Equality and Diversity, and Self Evaluation
✓ Paper Type: Free Assignment | ✓ Study Level: University / Undergraduate |
✓ Wordcount: 9142 words | ✓ Published: 5th Feb 2025 |
Task 1: Define the meanings of equality and diversity in the UK context .Explain why it is important of promoting equality and diversity. Analyse the ways to promote equality and value diversity (U18AC1.1 and 1.2, U21 AC4.2).
Evidence: Report/Reflective Writing
A: Identify and explain the 9 categories with regards to equality and diversity: gender age, gender, disability reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership.
Introduction: This topic defines and explains Diversity and Equality; It involves the importance of promoting and analysing various ways of promoting Equality and value Diversity in the UK context.
Definition of equality
Equality is ensuring individuals or group of individuals who are not treated differently or less positively ,on the basis of their specific protected characteristics including areas of race, gender ,disability ,religion or belief, sexual orientation or age. In promoting equality all sort of discrimination should be eradicated in all of the mentioned areas bullying, harassment or victimizations are also considered as equality or diversity issues. Equality is about encouraging everybody’s right to be unique or different, about being free from all forms of discrimination.
Equality is about fostering an individual’s right to be valued, and having choice and dignity with a right to your own beliefs, values and ethics.
Diagram showing classroom Equality and diversity.
The equality act 2010 stipulates that people should not be discriminated and also to strengthen the law to support progress on equality if they belong to the following 9 categories:
- Refers to the protected characteristics of age, it refers to an individual belonging to age group .an age group includes individuals of the same age and individuals of particular range of ages. People under the same age group share protected characteristics of age .The Act equality act 2010. (Employment Equality (Age)regulations,2006).
- Whether an individual is attracted towards his or her own sex ,opposite sex or both sexes, they have the right to be treated fairly .The law protects every individual against discrimination. Gender roles are learned, changeable over time.
Gender reassignment
- Gender reassignment is a personal, social, and sometimes medical process by which An individual’s gender has being changed. It is the process of transitioning from one gender to another. Anyone who proposes to, starts or has completed a process to change his or her gender is protected from discrimination under the Equality Act.(employment, 2010)
Pregnancy and maternity:
- Pregnancy is a period of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity is the period after child birth and it is linked to maternity leave in this context.
- This refers to how the law protect women during the period of pregnancy. The Act gives protection against direct discrimination to women who are pregnant or on maternity leave during the period of pregnancy and during statutory maternity leave. In the non-work context, protection against maternity discrimination for 26 weeks after giving birth which also includes treating a woman unfavourably because she is breastfeeding
- This refers to the protected characteristics of race. Race refers to group of people defined by Colour, Nationality, Ethnic or National Origin (s.9) Nationality – can be acquired by birth or by other means into citizenship. National Origin – means more than nationality. The equality Act 1976. State unlawful to “discriminate against anyone on grounds of race, colour.Every individual has the right to be treated fairly and be protected against racial discrimination and prejudice regardless of their skin colour, where they came from or where they were born.
Religion and Belief:
- Beliefs includes religious and philosophical beliefs including lack of beliefs(e,g Atheism).Generally, belief or religion should not interfere with an individual’s right to be treated fairly at work ,school, while accessing public services etc. The Equality Act 2010 defines religion simply as any religion – including not having a religion. The equality Act ensure that direct and indirect discrimination; victimisation and harassment on the grounds of religion or belief are outlawed in all aspects of employment (oculam, Aug/20/2013).
Sexual orientation:
- This is a protective quality directed to people’s sexual orientation. It is referred to people with: similar sex like her or him (the individual is lesbian or gay man).The reversed sex from her or him (heterosexual person).The equality Act stated that it is unlawful to discriminate indirectly or directly on a person’s actual sexual orientation.(Cambridge, 2017).
Marriage and civil partnership:
- This simply covers people who are in a legally documented marriage or legal civil partner unification. The equality act for example makes it unlawful to discriminate people because they are marriage or civil partners. Example: People of same sex couple who are documented as civil partners.(employment, 2010).civil partners must be treated the same as married couples on a wide range of legal matters.
- This simply covers individuals with certain disabilities. The equality act makes it unlawful to discriminate individuals due to their disabilities. This section establishes who is to be considered having protected characteristics of disabilities(Disability Discrimination Act1995).
DEFINITION OF DIVERSITY: Diversity means understanding that each individualism unique, and recognizing our individual differences .These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender ,sexual orientation, socio-economic status ,age ,physical abilities ,religious beliefs or other ideologies.
Points to be considered (at least 3): Diversity and equality, e.g. celebrating differences, range of students and learning needs, diversity in race and culture or religion resulting in differences in perspectives and perceptions, issues relating achievement to gender or age, social inequalities, issues of language acquisition and multilingualism, determining restricted or elaborate language codes, avoiding racial stereotyping, opportunity in employment or progression, dealing with glass ceiling.
Social inequality:
This simply means the uneven distribution of limited resource and social return. The differences in access of social resources initiated by power, Race, religion. These social for example are: health, freedom of speech etc.(Bradley, may/05/2014).It is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social position or statuses within a group or society
Avoiding racial stereotyping:
According to Stedman graham, this is the overstating of a group or persons representation, accepting for small or without social difference or people’s discrepancy normally transmitted by media, family member.(gill, Jan/04/2012).
Issues relating achievement to gender and age: These are the various ways and successes to Gender and Age. Example Research found out that children skill of reading improves as they develop. (Ehri, 1995,McCoach, O’Connell, Reis)(psychology, 2015).
C: Why is important to promote equality and diversity?
Points to be considered (U18AC1.2), (at least 3): Benefits, e.g. richness of social mix, including class, multi- cultural society, notion of global village, promoting social integration, sense of community, mutual support, broadening the workforce
Opportunities and employment opportunities, opportunities for progression, promoting best practice, addressing learning or physical disabilities, addressing difficulties that hinder language learning and skills development.
It is important to promote equality and diversity:
Multicultural society:
This is a method of practice ranging from the advocacy of equal respect to various culture in a society, to policies of promoting the maintenance of cultural diversity. It Accepts and enhances their socio-cultural conflict. Allows and accept their regular participation in a cultural inclusive framework which gives more dignity among the member society.
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Promoting social integration: Social integration is a dynamic and structured process in which all members participate in the enforcement and maintenance of peaceful social relations. Social integration prevail in group if bonds of attractions attracts members. Inclusive policies can make societies better off if they promote social integration and sustainability.
Promoting best practice:
An effective understanding and management of diversity contributes to promoting an organization’s reputation, it encourages participation, helps its recruitment and retention, increases productivity and lessen the rate of potential risks. : A diverse personnel can help the development of better services or products open up market opportunities and broaden the customer base.
D: Analyse the ways to promote equality and value diversity.
Points to be considered (U21AC4.2), (at least 3): Promoting equality and valuing diversity, e.g. creating opportunities for sharing and celebrating diversity, positive attitude to individuals, engaging students, empowering individuals, encouraging team working, working with community or specialist groups
Engaging student: This explains the inclusiveness of students in various dimensions in order to promote equality and diversity. It involves treating all student fairly, creating an inclusive culture for all students and ensuring equal access to opportunities to enable students to fully take part in the process of learning and advancement activities.
Encouraging team working: Team working is a great idea to promote diversity in a workplace, it enables people from different cultures and situations feel safe in that kind of environment by inspiring and encouraging the employees to become involved in team work with various specialists in their field.
Task 2. Review the factors which influence learning. Include in your review the impact of the personal, social and cultural factors and different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning. Describe actions by individuals which can undermine equality and diversity and recommend modifications to systems and structures which do not promote equality and diversity(U18 AC 4.1,4.2/ U21AC1.1, 1.2).
Evidence: Report/Reflective Writing
A: What are the factors affecting learning? Review their impact on learning.
Points to be considered (1.1), (at least 3): Factors, e.g. age, gender, confidence, peer pressure, cultural or religious attitudes, educational backgrounds, financial situation, development of language, multilingualism, social or cultural barriers.
Factor affecting learning and their impact on learning:
Age: According to some specialist, learners have various ways and method of learning and assimilating which depends invariable like learning opportunities, the creativity to apply learning, individual differences and learning method in second language acquirement. This shows that people at certain age will be unenthusiastic to continue learning due to the Age.
Financial situation: There is a conception that students in higher institutions can have problems while studying and working, it is also stated that working has inimical effects on their studies considering the time limit spent on learning.
This shows that financial snags in relation to working ,serves as an hindrance to learning.
Social cultural barriers: socio cultural Cultures and social societies are also discerned by special methods of understanding. By participating with other to resolve their difficulties, learners first concede their ways of thinking in a culture. The measures being applied are referred to as tools. This shows that people thinking change by their engagement with another culture which ultimately modify their manner of reasoning and learning.
B: Review the impact of the different abilities on learning.
Points to be considered (1.2), (at least 3): Abilities, e.g. nature-versus-nurture, reading ability, analytical skills, aptitude, skill development, specific learning disabilities, physical disability, visual awareness, hearing impairment.
The impact of the different abilities on learning:
Skills development :The present argument on the importance of the development of skills and know –how the ILO has emphasized that training and education are of essential significant for social development and employment growth which can have an influence on learning.
Special learning disability :Learning disabilities children are from a diversified group. They are individuals of a varied group, exhibits viable complexity in various diverse areas. For instance, a learning impaired child can encounter a particular reading complications,
Hearing impairment: Hearing is crucial because primary communication and hence understanding, arises basically from learning spoken language through listening and buttressing emblematical thinking exercises and therefore affects learning.
C: What are the barriers to equality and diversity relevant to your practice?
Points to be considered (at least 4): Actions, e.g. limits of language, discrimination, bullying, intimidation, harassment, confrontation, challenging or disruptive behaviours, peer pressure, cultural or religious tensions, social inequality, lack of self-confidence, poor self- image, individual under-performing, lack of opportunity, poor expectations.
The barriers relevant to my practice are:
Harassment: Insignificant behaviour attached to a considerable guarded peculiarity that has the intension or effect of going against an individual’s decency or causing mendacious, embarrassing, unfriendly, disgusting or demeaning environment for that person causes a substantial obstacle to learning. mainly in the classroom.
Discrimination: When an individual airs intolerance, this always bring about label of children. This can be given to an individual or societies. It occurs when a label in consequence of intolerance is given.
Culture or religious tension: In some cases, the Catholic Church as well as certain translations of the Koran prohibits the use of condoms.
Some faith-based schools rejects the teaching of sex education. this create obstacles in learning.
Confrontation :Confrontation or improper behaviour create obstacles for learning, it causes poor health and affect teachers wellbeing. In contribution to other stress related encounters, teachers’ sadness and students falling behind which cause a great barrier in teaching.
D: Suggest what can be done to remove these barriers in your organisation
Points to be considered (at least 4): Systems and structures, e.g. responding to feedback from students, increased flexibility to allow students greater say in management, engaging students directly in own management, encouraging team working, sharing good practice, working with community or, sharing experiences and coping strategies, negotiating individual roles and responsibilities, specialist groups delegating or giving students responsibility for own and others’ actions.
The different ways to eradicate obstacles in my organisation:
Encourage team working:
As a Team to fine the essence of a student’s proficient learning, As a team we often collate and explore information of student learning to assist in assigning and also assemble report at both school and teachers paradigm to evaluate the outcome on their work. Sharing good practice: By being responsive to the precise prerequisite of the individual associate of students, involved in cultural team work which maintains and encourages cogitative practice has a huge impression in ensuring prolonged advancement in the programme
Working with community: This involves working with, social services, health and education around the necessity of families and youth to motivate the involvement of learner with critical problems would help promote the engagement of learner. As every child matters display our guarantee of coherence.
Sharing experience and copying strategy: Since the individual supports that an adaptive e-learning program can proffer, it makes the most impact on those learners who have challenges accessing education.
Task 3. Summarise policy and regulatory frameworks relating to equality and diversity and inclusive practice.How do these influence organisational policies relating to inclusive practice as well as your own inclusive practice?Reflect on how the promotion of equality and diversity can protect learners from risk of harm.
Evidence: Report/Reflective Writing
A: Summarise the policy and regulatory frameworks relating to equality and diversity and inclusive practice.
Points to be considered(at least 4): Legislation, employment regulations and codes of practice, e.g. Equality Act, 2010, deaf and visual awareness, equality of opportunity, vocational and professional standards, workplace regulations, Tomlinson, Moser, Higginson, Kennedy, organisation policies and procedures, physical aspects of environment and accessibility, staff training addressing specific support needs, Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) procedures, staffing ratios, investment, quality assurance procedures.
Add Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training.
The policy and regulatory frame work to equality and diversity:
Legislation: They are forms of strategies which authoritatively dictate the rules to a sure measure are being taken to practice Equality. Example, Disability ACT which secure the right all individuals with disability.
Work place Regulation:
UK industries are expected to take up legal decree practice put forward by U k government tenable the evacuation of prejudice and the possibility of equality are fulfilled in the work place. Examples, Equality and Age Relation Act.
Equality of opportunity: This is designed to expand beyond the conformity of the equality legislation and head to a position in your area were there is prudence and
Effectual responsibility for qualification to ensure equality of possibilities and diversity advantages.
Organisation policy and procedure: This means, to approach organisational, culture attitudinal and obstacles, signifying fidelity to inclusion and diversity might be a inaugural platform in a notable organisational policies and approaches
B:What are the influences of the above on your organisational policies and own practice (at least 3 points from each paragraph)?
Influences on organisational policies, e.g. Criminal Record Bureau procedures, staffing ratios, nominated roles and responsibilities, quality assurance procedures, complaints procedures, marketing and promotion of courses, organisational policies, staff and student charter, requirement for CPD, accessibility.
The influence of the above on my organisational policies and practice:
Quality assurance procedure :Quality assurance can provide a framework for the quality advancement of learning and teaching in my organisation.
Staffing ratio: This is a set of operations used by an organization to ascertain its impending HR needs, reinforce competent aspirants with enthusiasm in the organization, and select the best of those applicants as new employees in my organisation.
Organisational policies; These conducts allow and encourages workers to create, share, and apply their perception and skills more fully than do traditional practices, with positive implications for the quality of jobs as well as for performance” (Godard, 2004, p. 349)
Influences on your practice, e.g. awareness of the current legislation, recognising own roles and responsibilities, reviewing own approaches, promoting through own
approach to teaching, working with others to promote inclusive practice, confronting issues, creating opportunities for sharing inclusive practice., confronting issues, creating opportunities for sharing inclusive practice
Awareness of the current legislation: This is essential to grasp the legal obligations of the school. This enables me to perceive my own role and responsibility to conform to legislation and policy
Confronting issues: Distinguish the precise needs of each individual learner, and reciprocate by dispensing a broad spectrum of teaching schemes.
Recognising own role and responsibility: This assists me as tutor Work in multicultural settings (including an understanding of the value of diversity, and respect for difference);
C: Explain how working with other agencies can promote diversity
Points to be considered (at least 4): Working with other agencies, e.g. liaising with specialised support agencies, enabling students to access support agencies, working alongside agencies to provide unified approach for supporting students, working as directed by other agencies to limit the number of people working with students, contact with employers, working with cultural or community groups, specialist speakers, specialist visits
How working with agencies can promote diversity:
Enabling students to access support agencies: Retaining strong relation with many agencies engaging between local agencies and schools such as religious groups, police, health professional and social care expertise help promote diversity.
Contact with employers: contacting employees of your department enable one to get adequate tips on how to function specifically in times of complexity with students in the class room.
Working alongside agencies to provide unified approach for supporting students: This assist student in various paths, for example the student finance.co.uk provide tuition fees for student education for different nationalities which promotes diversity.
Working with cultural and community groups: When diverse forces merge together example community organisations, agencies, they provide available resources that students can access in the community and improve their, cognitive development, civic, physical and social know how. ” (Blank & Berg, 2006, p. 10).
Add on the role of Equality and Human Rights Commission
The role of equality and human right:
This play a vital role in the following way-
Stronger and more trusting relationships with communities
Improved public confidence and more satisfied victims of crime.
D: Reflect on how the promotion of equality and diversity can protect learners from risk of harm
Points to be considered (at least 4): Risk, e.g. following policies and procedures, CRB checks, tackling discrimination, referral to specialised staff provision, traffic-light system for flagging up student needs or issues, rigorous mentoring, recognising symptoms of students at risk, appropriately trained and qualified learning support staff, investment in specialised provision, tackling issues of stress-related illness, scaffolding, encouraging student self-help and referral.
How equality and diversity promote learner from risk of harm:
Following policies and procedure:
Learners and staff have a conducive learning and/or working environment: That they feel secured; they know how to keep themselves secured and know the steps to follow in the event of any concerns. This includes any concerns related to the Prevent Agenda.
CRB checks:
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make secured reinforcement decisions and preclude inappropriate individual from working with susceptible groups, including kids. It alternates the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).
Symptoms of student risk: Involving diversity,
embedding diversity, institutions should organise a program when kids are not given the capabilities that enables them to accomplish their school apprehension. Specifically kids at risk with proficiency and dexterity.
Rigorous mentoring: Habitually, strict fostering programs have been used as a resistance to accost a precise youth problem such as rates of school dropout, youth violence, teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol use. This embattled resistance scheme centralizes on finding solutions to problems.
Task 4. Summarise own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice and analyse the benefits of an inclusive learning environment and ways to promote inclusion. Explain actions that can be taken to value individual learners and explain good practice in providing individual learners with information. (U18AC1.2, 2.2, 2.3; U21AC3.1, 4.1, 4.3).
Evidence: Report/Reflective Writing
An inclusive environment is one in which individuals of all cultural inclinations freely expresses who they are, their own opinions and points of view. Inan inclusive memberfeel dignified and attached to one another. All members contribute to the configuration of the team’s goal and to the accomplishment of those goals. Inclusivity moves us away from simply the physical integration of people to the integration of people’s experiences, Knowledge and perspectives.
A: Why is it important to promote an inclusive learning environment (Benefits?)
Points to be considered (U21AC4.1), (at least 4): Key features and benefits, e.g. promoting an inclusive approach to teaching and learning, motivating your students,
achievements, respect for others, creating a positive attitude, creating a culture of tolerance, empowering your students, shared responsibilities, collaborative working
Reason to promote inclusive learning environment:
- Promoting an inclusive approach to teaching and learning;
- Amplified contentment and detainment of tutors and scholars.
- Approach to outstanding human expedients and techniques for tutors and scholars.
- Opportunity to gain from complicated panorama when solving problem.
Motivating your student:
Motivation determines the specific goals toward which learners strive (Maehr & Meyer, 1997; Pintrich et al., 1993). Thus, it has effect on the choice made by the students.
Respect for others: It’s very crucial to have productive connection with individual with different history by listening to their opinion, being reverential and polite. kids and adult from the same work place might not dispense your philosophy but different beliefs and culture.
Empowering your student; Instead of depending principally on one or two valuation methods, consider advancing the diversity of valuation methods. For example, the use of in-class tests; multiple choice questions; group presentations; viva voce; self and peer assessment; creation of audio-visual material; performance; reflective diaries or laboratory works help to benefit learners and empowered students
B: Summaries your own role and responsibilities in promoting inclusion, equality and diversity
Points to be considered (U21AC3.1), (at least 4): Own role and responsibilities, e.g. working with organisation policies, promoting inclusive practice, promoting student inclusion, challenging inappropriate behaviours, giving students responsibility for own actions, celebrating successes, encouraging self- and peer assessment, recognising the need for boundaries.
Your own roll and responsibility in promoting inclusion:
promoting inclusive practice:
I provide supplementary learning scheme for scholars who have difficulties in numeracy after school lessons by assisting them with their class works which fasten diversity and enhance students understanding.
Challenging inappropriate behaviours:
I gave to special advice to my learners by using audio recorder in class, describing the good and performances which help student on how to behave properly in class.
Celebrating successes:
I usually provide the best student in my class with card of appreciation to welcome their success which encourages them in class.
Encouraging self- and peer assessment:
I embed peer and self-valuationby including essay writing, presentations and report writing on which scholar can make judgement on their work and likewise the work of their colleague.
Peer and self-valuation play a significant role in both collective and creative evaluation.
C: Analyse ways to promote inclusion
Points to be considered (4.3), (at least 4): Promoting inclusion, e.g. following organisation policies and procedures, own approach to teaching, working with others, tackling discrimination, confronting issues of bullying, empowering students, encouraging best practice, rewarding successes, positive attitude.
Organisational policies and procedure:
Policies and procedure are aimed to cogitates the entitlements and obligations of those within the school environs. Policies should also provide security for staff and visitors to the school on ways to guarantee inclusive practice.
Tackling discrimination; Negotiation with personnel delegates in putting together your policy, right and promptness from the very top of your organisation is key to the accomplishment of your policy and strategy.
All workers within your organisation should receive equality training. Indeed, the most crucial aspect of equality training is that it makes sense to all employees regardless of their level/grade,
Confronting issues of bullying:
Bullying should not be condoned and should always be followed by a quick and suitable reactions. Necessary measures should be taken to prohibit bullying because it might affect the student in question.
Encouraging best practice:
This can promote inclusion in learning when Every individual is given the opportunity to show equal choice and right, be appreciated and valued as humans
D: Explain actions that can be taken to value individual learners and explain good practice in providing individual learners with information.
Points to be considered (at least 4): Actions, e.g. ice breakers, promoting intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, negotiating group guidelines, facilitating group forming and encouraging positive group dynamics (Tuckman, Belbin), sharing cultural or social values, awareness raising, developing individual roles and responsibilities, encouraging sharing of cultural or social experiences, promoting personal values.
Ice breakers:
These are usually short practices designed to assist scholars say one another’s names out loud and know a little about one another. These are effective near the very beginning of an initiation scheme when scholars are perhaps a little unenthusiastic to communicate with one another which aids value individual learner.
Sharing cultural or social values:
Encouraging a educative inclusive learning environment inspires all individuals – unmindful of age, gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation or political beliefs – to improve personal contacts and effective intercultural skills for example positive interaction with student
Promoting personal values:
To discourse how your values would affect children, it is crucial to examine your techniques and principles earnestly. A person’s knowledge, education and environment could cause serious detriment to people and the society.
Encouraging sharing of cultural or social experiences:
Acknowledging and Advancing the cultural diversity of individuals and groups within the school will enhance learning and improve the knowledge and understanding of all pupils.
Points to be considered (at least 4): Providing information, e.g. that is current and accurate, appropriate language in delivering information, dissemination versus direction, shared ownership and negotiation of information, translated to recognise and meet students’ needs, using appropriate management strategies and information systems, providing feedback from your students and from course teams
Providing information:
Current and accurate information:
As a tutor we do have INSET day teachers training day to update our skill and discuss new legislation as the law changes frequently, I will modernize my teaching tools and employ scholars with the recent tools available from time to time, listen to news, reading current acts or legislations or laws and pass the same accurately to the learners. I will make use of modernized policies by the school and do away with the old appropriately.
Appropriate language in delivering information: At the beginning of learning, learners where told to only speak in English, because we have a various learners from all parts of the world. An example in United Kingdom (UK) English is the only language that is acceptable in the learning institution. Therefore, it is the only language that is used in the lecture room.
Share ownership and negotiation of information: The guardian of the information is known but as good practice scholars are encouraged to share the information with their mates and in most cases concur with colleagues on how to disseminate the information without discrimination to the owner of the information.
Providing feedback from your students and from course teams:
As a tutor, after a task or exposition has been done by the scholars I must give them a feedback report. Of what is working well, it must be favourably appropriate. I am seen to be kind but specific straight to the point of what they need to redo or change I will discuss how the can change it giving them ideas on how to achieve. The most important in feedback is the relationship between the scholars and tutors .Ultimately, when you know your students and your students confides in you, you can ignore all the “rules” of feedback. Without that relationship, all the research in the world won’t matter.
Task 5. Explain the relationship between own role and the roles of other professionals involved in inclusive practice. In doing this, identify the points of referral available to meet individual learning needs and how you liaise with the professionals involved. (U21 AC3.2, 3.3, 4.4)
Evidence: Report/Reflective Writing
A: Explain the relationship between own role and the roles of other professionals involved in inclusive practice.
Points to be considered (3.2), (at least 3): Relationship, e.g. acknowledging own limitations, liaising in-house or with alternative agencies to support students, negotiating on behalf of your students, working with learning support for specific learning needs (SEN), offer of testing, seeking guidance from others such as advanced practitioners.
Acknowledging own limitations:
As a teacher to operate with scholars and be effective and proficient, I will need discover my own weaknesses, either through skill or how to utilize resources available to me. Example I am mathematics with limited knowledge of art subjects. In other to improve inclusive learning, I will work on my art subjects by liaising with a colleague who’s more enlightened on the subjects and refer my studentsto them and this we do vice versa if he/she has mathematics students .
Liaising in-house or with alternative agencies to support students:
There is a limit to knowledge, not every individual knows it all, therefore as a teacher I work with other agencies to give the learner. For instance , if a student comes to me for advice on health related issues which requires an expert or a specialist , I will liaise with my mate in-house if a health care provider or medical practitioner is available in house .
Seeking guidance from others such as advanced practitioners:
In my area of specialization, I seek other professional advices in areas where materials or skill are limited this could depreciate performance output. These resources differfrom learner one to another. As a teacher it’s my responsibility and obligation to put the learner through to administration desk so as to put them through the appropriate department who will help them with any paper work they may have issues with, this will improve equality and inclusion in learning.
B: Identify the points of referral available to meet the individual needs of your learners.
Points to be considered (3.3): Points of referral (at least 3), e.g. organisation resources and policies for support and referral process, ‘traffic-light’ system, referring students for functional (basic/keys skills), tutorial or mentor support, specialist subject support, employer or work-based learning provider, counselling, external agencies where appropriate.
Traffic light-system:
As a teacher I use this to keep track of students’ improvement, or to obtain prompt feedback on student comprehension during instruction. Learners are treated equally and enjoy equal opportunity. Therefore, I used traffic-light system mechanism to comprehend the level of their knowledge, and how much they have assimilated. I am able to grade and encourage those who are lagging for further help. When using a traffic light strategy to keep track ofstudent learning.
Students learn how to evaluate their positions on the Traffic Light, and make corrections for their own learning. I grouped the scholars intothree, the first group is for those who are active in class, complete their assignments on time and have no problems assimilating information passed in class. Therefore they do not require further support. The second group are for students have low self-esteem, they lack self-confidence, though they always complete their assignments in time., these set of learners needs encouragement and motivation from the tutors to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. They require little support. The third group are those learners who finds it difficult to cope with classwork. these set of students required much support, they need extra support for purpose of inclusive learning, equality and diversity. However, this system is used by schools.
Referring students for functional (Basic/keys skills):
To promote equality and diversity, I make sure that no learners should be deprived of the basic improvement of their potential skills. Example, beautician will be sent to a beauty parlour for hands on experience, with professionals in their chosen field for work shadows in a work shop to gain practical skill aside the theoretical ones thought in class.
Employer or work base learning: I will help my learners to get placement in their field of study; to complement their theoretical knowledge in the class room. I will get a feedback from the organization on success so as to mentor and support them throughout the course and beyond the learning environment. Skills Training UK supplies companies with shortages problem employers across the capital. However, work based learning providers can assist company provide staff training for present workers and to reinforce new trainees and apprentices to provide the skills they need.
C: What are the strategies that you use to liaise with the professionals involved?
Points to be considered (4.4): Strategies (at least 3), e.g. regular contact, by phone, email, meetings, follow-up, involve professionals with students in and outside sessions, share information, keeping in up to date, keeping others informed.
By Phone:
I work together with experts either internally or externally, I conduct research by following up on our last conversation to get an up-to date feed backs for my learner. I am kept informed with where they are, who is involved and when we are likely to finish. Following the agreed method of teamwork between us this varies from issues on ground, a less complicated issues a simple phone call will resolve it.
By Email:
To back up for future references I follow up with emails so as to have proof of the conversation, I will refer to our last discussion on phone If it’s a serious case.
Experts need to sit together and take minutes. we will reach an agreement of a meeting place and all experts who present willparticipateaccording to their expertise. And until the case is settled a follow up on it with minutes of the last meeting emailed across to all involved including keeping my learner informed all through the process.
Task 6: Use communication strategies to promote diversity. Analyse how own behaviour can impact on an organisation’s culture in relation to equality and diversity (U18 AC 3.1 and 3.2)
Evidence: Lesson Plan, Assessor’s Observation, Report/Reflective Writing.
A. Demonstrate how you promote equality and diversity through a Lesson Plan.
Please see attached the lesson plan and assessor’s observation.
Points to be considered: Communication strategies e.g. positive use of verbal and non-verbal language, appropriate tone, paced to suit needs, non-judgemental, promoting students’ communication skills, respecting contributions of others, valuing different perspectives, use of transactional analysis in empowering students, relevance to your students’ experiences and background, translating as appropriate to language skills or level, understanding principles behind challenging behaviour
B. Define organisational culture. Define organisational culture:
Organisational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organisations. This policy defines how people in the organisation carry themselves, it addresses their behaviour, dress sense, and how they are perceived and should perform their jobs. An example in the NHS previously they see whistle blower as a bad thing. But now they have had to change their mind set to correct what they would have hidden in the past, it’s used to improve and develop the services.
C. Give examples of how your own behaviours impacted negatively and positively on the organisation culture.
Points to be considered: Impact of own behaviour (at least 4), e.g. sharing good practice, promoting through own teaching, adapting resources and assessment strategies, promoting an inclusive learning environment for all, working with others, role and responsibilities as a team member, confronting issues of bullying, empowering your learners, creating opportunities for sharing and celebrating diversity, liaising with community groups, sharing good practice, contributing to INSET.
Sharing good practice:
As discussed previously, I will be devoted to using the best mechanism, knowledge materials accessible updating them occasionally with the current resources at my disposition to ensure success. A best practice is a method that has been commonly approved as outstanding to any preference because it yield results that are superior to those accomplished by other process or because it has become a paradigm way of doing things
Promoting through teaching:
As a teacher I am a mentor to the learners and colleagues. For instance, I must be seen supporting the policies shielding me. For instance, I must be punctual to class and be well conserved always so as not to influence learners negatively. My manners and ways I conduct myself must be according to the rules which includes my way of dressing. Promoting equality and diversity, I should always inculcate appropriate behaviour that positively impacts on the institution image.
Working with others:
As a teacher, I work with other experts to benefit and complement each other, the benefit my learners who have diverse knowledge I will be able to relate and understand their cultural difference and be tolerant. Examples, I can liaise with my expert colleague art teacher to come take a session of arts to give my learners extra support in that subject that is not my discipline. My colleagues also get me to take their class in my own discipline.
Role and responsibility as a team member:
As a teacher you cannot isolate yourself from others I have to mix with other experts and sometimes make reference for the interest of all learners. I am enhancing equality and diversity if such references were not made and denied the learners of equal opportunity. We have departmental head etc. all department have their functions. If the learner needs something that is not within my authority I will refer them accordingly to the appropriate department.
Task 7. Review the effectiveness of own inclusive practice and promotion of equality and diversity.
Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to inclusive practice and promotion of equality and diversity and plan learners in smaller grouped using various formative methods in assessing their individual ability and learning capability, as a team, they share roles and responsibilities among themselves deciding who does what. At same time impact positively on the institutional culture opportunities to improve own skills in inclusive practice and promotion of equality and diversity. (U18 AC5.1,5.2,5.3; U21 AC 5.1, 5.2,5.3).
Evidence: Self Evaluation
In your self-evaluation, please make sure that you are addressing equality and diversity and inclusive practice in each section and that you have expected completion dates.
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