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Education and Training Coursework

Paper Type: Free Coursework Study Level: University / Undergraduate
Wordcount: 8684 words Published: 29th Sep 2021

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1.1 Define the concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training


The concept of professionalism in education and training require that as a teacher I should have deep knowledge and concrete understanding of my subject having a clear knowledge’s and understanding that will give me what is called professional autonomy over my areas of specialization, that is the right and privilege to teach without supervision that mean I have been trusted and provided with qualified licensed to teach within education and training, centre independent of supervision (Learning, 2012).

Code of Conduct

The concept of professionalism could be argued and interpreted as a normative ethical value, as standard worth maintaining and promoting in teaching and training.  Professionalism, therefore, requires those working as professionals to be trust worthy, honesty in marking and assessment and to maintain confidentiality and not use their knowledge for deceitful purposes. Professional teacher has high standards integrity in their work (Training, 2016) the code of conduct require me as a teacher not act such that is probably going to reduce the trust and certainty which people in general public expect. That means working and acting genuinely and with honesty Take sensible care to guarantee the wellbeing and welfare of students and conform to important code of conduct arrangements.

National Professional standard

According to (department-for-education, 2012)The national professional standard is the conduct, behaviour and standards which guide the work of professionals who have autonomy control over their own work and power to assessed and uphold professional standard of learning National Professional standard require me as a teacher to maintains an in-depth academic knowledge base in my own areas of academics’ subject and keep up and update knowledge by improving myself in subject area.

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The national standard for professionalism is underpin by the need for me as a teacher to take responsibility for my continuous personal development and I should be able to keep in touch with changing technology legislative changes that can impact on learning Develop in my own subject and I should have the ability to conclusion of what works and what does not work in my practice identifying what are the best practice.  The national standard also requires me as a professional teacher to reflect on my value, practice in the context of changing education and be able to conduct evidence based research (department-for-education, 2012)

(Learning, 2012)Argued that Dual professional is defined as deep knowledge, conceptual understanding and expertise in teaching and learning processes and contexts, matched with expert subject knowledge and skills

Professional body

Professional body are body that regulate the teaching standard of a particular subject in education and training chartered accountant, chartered science, professional bodies may be specific to a particular field of discipline and to teach those subject a teacher need to be register member apart from professional body (Sheffeild, 2011)

Specialist teacher

According to (Gravells, 2012)Specialist teacher are professional who are accredited for teaching and assessing learner with Specific Learning Difficulties they have to have required qualification to teach learner with disabilities. Teachers and assessors will need to prove that they can meet the criteria laid down by the official approval Board such as the British board of Dyslexia

1.2 Explain ways in which own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism

The values do impact my professional relationships and practices. My role and practice are connected to my organisation share values and practices as a teacher I always considered adopting organisation value in my work This is an important part of being a critically reflective of my practices (Scotland, 2016).

My own professional values do influence my practice in a number of ways which include Meeting organisation policies and procedure my professional value is to Conform to legal requirements to provide inclusive learning environment to promote equality which is set in the organisation policies and procedure for example demonstrate good practice through

My own professional values also aid the process to self-Audit and reflection of my competence through analysis of my competences I will be able to identify areas of weakness that need to be improve and better understand how to improve my practice which in turn will contribute to improve the organisation’s quality cycle.


department-for-education, 2012. These standards set the minimum requirements for teachers’ practice and conduct.. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education
[Accessed 13 9 2017].

Gravells, A., 2012. What is Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. 1st ed. London: Sage.

Learning, I. f., 2012. Professionalism. [Online]
Available at: https://set.et-foundation.co.uk/media/110497/2012_10-IfL-professionalism-paper.pdf
[Accessed 18 9 2017].

Scotland, G., 2016. Professional values into action. [Online]
Available at: http://www.gtcs.org.uk/professional-standards/professional-values-into-action.aspx
[Accessed 12 9 2017].

Sheffeild, U. o., 2011. Higher Education Professional Bodies. [Online]
Available at: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/polopoly_fs/1.79650!/file/HE-Professional-Bodies.pdf
[Accessed 12 9 2017].

Training, S. f. E. a., 2016. Code of Practice. [Online]
Available at: https://set.et-foundation.co.uk/media/2410146/set-code-of-practice-final-for-publication.pdf
[Accessed 18 9 2017].

Task 2: Report you are required to respond to the following questions with some real life examples;

2.1 Explain ways in which social, political and economic factors influence education policy

According to (Abbott, 2013) Education policy consists of the ethics Laws that shape all the function and operation in the educational industry educational policy are set of laws and rules that underpin education and training and these policies are shape by social, economic and political factors.

The government played a major role in shaping educational policy, the government designed Education policies with focus and attention on the outcomes of education. Educational policy serves the purpose to positivity impact the learning outcome, which intern has an effect on the wider community. It also has a broader implication on economic prosperity of the country. The Government formulate educational policies that gravitate to serve the need of the economy. For instance, seeking out the ways in which these policies meet the right workforce production to meet the demand of the industries.

Educational policy is therefore shaped by many factors that influence the formulation of the policy, such as social, economic aspects that drives policy formulation and how educational policies impacts on Economy and society at large deepened on each factor and some are interrelated.

Political Leadership provide crucial platform to debates on education policy that fit the need of the country.  The policy debate aims at improving performance and achievement in education. The government policy will have to steered educational provider in ways that improve educational standard. the intention underpinning the education policy background is to provide a valuable learning resource for a wide and diverse set of learning needs. ‘Education, education, education.’ (BBC, 2007) That was Tony Blair’s winning slogan in 1997 UK Election

There is argument that Education policy must reflect and connect to the social environment the school environment must connect to the real live experience (P.Patil, 2012)Education is a tool of social change and social development is generally a result of quality contents of education, humans need change therefore education must also change to reflect social changes.

Therefore, when formulating education policy, policy’s maker must aim to prepared leaner to meet the demand outside, taking into consideration the social norm, and social background, educational policy would aim to enable individuals to acquire employment, education and economic independence.

Some policy focus on individual outcomes but some Educational policy are aims toward social inclusive looking into unemployment rate, immigration trend such as the impact of Brexit will have influence educational policy formulation if the effect of Brexit will reduce the number of skill labours although research is still being conducted on the impact of Brexit on Education it has the potential to influence educational policy (Independent, 2016).

At the national level, the government is concern with issue such as low number of pupils staying on in education past the age of 16 and thus the low proportion achieving level 2 or 3 qualifications, compared to other countries. The policy was then aims toward vocational qualification scheme, gear toward employments focused qualifications such as NVQ

Another driver in the formulation of education policy has been the needs to avert poor basic skills level of the UK population, in comparative the concern about the low-level skill in the country and big skill gap has driven the government to introduced a policy toward a homogenous national curriculum for all young children aged 7-16 (UK, 2014), with the effort to ensure that all young adults age 7-16 gained minimum depth and breadth of curriculum.

(BIS, 2011) argued that investing in education and skills is a key driver of economic growth government educational policy aims to invest in human capital development as key determinant of economic growth; the Educational policy is therefore designed to support economics developmental agendas

Another driver behind educational policy is employer demand employer demand for skills labours and skills labour shortages drive policy toward training aims to meet the skill gaps therefore educational policy will be aligned toward investment in training to supply right labour for to the industries.

2.2 Analyse the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism

According (Aleman, 2016)Education policy is the principles and government policies in the educational and learning sector this are set of laws and rules that underpin the function of education systems It seeks to answer questions about the aim and objective of learning outcome.

It also looks at the methods that will be deployed in education to attains the desired outcome for example the 2017 Annual London Education Report.(institute, 2017) Produced by the Education Policy Institute, seek to explores the policies of educating and learning in school collages university, vocational and apprenticeships and entry into the labour market to see if it is fit for purpose.

Therefore, to understand the Impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice we need to look at the policy cycle, policy creation, policy implementation, policy monitoring and policy evaluation, appropriate to government departments and policy documents relating to the lifelong learning sector and how it impact on curriculum and practice,

some of the current educational policies includes promoting vocational qualifications this policy has impacted on the National Occupational Standards(Gov.UK, 2011) this is a standard of performance worker must achieve when carrying out duty in the workplace,

The national occupational standard policy has impacted my areas of teaching that is NVQ Health and social care, the policy laid down specific requirement within the NVQ curriculum its underpinned the delivery and acquisition of knowledge and understanding in Health care setting. To achieve this unit, you learner must demonstrate that they can applied the principles of care in their practice


In practice worker are require to be thought with the knowledge and skill fit for work in health care setting and to be able demonstrate Competences and skill learned, and its application in a broad range of health care setting

(Gov.uk, 2011)Regulatory bodies and awarding body have responsibilities of NVQ in respect of the curriculum development in term of contents, assessment and verification process of NVQs and NVQ unit to maintain learning standard. Also, education and learning centre are changing and the Government needs to take a very active role in managing the education ensures that our collage is assessable, affordable, and reliable. And fit for purpose therefore another government Educational policy that impact on curriculum is policy to maintains education standard of health care setting.

(Education, 2017) stated that the important maintaining education standard is to increased the employability effectiveness in NVQ Health and social care setting.  Maintaining standard is a policy that impact health care curriculum development NVQ standard in education is one of the key challenged facing those who are drawing educational policy standard is the essential concerned the question for policy maker is how to maintain standard across NVQ health care curriculum, therefore the policy framework must reflect the Health care labour demand, social economical operational realities and vice versa. This will require a mix of policy and operational skills, checking for example that the NVQ curriculum contents and specification remains fit for Health care standard and purpose (Bank, 2008) argued that Educational Policy are also formulated to response to employments needs and demand this will have an impact on curriculum development to make sure that the curriculum does response to employments demand side therefore in formulating educational policy require that government should constantly works with education delivery and other partners such as awarding body to ensure continuous improvement and efficiency of the curriculum process to meet employer demand.

B.B.C, 2014. UK ‘second best education in Europe’. [Online]
Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27314075
[Accessed 17 9 2017].

On education standard,(B.B.C, 2014) argued that  the UK is considered to have a strong record, however there is a lot of political, industry, public and media interest in the future of our NVQ health and social care in light with series of health blander in hospital and care setting such as the Baby P inquire, (Gov.UK, 2010)the standard of care is in question,  therefore in order to have strong NVQ health and social care  standard, the government policy body need to have strong relationship with all stakeholder whose interest impact on NVQ curriculum development. Government Educational policy maker should be able to adopt a flexible approach on the Education policy with the aims to prepared learner to work flexibly across a range of health, social economics and political issues to stop such health care blander from happening.

Gov.UK, 2010. Peter Connelly Serious Case Review reports published. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/peter-connelly-serious-case-review-reports-published
[Accessed 13 9 2017].


Aleman, A. M., 2016. Educational Policy. Educational Policy, 31(6).

B.B.C, 2014. UK ‘second best education in Europe’. [Online]
Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27314075
[Accessed 17 9 2017].

Bank, W.-., 2008. Linking Education Policy to Labor Market Outcomes. [Online]
Available at: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EDUCATION/Resources/278200-1099079877269/547664-1208379365576/DID_Labor_market_outcomes.pdf
[Accessed 12 9 2017].

department-for-education, 2012. These standards set the minimum requirements for teachers’ practice and conduct.. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education
[Accessed 13 9 2017].

Education, D. f., 2017. The Department for Education’s statutory guidance publications for schools and local authorities. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education
[Accessed 14 9 2017].

Gov.UK, 2010. Peter Connelly Serious Case Review reports published. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/peter-connelly-serious-case-review-reports-published
[Accessed 13 9 2017].

Gov.uk, 2011. Department for Education’s (DfE) plan. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dfe-to-close-arms-length-bodies-to-improve-accountability
[Accessed 17 9 2017].

Gov.UK, 2011. National Occupational Standards Quality Criteria. [Online]
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/304238/nos-quality-criteria-2011.pdf
[Accessed 12 9 2017].

Gravells, A., 2012. What is Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. 1st ed. London: Sage.

institute, E. p., 2017. Annual london educational poilicies. [Online]
Available at: https://epi.org.uk/report/annual-london-education-report-2017/
[Accessed 22 9 2017].

Learning, I. f., 2012. Professionalism. [Online]
Available at: https://set.et-foundation.co.uk/media/110497/2012_10-IfL-professionalism-paper.pdf
[Accessed 18 9 2017].

Scotland, G., 2016. Professional values into action. [Online]
Available at: http://www.gtcs.org.uk/professional-standards/professional-values-into-action.aspx
[Accessed 12 9 2017].

Sheffeild, U. o., 2011. Higher Education Professional Bodies. [Online]
Available at: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/polopoly_fs/1.79650!/file/HE-Professional-Bodies.pdf
[Accessed 12 9 2017].

Training, S. f. E. a., 2016. Code of Practice. [Online]
Available at: https://set.et-foundation.co.uk/media/2410146/set-code-of-practice-final-for-publication.pdf
[Accessed 18 9 2017].

Task 3: Report

You should provide precise response, keep in mind this report would be shared with awarding bodies.

3.1 Explain the roles of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training

(Freeman, 2010) Argued that Stakeholder theory has been useful theory to study the role of stakeholders in education and learning, stakeholder is those individual or group who is affected by or can affect / influence education and training this include Students, government, local authorities, media awarding body funder and other

There is therefore element of accountability, responsibilities, and responsiveness to stakeholder needs and demand which affect and have vested share of interest in the daily function of education and training

The role of students as stakeholders’(Holcomb, 2007)argued that students are stakeholder also, if student’s feedback is taken into consideration it would help to reviews programmes and practices and curriculum purpose and these reviews will in turn help teacher to translate feedbacks into meaningful evolution of the course contents, student feedback also help in improving quality.

(Feild, 2006) Argued that Apart from Student, community  also played a role as stakeholder and the community influences do impact on education and training for example community in a particular areas  would significant aims to improve their community and improvement  the quality and standard of education in their areas this in turn affect educational  policy and curriculum development, therefore to meet community needs the curriculum contents are developed with the background desire to achieved community demands the curriculum is work out in close relations between community and education and training provider this can be achieved through variety of community programmes aim to increase employment, meet the demand of the local employer or to fill the gap of skills labours in the community.

To response and established good community relations and community cohesion, such as addressing community needs and aligning education and training programme for the community education will be benefiting the community needs it will become an integral part of the community(Feild, 2006).

Another stakeholder group whose roles impact on education and training are colleagues(Feild, 2006), stated that work colleagues such as fellow teacher, manager, collage nurses played an importance role in meeting the learning aims and objectives, therefore productive relationships with colleagues help in sharing of crucial information, improve quality, facilitate resources sharing ensure that examinations are sat under common standard and regulation according to  guideline which meet the specification of awarding body.

(Avis J, 2009) assert that external body such as the joint council for qualification ensure that the assessment is sat under consistent guidelines, provide common organisational standard across all education and training setting to offered same standard and qualifications, common regulations and guidance. Government therefore work to ensure that the various awarding body comply with these requirements.

Another external body that its roles impact on education and training is The Qualifications Advisory Group made up of representatives and stakeholders which includes the department of education, special need federation of awarding body, federation of small business, further education sector and employers group the external body gives advice concerning qualification matters(Gov.UK, 2014).

3.2 Explain how being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies impacts on organisations in education and training

Being accountable to stakeholder and external body do impact organisation in education and training for examples the requirement to maintain our collage internal Standards is as a result of the needs to comply with the awarding body Pearson specification(Pearson, 2014) which require that our verification process must uphold internal quality assurance and assessment to the right standards. Pearson has provided guideline, support and advice to the collage to make sure that the collage and teacher provide accurate assessment records and to make sure that we are assessing learners properly, regularly and fairly.

My role and responsibilities in relation to the assessment framework is to comply with the requirements for internal assessment quality through reviewing the processes, procedures, documentation and records of all assessment knowing that Pearson as awarding body will apply the appropriate sanctions if standard of assessment do not meet their standard.

My role as a teacher is to demonstrate accountability toward Pearson guideline (Pearson, 2014)I need to demonstrate that the assessment process does support my learners towards the achievement of the learning outcome. Therefore, I have involved my learner at initial stage in the assessment process I have given my learner constructive feedback at the early stage to prepare them for final assessment

3.3 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders in education and training

According to (Barentsen, 2014) Partnership working referred to sharing good practice, knowledge’s, joint decision-making and recognition the boundaries of respective roles and responsibilities.

Working with various inter departmental conflict is inevitable therefore partnership working give the platform for conflict resolution, it gives opportunity for participant to reduce any possible conflicts that can negatively impact on teaching.

According to (Gov.UK, 2014) Partnership working Aid the making of better decision through sharing of knowledge’s Partnership working also make good use of collage resources libraries and other collage staffs make excellent partners. They have a lot to contribute to my teaching success and often have exceptional attributes which can enhance my teaching activity. Library is not just books it offer opportunities I engaged with highly skilled staff who are well experienced in online resources and study workshop to improve my knowledge and support my learner.

(Tiwari, 2014) Partnerships with stakeholder facilitate Curriculum development stakeholder such as Community, local council, government, and business community can be of reciprocated benefit to both party interactions and knowledge sharing between collage and stakeholder aid curriculum development and reviews to meet the needs of the community the themes behind curriculum development will be agreed through consultation meeting involving the interest of all stakeholder And I have contributed my input to several meeting organised in the collage  with agenda item to improve curriculum .

In my areas of speciality NVQ Health and Social care, partnership working with other business entity has enhanced my opportunities to send my students for work based placement and get feedback on their performances while they are on duty, I then used the feedback sent to inform my teaching, and give me tools to guide me in one to one meeting with my learner.

Partnership working with employer has allow me to Identified training need and it has aided me to analysis my roles and task involved my job description and contributed to quality improvement

3.4 Analyse the impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism

(Feild, 2006) stated that being accountable to stakeholder and external bodies impact on curriculum design because  it help teacher to meet the need of stakeholder and external body ,being Accountable is a provisions it deal with professional autonomy and external control between me and stakeholder two powerful features in this working relationships that is  Autonomy and control that rely on the my expertise and experience as trained professional teacher which give me some Levels of autonomy or control in my areas of specialization this autonomy generate trust between me , stakeholders and external  who have control over my practices and performance curriculum  measurement and design

Teacher get better at meeting the requirements posed by the awarding bodies and stakeholder who demand higher accountability for teacher to organise their work in a way to meet the targets imposed in the curriculum if their standard fall short of meeting the need of stakeholder there would be need to seek opportunity that enhance progression.

Reflecting on occupational needs as a classroom teacher contribute to curriculum design (Rffey- Barentsen, 2009) argued that this is an influential factor that determines the success of a curriculum

As a teacher, I take the responsibility to implement curriculum and ensures it meets the learners’ needs. I give Feedback which informed the process of improving the curriculum design. I have given Feedback on the suitability and flexibility of resources and teaching aids which have been specified in the curriculum.

Being accountable to assessment program has enriched my experience as a teacher and enhanced my chances to better the quality of assessment. As one of Stakeholder in the curriculum design I have learnt to think more critically on how contents and assessment specified with the curriculum has impacted on leaning and national standard especially within NVQ health and social care my areas subject of teaching and the used of critical thinking assist me to evaluate if my practice is meeting the awarding body and collage standard in delivery and assessment

The limitation to this is that teachers are restricted with the remit of the their official stated accountability areas therefore they may not want to be take into any extra role in the hidden curriculum

Quality assurance can been achieved as a result of me being accountable to stakeholder and external bodies. The quality assurance Standard is imbedded in the collage Special Education policy to supports inclusion of special needs learners this policy requires me as a teacher to maintain quality assurance in this area of special need, therefore I take regular classroom observation to monitored if their educational, social and emotional needs are being met and give feedback that informed curriculum design, delivery, and assessment.

Task 4: Report

Assuming you are given an opportunity on induction day and you need to respond these questions with focus to new staff that are going to join;

4.1 Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation

(Abbott, 2013) Policies and procedures are formulated laws and rules set to impact and determine an organisation guide on practice, its guide all the action that take place within the remit set.  Procedures are the specific methods adopted to comply with policies in practice in day-to-day operations of the organization. Some of my organisation policies, code of practice and guidelines include:

Equality policy and the key aspect of equality policy is underpinned by the obligation to provide equality services to all learner and to recognition the diversity, different backgrounds and cultures that exist in community CALAT’S aim to promote varieties of choice in services provided to support individuals needs  so that they meet their full potential and this policy framework is design  in line with government legislation on Access ability policy which  require that educational setting  provide an accessibility policy this should include collage admission process, provision of  services resources that met the need of all learner , and make sure that the building and classroom designed provide a  persons with disabilities, accessed  in line with  government Equality Act 2010

Please see Appendix CH 4.a

CALAT Code of conduct

comply with health and safety requirements state that learner and teacher should upheld good health and safety practice, for example CALAT Code of conduct require learner to refrain from taking food and drink into classrooms to avoid causing harm to themselves and other and urged learner and teacher to follow health and safety guide any practice that compromise health and safety will result in learner being excluded from CALAT Centres

(Gov, 2017) Common Inspection Framework policy underpinned the upgrading of standard in education by setting quality benchmarked against which inspection is carried out and then give report on their finding which is assessed against other relevant standards set by government.  CALAT community college is therefore committed to improve its performance standard with the aims to be CALAT inspection standard to   the same standard as any other collages

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974:

The key aspect of health and safety Act aims at protecting people against risks the health and safety act covered work place health and safety including learning sectors  (Gov.UK, 2015) The Health and Safety Executive appointed in the collage has a legal responsibility for enforcing health and safety act As a teacher I will have to make sure that the environment that I am working is safe for myself and other including my learner.

Data Protection Act 1998

(legislation.gov.uk, 2016) stated that the key aspect of data protection Act is underpinned on the premises of safeguarding the rights of individuals in regard of how their personal data is being used and store the Personal data shall be collected used fairly in line with what was intended for and mast be kept secure and not transferred to other countries

Classroom code of Conduct

My entire learner has the right to learn without interference from others. As a teacher, it is my role and responsibility to protect this right of all learners by promoting positive behaviours in the class room ensuring that the classroom is conducive to learning.

Therefore, as a teacher I will challenged any classroom misconduct and behaviour which disturb or hinder learning experience. Students are required and expected to conduct themselves according to the code of conduct for example late coming and using mobile phone in the class

4.2 Analyse the impact of organizational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism

Organisation requirements what it take to meet its aims vision and objective or an organisation. However, evaluating and justifying learning outcome is a very difficult task for organizations particularly quantifying the degree to which learner have acquired the intended curriculum objective as result of their training.

The impact of organisation requirement on curriculum in area of my teaching NVQ Health care the question that would be asked is weather learner have got the skills as a result of the training and then reviewing if the knowledge and skills from the training can be applied safely in health care setting that would improve the quality and efficiency of practice one of such requirement is,

Collective responsibility

(Barentsen, 2014) Collective responsibility is shared responsibility all staff of the collage, awarding body, and funder collage nurses administrators, teachers, counsellors  accept responsibility for the learners’ success or lack

Promoting Equality and diversity is one of Ofsted key inspection framework. Therefore, the organisation requirement for me as a teacher is to make sure that I set a   provision, promotion and management of equality and diversity in my class room as a primary ingredient for learner to   learners to succeed

Every organisation has plans and requirements that determine how the curriculum must be thought. The strategic teacher should work with the collage management of the organisation, in consultation with other staff member to, determine the best way of meeting the curriculum goals

The organisation requirement to me as a teacher is to be fully committed to implementation of the curriculum, through good communication skill sharing of best practice with colleague team-building and having motivational skills, and I should have ability to use teaching resources effectively to meet the curriculum contents delivery.

Organisational Requirements

Professional development is the continuous process of advancing teacher’s profession standard, in light to teacher changing role responsibilities.  Professional development of individual teacher enhances improvement of standard and the quality of teaching, therefore supporting the goals and objective of the Curriculum. All teachers are required to participate in professional development designed to increase and improve productivity and effectiveness of teaching.

Professional development is a comprehensive program focused on the recognition, plan, and implementation of teacher needs and professional development planis proposed to stimulate collage’s growth and bringing effectiveness practice at the College.

Review the currency of my personal skills

Review the currency of my personal skills should help me to recognise how best to meet organisation expectation, identify my skills short and long term development needs such as improving my skills by taking training, networking with other, attending educational workshops and reading to positively impact on my skills the starting point is to look critically at my current job descriptions and specifications which should be the benchmarked against which I conduct a personal review process. to identify areas where training may be essential to create the skills capacity that meet my organisation expectations

Working together

Organisation requirements call for extensive, meaningful teacher working with other.  Academic and vocational teachers are expected to work together to alter the curriculum and pedagogy within subjects, make connections between subjects, and explore new relationships between the school and the Health care of work. Therefore, the organisation requirements require me as a teacher to plan and prepare my lessons and materials in collaboration with other to produced significant benefits–for learners, other teachers, and for the school. Share your challenges, shared what has been learned share resources and success story

Imagine you are selected as one of the best teachers in response of students’ feedback and now you need to write a report to senior management who is head office based;

5.1 Analyse the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organisation

(Barentsen, 2014)The collage organisation is accountable to its learners, community and stakeholders including awarding body for the quality and standards of learning offered. The collage should have to monitored and challenged performance, undertakes a regular assessment to assess how effective the collage is meeting its targets for improving quality and raising standards which should be measures against Ofsted requirement. As a teacher, I must make sure that my performances meet quality standard through quality improvement.

To achieved quality improvement as a teacher I need to be involve in sharing best/ good practice sometime I breaks the isolation of the classroom and brings teaching rewards and daily satisfactions by networking with other.  I do this by sending and answering emails from colleagues online and elsewhere. Share ideas through online forum conducting assessment, marking together with colleagues for accurate moderation thus improving the quality of assessment.

5.2 Explain the function of self-assessment and self-evaluation and the quality cycle

Self-evaluation is an obligatory prerequisite of the inspection frameworks. Learning providers are inspected by Ofsted. Ofsted uses the Common Inspection Framework (CIF) 2012. (Ofsted, 2012) Department for education and skills states that Ofsted will assess how learning provider’s are doing to conduct self -assessment and its accuracy and impact on quality provision.

This is also confirmed by Wilson. (Wilson, 2014). According to Wilson, Ofsted check the accuracy of self-assessment report.

Although self-assessment is a mandatory obligation, it also serves as internal self-regulation tool. Self assessment make possible for learning provider to accurately recognize the strengths and weaknesses that lie within its practices. This will give opportunity to improve bad practices and improve overall collage capacity

Self-assessment and quality cycle self-evaluation

The responsibility for improving quality and standards lies with the individual who are requiring to used quality cycle to conduct self-assessment and self-evaluation Self-assessment is the evaluation of all aspects of my role and responsibility to identify gaps and used this design an improvement plan, with clear targets and actions for improvement identified in the self-assessment in line with the curriculum specification requirement

However self-assessment have some limitation It can be fairly unreliable if teacher do not need to disclose their weakness or if disclosing self-assessment result will put their jobs at stakes; e.g., if teachers know that if they give themselves a bad self-assessment result this will impact their employment .

Mapping what I have accomplished in my teaching checking what went well   and areas of weakness as a teacher is very important therefore continuously take more meaningful self-assessment as essential tool in mapping my performance position.  Self-assessment have a direct impact on the quality my teaching carrying out self-assessment opens an ongoing dialogue  with other colleague whose constructive feedback is crucial to identify my areas of strength and weakness ‘and this would help me to initiate positive changes to improve my work.

Mappingas self-assessment tool help me to manage my own learning and development this allows me to critically reflect on which areas of my teachingwithin the curriculum framework I should developed further.

5.3 Evaluate a learning programme taking account of the quality maintenance of own organization

Evaluating learning programme is a critical factor in measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of learning outcome by assessing whether learning objective and goals have been met this can be done through gathering formal and informal learner feedback on learner Reaction about the learning experiences did they learn what the curriculum specify in term of   increasing knowledge and skills Evaluation therefore measured the impact of the training.

Learner feedback is one of the platform to assess the quality of learning learner feedback is a tool to raise any concerns that they may have about the standard of teaching leading  to the swift  improvement of practice. As a teacher it is important to ensure that the views of learners about the quality of teaching, formed part of the planning of improvement.

Meeting expectations is another way of evaluating quality of my work asking question such as does my knowledge/skills competences up to date in my areas of speciality from this evaluation I found out that I need to improve my presentation skill and time management during lesson therefore areas of improvement is to take more training and improve the quality of my teaching and stay current with Legislation affecting teaching my subject areas NVQ health and social care

Meeting target is another way of evaluating learning programme when setting the target it is important to identify how the target will be met and monitored the goal of the monitoring target is to improve the quality of the performance through continuously keeping track on the actual target. My target was to promote learner progress but the result of achievement rate following the last assessment show that 85% of learner average score but the target was 92% this means to meet the target next year I should make sure that I put in place   Effective plans to support those not making the expected levels of progress this is to drive the quality of achievement up

5.4 Identify areas for improvement in the learning programme taking account of the outcomes of evaluation

Please referred to 5.3 for part of the answer to this question

areas for improvement marking more purposeful marking policy and regular work scrutiny and new homework policy; new Academy ethos; improved pupil behaviour to raise the achievement rate to 92% as per the target set arranged extra lesson to under achiever learner and continuous to reviews Areas for development and put in place Further training a for a number of new teacher who, although being very good, lack experiences

The feedback from internal and external verifier shows that as teachers I fell short to demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding of my subjects I teach and my plan lessons although effective I should make, maximum use of lesson time to provide adequate time for practice to embed the learner s’ knowledge, understanding and skills this will enable leaner who is under achieving to catch up. Another areas of improvement which was identified as a result of the teaching’s team feedback is that I am setting very high and challenging homework which is, not in line with the NVQ’s curriculum specification and not appropriate to health care level 3 because some of the contents and assessment standard I am using is for level 5 therefore I need to lower standard down to be appropriate to level 3


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