security architecture: Weaving information security into your organization’s enterprise architecture through SABSA. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 21:1, 47-54.  Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19393555.2011.629341
Bio: Jason S. Burkett, Senior Security Associate at the Veris Group; certified SABSA Practitioner in architecture design (SCPA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and a Project Management Professional (PMP).

 Summary: The Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA) is a solution-oriented methodology for any business enterprise that seeks to enable its information infrastructure by applying security solutions within every layer of the organization. This article describes how SABSA can be integrated into organizations’ existing architectures utilizing organizational business drivers.
Personal thoughts: Many visual aids in the article. Provides comparison of SABSA and other frameworks. Useful and informative article.

Chew, E.K. and Gottchalk, P. (2009). Information technology strategy and management: Best practices. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

 Bio: Eng Chew, Professor of Business and IT Strategy at the University of Technology, Sydney; Petter Gottschalk, Professor of Information Systems and Knowledge Management in the Department of Leadership and Organizational Management at the Norwegian School of Management.

 Summary: Aligning Information technology strategies to business it the main topic. Presents nine models for IT managers to analyze and understand how IT can add value to the organization. Case study presented as a conclusion.

 Personal thoughts: Well-organized book of reference, sections designed to map “what is and why strategies,” “how to do IT strategy effectively,” and “how do IT organizations influence business direction.”

Emery, C., Faison, S., Houk, J. & Kirk, J.S. (2007). The Integrated Enterprise: Enterprise Architecture, Investment Process and System Development. System Sciences, 2007. HICSS 2007. 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2007, 218c-218c. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2007.545
Bio: Christopher Emery, US Architect of Capitol; Stephanie M. Faison, US Architect of Capitol; Jonathan Houk, US Architect of Capitol; and John S. “Stan” Kirk, US National Science Foundation

 Summary: Discussion on the process integration and enterprise architecture touchpoints from the perspective of the investment management process; provides an outline and overall process floe for the Integrated Enterprise Life Cycle (IELC).  IELC is designed to improve business efficiencies and enable more efficient system mitigation and modernization. A case study is presented showing the implementation of the IELC.
Personal thoughts: EA and SDLC discussion. The flow charts provided in the article were useful for understanding

Greefhorst, D. (2013). TOGAF & major IT frameworks, architecting the family. ITpreneurs. Retrieved from http://mailing.itpreneurs.com/Newsflash/TOGAF/Whitepaper-Architecture-with-TOGAF.pdf
Bio: Danny Greefhorst, Principal Consultant and Director of ArchiXL (an enterprise architecture consulting firm in The Netherlands); member of the board of the architecture section of the Dutch Computer Association.

 Summary: Relationships between TOGAF and enterprise architecture has with other process frameworks: COBIT, PRINCE2, and ITIL are presented. Most use these frameworks in an isolated manner: Architects use TOGAF, management users COBIT, project managers use PRINCE2, and IT service managers use ITIL. How to break down the boundaries of these frameworks and the personnel that use them, find commonalities between them.
Personal thoughts: Slide share also available, provides essential information without lots of detail. Essential concept to bridge the language and understanding across the organization.

Handler, R.A. & Weiss, D. (2006). Role definition and organization structure: Chief enterprise architect. Gartner Research.  Retrieved from http://www.silverbulletinc.com/dm2/File_Browser_2/data/files/IDEAS/References/Gartner/Gartner_role_definition_and_organiza_138141.pdf
Bio: Robert Handler; Deborah Weiss

 Summary: Through explanation of the role and responsibilities of and Chief Enterprise Architect. Article provides organizational charts reinforce discussion points.
Personal thoughts: Short and to the point. Well organized for quick reference when needed.

Lapalme, J., Gerber, A., Van der Merwe, A.J. & Hinkelmann, K. (2015). Exploring the future of enterprise architecture: A Zachman perspective. Computers in Industry. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2015.06.010
Bio: James Lapalme is with the Ecole de technologie superieure, Canada; Aurona Gerber is with CAIR, Meraka CSIR and the University of Pretoria, South Africa; Alta Van der Merwe is with the University of Pretoria, South Africa; John Zachman is with Zachman International; Marne De Vries is with the University of Pretoria, South Africa; Knut Hinkelmann is with University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and the University of Pretoria, South Africa

 Summary: A discussion on the future of Enterprise Architecture and organizations, using the Zachman framework to guide and structure this discussion. This paper presents the “Grand Challenges” that the authors believe will challenge organizations in the future and need to be addressed by EA. Personal thoughts: Many mentions of “Grand Challenges” without going into depth of those challenges. Lengthy article for basic conclusion that EA needs to develop more, focus on EA technique instead of EA technologies.

Lesley, S. & Efrom, N. (2013). An approach to defining enterprise architecture value within an organization. The MITRE Corporation. Retrieved from http://www2.mitre.org/public/eabok/pdf/Efrom-Defining-EA-Value.pdf
Bio: Stuart Lesley is an Information Systems Engineer with the MITRE Corporation; Neil Efrom is an Information Systems Engineer with the MITRE Corporation

 Summary: Organizations are facing increasing demands to demonstrate the value of their EA programs in a more data driven way. Due to the enterprise nature of EA programs, it is difficult to gather the appropriate data in a timely manner. Many of the “payoffs” of EA require years to either become apparent or span multiple programs/projects. This presentation provides one approach an organization can use to better measure EA value in a data driven manner
Personal thoughts: I enjoyed the layout of this article, easy to navigate and glean key points quickly. Graphs and flowcharts are easy to understand and help reinforce the concepts provided.

Mahmood, Z. & Hill, R. (2011).  Cloud computing for enterprise architectures. Heidelberg: Springer.

 Bio: Dr. Saigham Mahmood is Reader in Applied Computing and Assistant Head of the Distributed and Intelligent Systems Research Group at the School of Computing in the University of Derby, United Kingdom; Dr. Richard Hill is Head of Subject (Computing and Mathematics) and Reader in Intelligent Systems at the School of Computing in the University of Derby, United Kingdom.

 Summary: An examination of cloud computing from the enterprise architecture perspective. A reference guide ranging from fundamental concepts and principles to cloud computing, approaches and frameworks to adopting cloud computing, existing issues and challenges as well as possible future directions and ideas for further research.
Personal thoughts: Organization of the book is easy to navigate and find the information needed for specific topics.

Pham, T., Pham, D.K., & Pham, A.T. (2013, 16 May). From business strategy to information technology roadmap: A practical guide for executives and board members. Boca Raton: Productivity Press.

 Bio: Tiffany Pham graduated with a BA in Economics and International Studies, with Distinction, from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School; David K. Pham is a prolific software creator; Andrew Pham is an IEEE senior member, PMP, and PMI-ACP.

 Summary: An approach to identifying business strategies and creating value-driven technology roadmaps in an organization
Personal thoughts: I like the appendices, the ten questions for Board Members and IT (and vice versa) especially

Sapp, C. E. (2017, 17 January). Preparing and architecting for machine learning. Gartner Technical Professional Advice. Retrieved from: https://www.gartner.com/binaries/content/assets/events/keywords/catalyst/catus8/preparing_and_architecting_for_machine_learning.pdf
Bio: Carlton E. Sapp

 Summary: Discussion on the benefits and challenges of machine learning, requirements or its architecture and how to get started.
Personal thoughts: Layout of the paper along with charts and graphs to reinforce the concept were helpful.

The Open Group TOGAF-SABSA Integration Working Group. (2011). TOGAF and SABSA integration.  The Open Group and the SABSA Institute.  Retrieved from: http://www.computerweekly.com/ehandbook/TOGAF-and-SABSA-Integration

 Bio: The Open Group isa global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards.

 Summary: This paper from the Open Group, documents an approach to enhance the Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF) enterprise architecture methodology with the Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA) security architecture approach to create one holistic architecture methodology. How SASBA is best used in TOGAF-based architecture engagements and how requirements management processes in TOGAF can be fulfilled by the application of SASBA.
Personal thoughts: Layout, graphs and charts are useful; understandable concepts.

Ulrich, W. & Rosen, M.  (2011). The business capability map: The “Rosetta Stone” of business/IT alignment.   Cutter Consortium. Retrieved from https://www.cutter.com/article/business-capability-map-rosetta-stone-businessit-alignment-469506
Bio: William Ulrich is a Fellow of Cutter Consortium’s Business & Enterprise Architecture practice and President of TSG, Inc. Specializing in business and IT planning and transformation strategies; Mike Rosen is Chief Scientist at Wilton Consulting Group which provides expert consulting in Digital Transformation Strategy, Business Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, and Enterprise Solutions.

 Summary: The translation between business concerns and IT concerns. A discussion on how capability mapping enables business analysis and business/IT architecture alignment. Building a common lexicon throughout the business. Basic capability principles (10) are presented in this report.
Personal thoughts: Good discussion on mapping business and IT concerns, similar to challenges in the conventional military and Cyber Corps.

Ugwu, K. (2017, 15 May). Understanding the complementary relationship between enterprise architecture & project management. Architecture & Governance magazine.  Retrieved from http://www.architectureandgovernance.com/elevating-ea/understanding-complementary-relationship-enterprise-architecture-project-management/
Bio: Kaine Ugwu is a TOGAF 9 certified architect, who currently leads architecture at Terragon Group, an African digital media company.

 Summary: The overlapping objectives of Enterprise Architecture and Project Management are discussed; they are complimentary disciplines in many facets. Successful implementations include ensuring proper data flow between the two disciplines and using a common lexicon and taxonomy to establish consistency; improved collaboration and fewer silos.
Personal thoughts: Good points examined in this article, collaboration is key!

Wixom, B.H. (2016). Winning with IoT: It’s time to experiment. MIT Sloan, Center for Information Systems Research, Research Briefing, Volume XVI, Number 11, November 2016.  Retrieved from http://cisr.mit.edu/blog/documents/2016_1101_IoT-Readiness_Wixom.pdf

 Bio: Barbara H. Wixom is a Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Information Systems Research

 Summary: A discussion the Internet of Things (IoT) and businesses. Four concerns companies must resolve to be ready for IoT: Security – Can we protect devices and sensors from unwelcome access? Integration – Can we combine data and devices across networks and platforms? Data Ownership – Can we assign accountability for data stewardship and permission for monetization? Appropriate Data Use – Can we control how data will legally and ethically be captured, managed, and used? Trinity Health’s exploration of IoT is used as an example in this paper.
Personal thoughts: Informative paper, real-world example/case study helpful to reinforce points of the paper.


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